t w e n t y - o n e - d m ' s

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hairy toes

jackj, shawnmendes, jackgilinsky, mannymontgomery | whoanellie

jackgilinsky we need all the juicy details

shawnmendes no you don't 

no u don't

mannymontgomery ahem excuse us but YES WE DO

mannymontgomery DID YOU GUYS KISS FINALLY????

jackj y'alls been flirting for too long

jackj also shawn told me he would man up and tell u he likes u

dumb bitches yes we kissed

jackgilinsky was that it? nellie u came home at like 1

shawnmendes we were starting a harry potter marathon

true story

mannymontgomery wE WeRe StArTiNg a hArRy pOtTeR MaRaThOn

mannymontgomery wE WeRe StArTiNg a hArRy pOtTeR MaRaThOn

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shut the fuck up manny

mannymontgomery sorry i had to

jackj oh that was great

shawnmendes gotta admit that was good

jackgilinsky real talk tho are y'all a thing now? like boyfriend girlfriend? or just "going out"? or like dating? fwb? fuck are y'all?

shawnmendes we're taking things slow right now so I'd say no labels


jackj are you guys going to tell fans or no?

i'd say not until a little later

shawnmendes I really don't want nellie getting any more hate than she is now, with me just hanging out with her. people would really bring it up if they found out we were dating. I don't want that.

mannymontgomery reasonable🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

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