t w e n t y - t h r e e - i n s t a g r a m

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liked by whoanellie, benhawkes, and 1,694,129 others

shawnmendes so incredibly proud of you💛

tagged whoanellie

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mendesxhun classic shellie yellow heart

bbymendes we love a supportive mans

whoanellie thank u bub💛

shellie bUb??!!

shawmilla111 shawn u belong with camilla! why don't u see that u shouldn't be with this girl she's not the one

aaliyahmende.s shawn we need to have a talk about your love life

happyshawn cutest couple!! ^also omg we love aaliyah

bbymendes @happyshawn tECHNICALLY they haven't confirmed anything but gurl u right

harrystyles @whoanellie you have a beautiful voice, x Harry

whoanellie @harrystyles thank you so much that means the world to me coming from you

whoanellie honestly that reply to his comment was so chill but iM FUCKING FREKING OUT YALL HARRY EDWARD FUCKING STYLES THINKS I HAVE A BEAUTIFUL VOICE

babexshellie @whoanellie IM WITH YOU HUN HOLY SHIT IM SO PROUD OF U

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