f o r t y - r e a l i t y

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a/n hey idk how y'all feel about weed but they're high in this chapter so whoop

I pulled into the car park of Shawn's apartment, grinning, and got out of the car. I grabbed my backpack from the passenger seat and went into the building, feeling as though every step I took I was walking across a cloud. It was so squishy.

It felt like another hour before I finally got to Shawn's door.

I whispered to the door, "Tell Shawn I'm here." And then I waited, laughing slightly at myself. After standing for a couple minutes, I decided the door wasn't going to do anything and knocked.

Shawn opened the door, an amused smile on his face when he looked at me. "Hi honey," he said softly, and I stared at him for a few seconds before responding. He was wearing a plain grey tee shirt and a pair of black sweatpants, with a pair of plain white socks. It was a simple outfit, but he looked really hot in it.

"I like when you call me 'honey'. I can't believe you've never smoked weed, Shawn," I said, walking into his apartment and going straight towards the terrace. Shawn was following right behind me.

"It never really occurred to me to try it. I'm not against it or anything," Shawn shrugged, sitting across from me in one of the chairs on the terrace.

"Good, because you're about to try it," I smiled as I unzipped the big pocket of my bag. I pulled out a small container that held multiple joints in it, pulling one out and setting the container on the table next to me. I fished a lighter out of my pocket and smiled at Shawn. It seemed odd to me that he wasn't reacting very strongly towards this, but I'm not sure what else I was expecting.

I held the joint out to him. "This is a joint," I said slowly so that he could understand.

Shawn rolled his eyes, taking it from my hold. "I know what a joint is, Nel."

I shrugged. "I don't know what you know. Put it between your lips, bub." I watched as he did what I told him and then said, "Inhale when I light it, okay?" He nodded and I flicked the lighter on and held it to the end of the joint. The end glowed orange and then Shawn brought it away from his mouth, coughing as smoke came out of his mouth.

"Jesus Christ," he said through coughs, smiling as he did so, with tears in his eyes.

Once he was done coughing, he put the joint back to his lips. I lit it again for him, watched him inhale, and this time he coughed less. This happened a couple more times, until he didn't cough at all from taking a hit.

"This is like inhaling the energy of a fork," Shawn said with a chuckle after taking a few hits.

I laughed, taking the joint from his hands. "You're definitely high."

"No I'm not," he shook his head.

"Yes you are, Shawn," I told him, setting the joint on the table with the other ones.

"Okay maybe a little bit," Shawn smiled, showing me "a little bit" with his thumb and index finger. He stared at me for a few seconds, his hand still in the air. "You're beautiful, you know that?" he said quietly.

I could feel the heat creeping onto my cheeks as I smiled at him.

"Come here, baby," he said, motioning for me to come sit on the chair with him.

I shivered. "Can we go inside? It's a little chilly out here."

"Of course," he said, "that couch is lookin' like a real snack right now."

"Shawn, what?" I laughed, gathering the things on the table and putting them back in my bag.

"Speaking of snack, do I have any food?" he muttered to himself as he paced around the kitchen.

I shook my head, chuckling as he talked to himself. Closing the door to the terrace behind me, I dropped my bag by the door and hugged Shawn from the back.

"Hi darling," he said, kissing my hands and turning around so that he was facing me. "I love you."

I smiled. "I love you too, Shawn," I said, putting my hands on his cheeks and bringing his face closer to mine. His soft lips felt even better on mine when we were high. I closed my eyes and let myself dissolve into the kiss. After a minute or two, it felt like Shawn and I were just one thing, nothing separating our bodies and our hearts.

Shawn pulled away, his hands on my waist. "Can we bring this to the couch?" he whispered.

I nodded and he immediately picked me up, putting me over his shoulder and running over to the couch, and then dropping me onto my back on the couch. I laughed and couldn't help but giggle when he started kissing my neck, his legs on either side of my torso.

"Take this sweatshirt off, I can't reach your neck," he murmured, pulling at the neck of my black jumper.

"Okay, okay," I smiled, pulling the jumper over my head and throwing it to the side.

Shawn stopped when he saw the shirt I was wearing. "Is that my shirt?" he asked, pouting.

I tried to suppress the smile that was playing at my lips. "No..."

"Yes it is, you goon!" Shawn grinned.

I couldn't help but laugh this time. "I'm sorry, bub, but your shirts are so comfortable and they always smell like you," I said, looking up at him.

Shawn smiled. "You look adorable in it, too," he said. Then he brought his mouth close to my ear and whispered, "Although it would look much better if it wasn't on you at all." I could feel his breath on my ear and I smiled as I felt him bite my earlobe, then began kissing my neck again.

When he paused in the neck kissing, I quickly pushed him to my side, rolling so that now I was on the top. "Oh, okay," Shawn smirked, and now it was my turn to tease him.

I kissed and bit his neck, leaving little red marks. I could feel the way he gasped a little bit every time I bit another part of his neck, making me smile. I then pulled the bottom hem of his shirt up, pulling it all the way off and throwing it in the general direction of where I threw my jumper, leaving Shawn shirtless. I ran my fingers over his chest and then his abs, playing at the strings of his pants with my other hand. He groaned, closing his eyes and putting his head back as I ran my hand over the bulge in his pants. I took my hand off, causing him to sigh, and kissed down his chest and his stomach, beginning to pull down the waistband of his pants.

Shawn let out a small moan, and I smiled, knowing I was pleasing him.


"Babe, come to bed with me," Shawn said as I put his shirt back on, leaving me now in just his shirt and my underwear. He had on just his underwear, and I followed him to his room, where he had a salt lamp on, giving the room a gorgeous orange glow. His bed was large, and I climbed onto it after Shawn, pulling the covers over us and cuddling into Shawn's side.

"You make me so happy," Shawn said quietly, almost inaudible, kissing my head. "I love you so much, Nels."

"I love you too, bub," I murmured, drawing circles with my finger on his stomach. "And you make me happier than I could have ever imagined being."

I heard him sigh and then chuckle. "I like being high," he said. "And I love having sex high."

I smiled. "Yeah. That was pretty incredible," I agreed. "We better do that again."

"Oh, we will," Shawn said, and I let out a small laugh.

There was a silence and I could feel myself beginning to fall asleep. "I love you, Shawn," I muttered before drifting off to sleep.

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