t w e n t y - s i x - d m ' s

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shawnmendes | mannymontgomery

hey do you know who luca stuart is?

he's one of nellie's old friends. she dated him from when she was 16 to 19 and then they broke up because he thought they would be better as friends but then they just kind of stopped talking.

hm okay. should I be worried about him?

i can guess that he still likes her but i haven't talked to her about him. i can if u want?


got u mate

thank you

how serious was their relationship?

pretty serious i'd say. i mean it was almost 3 years long. they really liked each other. he said he loved her. they had a really good relationship though. it was strong and he treated her well (although i think ur treating her better than he ever did). he was her first (ya know what i mean) and she really cared for him. i think she was really hurt when they broke up and stopped talking.

do you think they'll start talking again?

probably but she's not going to just ditch u shawn. i don't think u really understand how much she likes u and how fast she's falling for u.

I know. I'm just worried because I don't want to lose her.

i get it. but i don't think u have anything to worry about. i think it would be good though if u talked to her about it.


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