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Taehyung decided to stroll to school that morning and watch Jimin practice. It was a Saturday and they where having practice later that evening so he had nothing better to do. Thankfully, they had resolved their earlier disagreement so there weren't any grudges between them. He whistled some of his song lyrics in his head as he walked past the stores but then stopped in front of a woman selling rice cakes. He thought for a while before deciding to buy the snack for Jimin. He bought it and walked towards the dance studio but he stopped abruptly when he saw Jimin sitting on the stairs in front of the building. He had a sulky expression on his face. Taehyung sat beside him trying to read his expression but Jimin seemed wrapped up in his thoughts.

"Hey... What going on?" Taehyung said waking him up from his trance.

Jimin smiled upon noticing him. "Oh Tae, what are you doing here?"

He sounded very tired.

"Oh... I just came to check up on you since I'm free" he paused. "But why aren't you practicing?"

Jimin brushed his fringe from his face as he let out a sad sigh "They shifted the competition. It's now next month"

Taehyung was surprised. "Wait but why?"

"I don't know! They suddenly shifted the competition. I have trained so long for this. I was so prepared"

"I know it sucks but it will give you more time to train harder" Taehyung said flashing him a small smile which Jimin half returned. Taehyung showed him the rice cake he got for him.

"I got you this. It isn't much but..."

His words were cut off as they saw Jungkook and Taemin getting down from Jungkook's car. Taemin was holding plenty of bags in his hands. It looked like they just went shopping. Jimin's mood immediately turned sour as he watched them laughing and kissing.

"Looks like some people are actually enjoying themselves" He muttered with a sneer at he took a bite of his rice cake. Taehyung watched him quietly before suddenly grabbing his hand

Jimin was taken aback. "Yah...what is it?"

"Do you wanna go somewhere? I know a place"

Jimin arched his eyebrows. "What place? I know everywhere you know"

Taehyung smiled. "Just trust me!"

Jimin finally agreed and let Taehyung take his hand as they left the studio painfully aware of Jungkook's watchful gaze.

Taehyung kept holding his hand as they walked on. Jimin was curious as to where they where going to but he didn't want to ask any questions and spoil the fun. It was quite a long walk with many turns but they soon arrived at the place and Jimin looked around them. It was an abandoned amusement park. Many of the equipments where already rusty and faded but it felt peaceful, beautiful even.

Jimin took in a breath of fresh air.

"Wow, this is amazing. How long have you known about this place?"

"For about a month now!"

Jimin slapped his chest softly "A month! And it didn't even occur to you to show your best friend"

Taehyung grinned. "Guess I was feeling selfish but I think now is the best time to share this place with you"

Jimin looked away from him. He loved this place. It was so serene and he felt like he could just relax and think instead of plotting his next strategy on how to win Jungkook's heart. He sat down on an old rusty swing letting the calm breeze blow through his hair but then froze as he heard the sound of a camera snapping. He turned and saw Taehyung taking pictures of him. He blushed.

Time is not long enough (Vmin) Where stories live. Discover now