Twenty three

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Jimin was suddenly awoken by the sound of his phone ringing. He looked to the other side of the room towards Hoseok's direction and noticed the latter wasn't in bed. Rubbing his eyes tiredly, he picked up the phone quickly and saw the caller ID. It was Taehyung. His heart thumped. It felt like forever since Taehyung spoke to him on phone so he answered

"Hey Chim!" Taehyung said making use of his old nick name and Jimin couldn't help but smile.

"Hey you!" Jimin with a nervous smile placed on his face.

"I was going to wait until you came out of the room but it's kinda late...."

He let out a breathy laugh. "Have you checked the time yet?"

"No!" Jimin said, the same time he was picking up his watch. As soon as he set his eyes on the time, he screamed. It was eight already. He was going to be late to his first lecture.


He could hear Taehyung chuckling over the phone.

"You just get ready. I'll be waiting outside for you"

Taehyung, waiting outside for him? Normally, he never read any meaning to it but now, it was a whole different story. He blushed.

"Thanks Tae" he whispered before adding "Just wait a while, I'll be done"

Within a few minutes, Jimin had showered and dressed. He grabbed all his necessary things before heading out of his room. Taehyung wasn't in front of his door which meant he was waiting outside in his car. Bouncing with happiness, he left the dorm and of course, there was Taehyung waiting in his car.

He tried to look normal just like he used to be as he approached the car. Taehyung opened the opposite door for him as he stood in front of it.

"Thank you" Jimin said and hopped in.

They flashed each other warm smiles before Taehyung drove away.

There was a comfortable silence between them before Jimin broke it.

"To be honest, I was surprised when you called to pick me up"

Taehyung arched his eyebrows.  "Why?"

Jimin bit his lips nervously "Well... Because it seems like forever since you and i have been together like this. I didn't really think you wanted us to spend time with each other because of how I've been behaving towards you"

Taehyung laughed, his eyes glinting.

"To be honest, I was avoiding you too...just a little. I thought you needed space from me"

Jimin nodded a little dissapointed.

"But not anymore. I'm going to stick to you like glue. We're going to do everything together from now on"

Jimin felt really happy to hear that. Apart from his growing feelings for Taehyung, he had felt really lonely without him. They used to be so close before, never leaving each other's side. However, recent happenings has caused a gap in their friendship. A gap Jimin was glad Taehyung was trying to bridge.

He suddenly took one of Taehyung's hand from the steering wheel and squeezed it softly as he left Taehyung to drive with the other hand.

"I'm going to stick to you like glue too" he said.

The boxy smile Taehyung gave him at that moment made his heart pound harder. Flustered, he withdrew his hand but Taehyung caught it back again and held it while looking ahead with a straight face as if he didn't know what he was doing. Jimin gazed at him noticing a small smile tugging at the side of his lips. He simply laughed to himself.

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