Twenty seven

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Thirteen years ago

Kim Taehyung laid down on the hospital bed, he felt weak and tired as his skin was pricked with all kinds of pins and needles. He couldn't count the number of times the nurses had injected him. His skin hurt.

His mother suddenly walked in looking physically drained, her eyes worn out. She sat close to him and started to cry. His heart ached watching his mother shed tears like this. As far as he knew, she had always been a strong woman but seeing her like this showed the extent of her pain.

"Eomma, are you crying?" he whispered lifting his hand up to wipe her tears but she quickly wiped it off herself sniffing quietly.

"It's nothing sweetie. I just got something in my eye" She said but Taehyung knew it was a lie. He may only be ten but he knew when adults lie. He could just tell.

His father suddenly rushed inside "How is he?" he whispered gently stroking Taehyung's forehead.

"He's looking better" His mother answered then his father grabbed her hands.

"Yeobo, I need to talk to you privately" he said. He took her few steps away from where he was but he could faintly hear their conversation.

"Five hundred million won? where are we going to get that kind of money?" His mother suddenly cried.

His father shook his head. "I will borrow, take a loan from the company. Sell the house...."

"The house? Oh God!"

"But what can we do, Tae needs the heart transplant. We can't let our only son die like this but even if we sell all these, it won't be enough"

His father's head was bent. He looked deeply agonized.

"If only we could get a donor" His mother whispered breaking into fresh loads of tears. His father wrapped his arms around her.

"If only, but miracles do not exist" he whispered.

Taehyung felt like crying but he held himself back trying to think happy thoughts in his mind. He didn't want to add to his parent's frustrations. He knew his parents were well off but not that well off to gather such huge amount of money in such a short period of time.

He wanted to tell them not to worry, to let him go peacefully but they would never listen to him. They would fight tooth and nail to ensure that he lived. Why? Because they where parents and he was their only child.

He just closed his eyes and tried to sleep but he was uncomfortable due to the fact that he was even having difficulty breathing.

He was given a tranquilizer and when he woke up, he found out he wasn't alone. Some other person had occupied the other bed beside his own.

He looked to see who it was and noticed a pale skinned girl with long dark hair lying on the bed. She opened her eyes when she caught him staring and Taehyung backed off.

She suddenly sat up on the bed and looked at him with a bright smile. She was pretty with dimples on each sides of her cheeks and Taehyung felt a crush for the first time in his life.

"Who are you?" He asked.

She didn't answer and just looked at him.

"What is your name?" he asked again but still, she remained silent. Then she suddenly came nearer to him and Taehyung felt his weakened heart beating fast.

She bobbed her head up and down, indicating that she wanted him to talk again and so he did.

"What's your name?"

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