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liked by whoanellie, shawnmendes, and 1,349,328 others

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liked by whoanellie, shawnmendes, and 1,349,328 others

jackgilinsky either she's mad or she's tired

tagged whoanellie

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shawnmendes or both

whoamendes ^omg that's the first time shawn has actually commented in so fucking long

themendes wow @shawnmendes proud of u for finally commenting

jackj she's tired and mad because her food isn't here yet

jackgilinsky @whoanellie @jackj ok y'all get of ya phones and give me some attention #whattaguygottado

jackjackxo hahaha jack's comment #whattaguygottado ❤️

whoanellie i'm hungover and tired and my food isn't here yet

whoanellie @jackgilinsky i was paying attention to u until u tagged me ... ?

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