Twenty two

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Taehyung was disturbed as he went back to the orphanage dragging his feet on the ground while wearing a tired expression on his face. He stopped as Hoseok rushed to him looking worried.

"Where is Jimin? I saw you go after him"

Taehyung sighed heavily. "He left. He just ran away...a strange old woman approached us outside and offered to read our palms. After reading mine, she read Jimin's and it was strange what she said"

Hoseok looked curious "What did she say?"

"She kept yelling that Jimin is not from our time that he is older than he actually is because she couldn't read his palm"

Hoseok shook his head and waved his hands non chalantly "Don't worry. She's probably a crazy woman. Don't take her words to heart"

Taehyung didn't believe that.

"But that doesn't explain Jimin's behavior. You should have seen him. He was completely terrified. I wanted to do something but I feel like i am the last person in the world who can help him"

Hoseok noted the look of sadness in the eyes of the younger and felt so sorry for him.

"You really care about him don't you?"

Taehyung smiled painfully as he nodded his head.

"I do. I care about him and I also like him a lot. At first, it was hard for me to come to terms with my feelings but I finally decided not to fight it. That way, I felt better about myself...more freer"

He lowered his eyes. "But my relationship with Jimin is slowly getting worse. He keeps pushing me away. Ever since that night when I kissed him, he's been acting strange, avoiding me and now, we end up fighting over the smallest things"

Hoseok smiled to himself. He knew what Jimin was going through. He was still in a state of denial.

"Then you have to let him know how you feel"

"I told him... "

"You don't only have to tell him, you have to prove it"

Taehyung looked confused.

Hoseok continued "It's weird when your best friend suddenly confesses that they like you. It changes a lot of things. You don't know how to react around them because you are scared of loosing the friendship you used to have. So try and understand how he's feeling"

Taehyung looked helpless with thinking eyes. "But what can i do to make Jimin take me more seriously?"

Hoseok eyed Nayeon who was standing few meters away from them and was busy adjusting the mic in her hand.

"First, get rid of her" He said as he pointed to her.

"Nayeon? She's just a friend...."

Hoseok rolled his eyes. "Friend? Really? Are you blind? Can't you see she's after you? She's a threat to your relationship with Jimin. How do you expect him to take you seriously when she's always hanging around you. It's not a good sight to see"

Taehyung nodded in agreement.

"Okay, I'll try to keep her at arms length" He said.

Hoseok smiled. "Good. If you want to be taken more seriously then you need to know what you want. Do you want Jimin to like you as Taehyung the man, or Taehyung the best friend"

"Both!" he answered with a blush.


"Because a best friend is the closest person to someone and i still want to be that person to Jimin while also loving him"

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