Thirty nine

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Jimin dragged his feet out from bed and walked towards the living room. The smell of pancakes became stronger and he could hear the sound of Jeonyeong humming from the kitchen. He stood in the middle of the room aimlessly unsure of what to do.

One thing he had learned from Jeongyeong in the time line was that she was a woman who could carry a really strong grudge. He was afraid of how she would react if he decided to call it quits. He knew he had to end their marriage here and tell her the truth about him but how could he do that now? What excuse could he possibly give to her?

While in the midst of his thoughts, she walked in with a tray and stopped as she saw him, a warm smile litting up her face.

"Yeobo, you're awake. You've been asleep for so long"

Jimin forced a smile on his face.

"Why don't you freshen up? I'll be done with breakfast soon"

"Oh... Okay" Jimin muttered.

He felt incredibly guilty. Despite everything, she had been a good wife to him, nice and caring. She had stayed with him for ten years and he had no reason to end their marriage apart from the fact that he didn't love her and no matter what she did, he could never love her. The fact that his life had been nothing but miserable since he married her was not her fault, it was all his, simply because he had chosen to live a lie partly because of his parents and partly because he had given up on love ever since he realised that he could never have Jungkook.

He sighed and left the living room. He didn't know how long he stayed in the shower letting the cool water fall on his skin as his thoughts travelled far until he finally came out, dressed in casual clothing.

Jeongyeong was sitting at the dining table looking a bit pensive as she watched him seat opposite her.

"You took quite a while. Are you alright?" she asked.

"I'm fine."

"Let's eat!" she said with a small smile.

Jimin nodded picking at his toasts. He had no appetite. Ten years! Ten whole years and it was all going to end today.

"Jeonyeong, I have to tell you something"

"No!" she said in a sharp voice then continued. "I have to tell you something"

She bit her lips and took out a paper from her jean pocket. With a sad smile, she gave it to him.

"What's this Jeongyeong?" he asked. She didn't answer so he opened the paper wider and gazed at it. His eyes widened when he saw it's contents. It was a divorce paper. His heart thumped in his chest as he looked up at Jeongyeong unable to say a single word. He was shocked, utterly, completely.

"it took me a while before i came to this conclusion" She said looking down at her feet
"I've been seeing someone else for six months now. He's a good man and I'm happy with him. He's the one who gave me the strength i finally needed to let you go"

Jimin's heart beat faster as he gripped the paper tighter and looked at the pained expression on her face.

"I'm so sorry for keeping you with me all these years even when i knew you didn't love me...We only got married because your parents forced you to but since the beginning, I knew that you where different"

"You knew?" he whispered.

Jeonyeong nodded. "I've known you for ten years Jimin. Of course i knew. I started getting the hints one year after our marriage. The signs were all there but I didn't want to believe it. I chose to live in denial because i knew you wouldn't have the mind to end our marriage. I wanted to hang on because  i really loved you and I enjoyed the title of being the parks daughter in law"

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