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It took him almost an eternity before he knocked on the door. There was no response at first so he knocked again and the door finally flung open revealing Taehyung in a loose t shirt and boxers.

The other looked surprised to see him. "Hey...what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be on a date?" he said.

There was no response from Jimin thereby causing Taehyung to peer closer at his reddened face and notice the small tears on his cheeks.

"Jimin...did you cry?" he asked, worry etched in his voice.

Jimin simply sighed softly. "Can I come in?" He whispered.

Without waiting for a response, he walked past Taehyung and dumped himself onto his bed sighing heavily as he buried his face into the pillow.

Taehyung closed back the door and stared at Jimin looking quite worried for him.

"Jiminah, are you okay? Did something happen?"

Jimin sat up suddenly crossing his legs and fuming slightly.

"I don't want to talk about it" he whispered.

"Oh... Okay" Taehyung said and sat down beside him on the bed knowing he's still going to spill the beans sooner or later and he was right because Jimin started to talk, his lips trembling slightly.

"We where having a great time actually. We went to the movies, ate popcorn, he even consoled me when I was crying over a scene in the movie, he held my hands and we went to a restaurant to have a meal..."

He paused midway, biting his lips to keep himself from crying.

"But everything got ruined the moment he arrived"


"My friend Taemin"

Taehyung nodded his head. "Oh... Taemin, he's a really beautiful man" he whispered under his breath but suddenly almost died of heart attack when he saw how Jimin furiously glared at him.

"What?" he sparked.

"No... Nothing" he said quickly flashing him a small smile to quell his anger.

Jimin rolled his eyes but continued anyway with a sulky expression.
"So Taemin happened to be at the same restaurant and immediately Jungkook saw him, it was like I didn't exist to him anymore. He practically kicked me to the curb"

He let out a heavy breath. "He kept flirting with him right in front of me and Taemin even encouraged him"

Tears trickled down his eyes "I couldn't take it anymore so I told him to take me back home"

He was trying hard not to cry and Taehyung saw it so he encircled his arms around his neck.

"It's okay Jimin. I told you Jungkook is a play boy"

"But what am I going to do Tae? I'm so in love with him. He's the reason why I'm here in the first place" he cried.

Taehyung backed off a bit staring at him in confusion.

"You know, you say the strangest things these days"

Jimin looked away. He was talking too much and probably Taehyung might find out the real truth about him. He's from a different era but then he relaxed. Who would actually believe that? No one. It still felt like a dream even to him.

Taehyung suddenly stood up beaming. "You know what will make you feel better?"

"What?" Jimin asked looking disinterested already. He wasn't interested in anything if it didn't concern Jungkook.

"Ice cream!"

Jimin groaned. "No thanks!"

Taehyung pouted. "But ice-cream always seems to cheer you up and besides you need to clear your head"

Jimin took a deep breath reconsidering the whole thing. He just wanted to cuddle up with Taehyung and cry his heart out but it looked like his friend wouldn't let him do that.

"Okay" he said reluctantly.

"Great!" Taehyung said loudly and started looking through his closet for something to wear. He settled for baggy pants and shirt with his typical bandana over his head and as usual he looked great after he was done dressing.

"Ready?" he said to the other and Jimin nodded instinctively taking Taehyung's outstretched hands.

Holding hands had always seemed so normal to them even though it made other people around them misunderstand their relationship. The whole holding hands thing started in high school. Taehyung was always been chased by girls because of his looks so in other to keep them at bay, he begged Jimin to hold his hand every time they were in public. It was fun to do that and watch the reactions of the girls when ever they saw them together with their interlocked hands walking everywhere so in highschool, half of the students and even the teachers thought they where gay and where a couple. The first assumption was right but the second, totally false.

Anyway, they grew accustomed to it and now, it was so normal to them, they didn't care if people mistook them for a couple. They both left the dorm together hand in hand and slowly strolled to the ice cream shop. When they arrived , they began to choose their flavor. Jimin went for the strawberry one while Taehyung chose vanilla.

They sat at a table to enjoy their ice cream. As they licked their cream of deliciousness, Taehyung watched him carefully. With time, his stares where becoming so intense that Jimin grew uncomfortable.

"Yah... Why are you staring at me like that?" he nearly shouted.

Taehyung reddened embarrassed "Sorry, it's just I can't help but notice that there's something quite different about you"

Jimin began to shift uneasily. "What? Why do you say so?" he breathed out.

Taehyung shrugged. "I don't know...it's just maybe your mannerisms have changed. You're acting more mature these days"

He smiled. "You used to be so timid and shy but now you're braver and acting on your feelings"

He stopped, his eyes focused. "It's you but a different you"

Jimin smirked. "you don't like it? "

Taehyung chuckled. "Actually I do... I like you anyway you are"

Jimin laughed feeling better because of Taehyung.

"Sorry I didn't ask before but how about your test?"

"It was good. I think I aced it this time"

"Try not to get distracted again okay?"

Taehyung looked at him for a full second and Jimin was starting to feel awkward again.

"Don't worry, I won't" He finally said  and pulled his eyes away from him. Jimin nodded his head but then suddenly started thinking something as he looked at Taehyung, an idea forming in his mind. He kept thinking to himself that he couldn't give up on Jungkook without a fight. He came back to the past just so he could be with him and he was going to do just that. Nothing was going to stop it but how could he achieve that when Taemin was standing in his way. He knew of only one method he could use to gain Jungkook's attention and it was a method that has been proven and tested over time to solve one's love problem. Unfortunately, it meant he was going have to be a little selfish but right now, he was desperate.

"Tae?" he whispered.

Taehyung looked at him. "What is it?"

Jimin cleared his throat. "Will you be my boyfriend?"

Taehyung froze as he stopped eating his ice cream and stared in complete shock at him and right there Jimin wished he could take it all back.

To be continued. Have a great day everyone!

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