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Taehyung had really become successful. Jimin thought this to himself as he wandered across the large hall looking at the various photo exhibits hung on the walls. They all looked so professional and sophisticated.

That morning, Jimin finally decided to go to the photo exhibit after thinking a lot about it. He really wasn't happy with how Taehyung just upped and left without any explanation. Yes, Taehyung wasn't happy with his marriage to Jeonyeong and warned him against it but it wasn't enough reason to abandon him like that. He was his best friend. They had even made that dumb promise to always be together forever and never let go of each other's hand and stuff. This was why Jimin was mad but apart from that, he needed answers, an explanation maybe so he cancelled all his meetings that day and prepared himself to meet Taehyung.

The art gallery was filled to the brim that particular day. Taehyung had made a name for himself in the hearts of art lovers. His photos and paintings were exquisite and people paid millions to purchase his works. His area of specialty was natural scenery and on occasions, he took pictures of human beings.

Despite being early, there was no way Jimin could meet Taehyung face to face. He was scheduled to arrive at 10: 00 am. It was still nine thirty so Jimin took the time to inspect the art pieces.

One of them caught his attention. It was a picture of a sunny beach. The sunset looked really beautiful and there was an image of a lonely figure sitting on the sands. The strange thing about the picture was that he knew that beach and discovered he was the lone figure sitting on the sands, staring into the sea. Though his back and hair was the only thing to be seen, he knew he was the one. He remembered that day all too well. It had been one of the worst days of his life but the sunset casting it's rays on the beach had lightened him up a little. He had thought he was the only one there on that beach that day but seeing this picture, it was apparently wrong.

"This guy... " Jimin muttered to himself and smirked.

Immediately, there was a commotion outside the building and Jimin could hear Jungkook and Taemin's name being yelled out loud by several voices. He turned around only to see people rushing outside. Jimin joined them and there he was holding hands with Taemin.

"We love you Jungkook!"

"We love you Taemin!"

"You guys look good together"

Voices shouted all at once as the two handsome men flashed their cutest smiles and everyone swooned. Jimin's heart sank. He thought he had gotten used to the feeling but he was still not over Jungkook and he doubted he ever will.

What was he even doing here? He remembered that Taehyung and Jungkook had been friends in college too so it was only normal for him be here. No, Jimin couldn't be here right now. He had to leave. Something kept poking him at the back of his mind so he turned away from the crowd and dashed back inside. He was going to use the back door and disappear from there but in his haste, he collapsed into someone and heard the sound of a body falling to the ground.

He quickly stood up to apologize when he saw the person getting up too. He froze on the spot when he recognized the face of the other.


"Jimin? Is this really you?" The other whispered.

Jimin couldn't help himself and flung his arms around him.

"I missed you man"

Taehyung chuckled lightly as Jimin released him and looked him up and down.

"You look good Tae..." Jimin said. He really did look good. He had become more masculine and broader and he got even more handsome.

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