f o u r t e e n - d m ' s

392 3 0

mannymontgomery | shawnmendes


u crushin on my gurl nelbows??

hey man I know that you guys are friends and if you like her more than that then I'll totally keep my distance

mateeee nooo get that girl

she and I are strictly friends never been anything more

but she is sO into u


hell yeah dude

she's crushing on u hardcore

shit man that's relieving

I was worried she didn't like me like that ya know?

I thought maybe she just wanted to be friends

but I think she's such an amazing girl

I've started writing a song about a girl I could fall in love with

and obviously it's about her

she's such an incredibly unique person and she has a beautiful heart

ur so falling for her

I really am man

let her know how u feel mate

she needs to know that u like her like she likes u

and just for the record, she's going to want to take it slow. she's not one for fast relationships. she's been hurt more than she deserves, so treat her right. if you don't imma slit ur throat

absolutely understood.

thanks man

no problem. i gotchu

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