Thirty six

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It was now a month since the break up. Jimin tried some more to rekindle their relationship but Taehyung was adamant on the separation. He was done. The former couple where no longer the same. The days and weeks seemed to drag on painfully, slowly and Jimin longed for escape. He wanted to return to his own timeline. The torture was too much to handle. Seeing Taehyung and not being able to be with him was difficult and because they lived in the same dorm, they ended up running into each other on countless occasions and during those times, they would simply nod their heads at each other and walk past as though they where strangers.

Jimin visited Jung min in the orphanage whenever Taehyung wasn't there. He had begged Sunmi to inform him whenever Taehyung comes and goes in other to reduce the chances of running into him. It worked but Jung min could tell right away that things where not right with his favorite hyungs.

One day, Jimin was cradling Jung min in his arms while looking at the pictures taken during the fundraiser and the camping trip. Whenever he laid his eyes on Taehyung's image, tears fell down his eyes. He stopped when he felt Jung min's little hands on his cheeks wiping his tears away. He looked at him so pitifully and Jimin immediately stopped crying in other not to worry the little boy. He hugged him tighter.

"I'm fine Minnie, I'm fine!" he whispered before planting a small kiss on the little boy's cheek. Jung min held him tighter and Jimin felt much better but he dreaded the time when Jung min would leave with his new parents. The adoption had already been processed and he would be gone any moment. The realization hurt Jimin who had come to love and cherish the little one as much as Taehyung did. He had come to see value in the things Taehyung had loved just like the orphanage and the kids in them.

Finally, the final years where rounding up their projects and soon graduation was just around the corner. It was getting colder soon. Jimin had suddenly called his parents on phone one day and told them he was gay. They had always had an idea even in his real time line but they had never confronted him about it and he had never came out to them so they simply married him off but things where going to be different now. He wished he had the courage to have done this but he had been too much of a coward who allowed his parents to live his life for him. They where out of their wits threatening him to come back home or risk them coming to his school but he just laughed it off. He really didn't care anymore.

One day, Hoseok dragged his feets into the dorm looking tired. He was holding a paper bag in his hands as he threw it onto the bed and removed his jacket which he also dumped carelessly on the bed.

"ugh how annoying! I've told Yoongi to leave me alone yet he keeps bothering me" he complained.

Jimin shook his head. "You both haven't reconciled yet!"

The latter frowned "As if! He ruined your relationship with Taehyung!"

Jimin smiled. "He didn't ruin anything. I did. I was the one who didn't trust my boyfriend"

Hoseok scoffed.

"You should forgive him already. If you keep playing hard to get for long, he might actually stop trying and move on to someone else"

Hoseok frowned. "He dare not!" he said and Jimin chuckled.

Hoseok suddenly reached for the paper bag and brought out a rice cake. As soon as Jimin sighted it, he froze. Hoseok held it to Jimin not noticing the change in his entire countenance at first.

"Yoongi bought some for me. Here have some" he said

But Jimin wasn't there. His soul had left his body. All he could think of was Taehyung giving him rice cakes because he was too cheap to buy anything expensive except when he was going shopping buying clothes and jewelries. Tears clouded his eyes and Hoseok stared in confusion.

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