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Here is the first chapter to celebrate the new month of April. Enjoy!

The rains fell really hard beating poor Jimin mercilessly. He ran to his car, opened the door and dashed in. He sat for a while wringing excess water off from his hair.

Exactly at that moment, his phone rang and he looked at the screen.


He sighed deeply before picking the call.


"Yeobo, where are you?"

"It's raining here Jeonyeong. I'll be home in a few minutes"

"Okay, I'll be waiting" she said and hung up.

Jimin sighed again and set himself straight before starting his car and driving off.

Life was perfect. He had a stable job, a loving hot wife and lots of cash to throw around. People around him envied him. He was the epitome of perfection. They all wanted to be like him. They all wanted to have what he had but what they didn't know was that Jimin was living a lie.

His life was definitely not a fairy tale. It was one of unending torture and the sad thing was he didn't know how long it would last.

A green traffic light appeared and he stopped his car. An advertisement was playing on the wall of a sky scraper building close to the highway and Jimin watched it silently with pain in his eyes.

The model was breathtakingly handsome while drinking, water slowly allowing his adam apple to bubble up and down. He blew a short kiss to the camera and Jimin's heart beat faster

Jeon Jungkook.

Jimin's heart had only ever beat for him but here he was forever far from his reach. He was a popular singer now. He debuted ten years ago and came out as gay two years ago. The industry was becoming more accepting of gay couples and Jungkook's popularity only seemed to soar especially after he recently announced his engagement to popular singer Lee Taemin who had been a close friend of Jimin back in the day.

A loud honk brought him back to earth. He pulled his eyes from Jungkook's image and drove off.

He reached his home where there wasn't any rain falling and parked outside the gate. He entered his house and noticed the whole place was dark. As soon as he switched on the light...

"Happy Birthday!"

Faces sprung out from nowhere and Jimin backed up when he saw it was the faces of people he already knew. He genuinely smiled. He had been so busy lately that he forgot his own birthday.

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Jimin
Happy Birthday to you.

It was Jeonyeong singing and she was coming towards him carrying a beautiful birthday cake with candles stuck on it. His parents and hers where behind her wearing smiles on their faces.

But sadly, seeing them brought all the frustrations and depression back in full force but as always, he faked a smile.

His mother reached out to him first and planted a kiss on his cheek.

"Happy Birthday son" She said.

"We are proud of you" His father said next, tapping him on his shoulder.

"Thank you"

His in-laws came closer.

"Maybe now, we can finally expect a grand child from you two"

Jeonyeong laughed blushing hard. "Appa...."

Jimin gulped.

His father in law grinned. "I'm counting on you"

His wife dragged her husband's arm.

"Yeobo, can't you see you are making him nervous?" She said.

Jeonyeong placed the cake on a center table.

"Come on sweetheart. Blow your candles and cut your cake" she whispered to him.

He nodded and everyone gathered around him. He blew the candles and cut the cake. Everyone cheered and Jeonyeong began to cut the cake and share it around.

Soon, a high blast of music filled the room and the guests began to drink and dance.

Jimin found a quiet corner where he sat down and took small sips of his beer. He was thirty three years old now. CEO of BangTwice Chemicals,  He was supposed to be happy but he wasn't.

"Mind if I join you?" said a voice beside him. Jimin turned and saw his friend Namjoon. He was the only one who stayed around with him after his decision to marry Jeonyeong ten years ago. His parents were wary of his relationship with Namjoon since he was gay and presently married to Jin one of their close friends back in college. His clique of friends had all left especially....He shook his head. He didn't want to bring that up now.

He smiled "Of course man... "

"How are you doing?"


Namjoon shook his head. "You look terrible you know...."

Jimin sighed. "Tell me about it. Ever since my father retired, it hasn't been easy"

Namjoon stared at him quietly till he spoke again. "How long are you going to keep doing this?"

Jimin looked at him. "What do you mean?"

"How long will you keep living a life of pretense? Does Jeonyeong know the real you?"

Jimin rubbed his eyes tiredly. "I don't know, I guess she suspects...."

"You have to end things with her"

Jimin scoffed "You think it's that easy? I've been married to her now for ten years. Her parents trusted me enough to merge their company with mine. They are even thinking of grand kids"

He laughed bitterly. " Even if I wanted to, I can't just stand up and walk away because I lied to them about my sexuality"

"Besides, it's already too late. I heard Jungkook is getting married to Taemin" Jimin said, his face contorting in pain.

Namjoon nodded "That's right.... but there's something else you have to know"

Jimin looked at him expectantly.

"Taehyung is back. He came back from US this morning"

Jimin stiffened. Another one of his friends who abandoned him ten years ago without any explanation.

Jimin sighed "He didn't bother to tell me. He was my best friend"

"Maybe you can get to see him tomorrow. He's having an art exhibit  in Seoul tomorrow morning. Here is the address"

He handed Jimin a business card. Jimin looked at it. He wasn't sure he would go but he needed to see his long lost best friend though.

"Alright, I'll see if I can go tomorrow"

Namjoon tapped his shoulder lightly. "I'll be leaving now. I have business early in the morning"

"Send my regards to Jin and the kids"

Namjoon grinned. "Oh, I will" He got up and paused for a moment. "Think about what i said Jimin. You deserve to be happy"

Jimin just nodded. Namjoon shrugged and walked away.

He sighed. He wished he could do that but he couldn't. He had too much to loose. If only there was a time machine. He would go to the past and do things differently. He would confess to Jungkook and who knows, he would probably be in Taemin's shoes now.

He drowned his beer. If only....

To be continued in the next chapter. Hope you like it. Leave your votes and comments. Thank you so much!

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