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whoanellie [video]

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whoanellie [video]

n: "Hey guys, leaving for LA in a few. I hate plane rides. Wish me luck!"

shawnmendes1: you're gorgeous🤩🤩🤩

whoanellie: thank u shawn 💛 ur not too bad urself

shawnmendes1: you beat me by so much

shawnmendes1: it's so nice being able to comment on a picture of you without either of us getting attacked by fans

whoanellie: big fax. i'm getting on the plane now. wish me luck fr (manny is like 10 rows ahead of me!!!)

shawnmendes1: you afraid of heights?

whoanellie: yes, quite. that didn't sound like a lovely "good luck, u'll be okay"

shawnmendes1: good luck nellie, you'll be fine. I'm going to assume the plane has wifi so just text me (or dm me) if you're feeling uncomfortable. you'll be okay💛

whoanellie: i'll keep that in mind. thanks shawn

shawnmendes1: any time

instagram - shawn mendes / jack gilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now