s i x t e e n - i n s t a g r a m

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liked by shawnmendes, kadenlockhart, and 3,991 others

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liked by shawnmendes, kadenlockhart, and 3,991 others

whoanellie u know shawn be snackin up on them goldfish

tagged shawnmendes

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babemendes they're hanging out together now!

shawnmendes call me back!!

jackj #shellie

honeyshawn shawn is so cute om

mendes20 u really need to not hang out with him. you're going to distract him from his music.

shawnmendes @mendes20 hi. I really don't appreciate you talking to a friend of mine in that way. 1, you can't just tell my friends they need to not hang out with me and 2, she's absolutely not distracting me from my music. if anything, she's giving me more ideas for songs. whether you are a fan or not, please treat me and my friends the right way.

mannymontgomery cute

whoanellie @mannymontgomery ?

mannymontgomery @whoanellie i'm just saying that @shawnmendes is a cutie patootie

mendess  shawn protecting nellie is actual goals ?? also "she's giving me more ideas for songs" ????? aRe tHeRe gOiNg tO bE sOnGs aBoUt NeLLiE????

shawnmendes @mannymontgomery thanks boo😙

whoanellie what the fuck

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