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"Hey! Wait up!" Yoongi caught up to Tae, who was still daydreaming. Yoongi flicked him on the head. Tae suddenly turned to face Yoongi.

"Oh, hyung!" Tae said with a smile. "I didn't know you'd be here." Tae looked down at the bags he had. "Are you going somewhere?"

"I was thinking you could come over to my house. Maybe we could watch a movie and eat snacks? But only if you're up for it, I don't wanna force you." Yoongi looked down at the ground. He knew the answer to Tae's question. That other boy had already cheered him up. Why would Tae need him?

"I would love it more than anything." Tae said with a warm smile. Yoongi looked up at Tae in shock, then smiled. "Ok then let's go home!" Tae grabbed Yoongi's hand and they walked they rest of the way.

Yoongi saw Tae's hair, how it shined against the pale moonlight. Yoongi wanted nothing more than to hold Tae and protect him from everything. But Yoongi knew he couldn't. He knows better than to suffocate his best friend. 'Oh but Tae, only if you knew the things you do to me.' Yoongi thought as he looked at the way Tae held his hand.

It was this tight grip, and Tae's hands were so warm it send shivers down his spine. But Yoongi only held on tighter, and that's where things went wrong.

(A/N: so uh, there's a chance of spoilers for Me Before You, just letting you know)

"So what's the movie about?" Tae said as he grabbed multiple covers and made his way onto the couch. He sat down and adjusted his matching pjs. They were blue, yellow, and red. Tae also brought Yoongi pjs that were brown. He looked cute.

Yoongi walked from the kitchen to the living room. In his hands he had drinks and snacks. Yoongi made his way to the couch, getting under all the covers Tae had brought over.

Jungkook was in his room playing video games, with his other virgin friends, for a solid hour.

Yoongi placed everything. He got up and squatted down to put the movie in. He read the back of the box, then gave a brief description to Tae.

"Well, basically, this movie is about this woman named Lou. She's pretty but her taste in fashion is, well, unique. She and her family live together, and although they don't have much, they make it work. Apparently she finds a job as a caregiver to this man who is paralyzed from the neck down due to a motorcycle accident. He's all depressed and Lou wants him to be happy. So she makes him travel the world and show him life is work living. But I think while she is changing his mind, she also changes his heart."

Yoongi looks up at Tae, who is intrigued. Yoongi gives Tae a tender smile, puts in the movie, and joins Tae. Together they sit on the couch, with no space for anyone else, not even Jesus.

The movie plays, Tae falls in love with Lou, and everything she does. "I really like her taste in fashion." Tae smiles. Yoongi looks at all 5 feet and 7 inches of a, colorful mess, a beautiful wreak, but she's funny. Yoongi laughs slightly. "Of course you would." The movie goes on.

A good 45 minutes pass, and the credits come on. Tae, who had been sobbing his eyes out completely in those 45 minutes, starts to cry into the blankets. "Ah, that's not fair! They had such a beautiful love story. Did he really have to die? I would have stayed. That was selfish of him to still want to kill himself. She loved him with everything, and sure, he wasn't loved widely, but he was loved deeply. And that's more than any of us could say. They had a chance, but in the end, what he did for her, I guess I'm not completely upset." Tae said while trying to wipe off all the tears.

Yoongi stared at him, there was a sudden urge to hold him. He clenched his fists and his eyes were worried. Yoongi then pulled him into his chest. "Wasn't it selfish of her though? No one told her to fall in love with him. She came to do her job, but got so much more out of it. I guess you could say he did fall in love, because he did, very hard. But he couldn't live like that. He always felt like a burden. Like she could be so happy if he were, different."

These words that Yoongi said, cut his heart like knifes.

"He told his family he was going to give them 3 months, which he did. So I guess the best thing they could do was honor his wishes. And sure, it was selfish of both of them. But isn't it better that way? If your selfish, it means you want to hold on. And isn't it ok to hold on?"

Yoongi, at this point, was crying. And as he cried he held Tae in his chest, tighter. Yoongi was really asking that question, for him.

"Well, hyung. I think that sometimes holding on, does more damage, than letting go." Tae looks up at Yoongi. To his surprise, Yoongi is crying. Tae automatically pulls back. "Yoongi! Are you crying!" Tae says as he slowly leans back forward and leans in to wipe Yoongi's tears.

Yoongi chuckles, "I'm not crying my eyes are sweaty." Tae laughs lightly. He pulls in Yoongi for an embrace. "It's ok to cry hyung. Crying doesn't make you weak, it just means you've been strong for to long." He pulls Yoongi into a hug. Tae is gently rubbing his warm hands up and down Yoongi's back, which brings goosebumps to Yoongi's body. Yoongi, who is in shock, stares off into the distance. His hands are up, but to the side, unsure if he should hug Tae back.

With that, Yoongi embraces Tae with both arms, and cry's. Tae holds Yoongi, and whispers sweet nothings to him. Yoongi fell asleep, crying. But it was a relief for Tae, because he knew Yoongi was able to relax for once.

He's been stressed lately and Tae didn't know what to do. It was nice seeing him like this.


Tae was laying on the couch, and Yoongi was on top of him, sleeping. Tae slowly ran his fingers through Yoongi's soft hair. Tae then hears, what sounds like a purr, come from Yoongi. Tae looks down and smiles. "Gosh, he's such a kid."

With that Tae puts Yoongi on the couch for a while, and fixes up the living room. Once he put everything away. He grabbed Yoongi from the couch and put him into his guest bedroom. He tucked him in, patted his head and began to walk out the door.

He then felt a tug. Yoongi pulled Tae into his arms. He whispered in Tae's ear. "Thank you for tonight. Thank you for listening to me, thank you for comforting me, thank you for loving me." Yoongi then fell asleep. Tae smiled, sat up, and then said. "No Yoongi, thank you for teaching me, how to love myself. I love you buddy." He got up. Walked out the door, and slowly closed it.

He then walked into Jungkook's room. He peeks in and sees Jungkook sleeping in his bed. Tae walked in and finished tucking him in. Tae pats Jungkook's hair and whispers goodnight, then walks out.

Tae goes to his room, turns off the lights, lies in his bed, and thinks about Jimin. 'He was really cute. His laugh was cute, his smile was cute, his tiny little fingers were cute. Everything about him was cute. And he smelled like strawberries.'

Tae then pulls the covers over his head as he internally fan girls over the boy. 'I wonder if I'm ever going to see him again. I didn't even ask him for his number.' Tae sighed. 'He did look familiar though.' Tae fell asleep, with the thought of the blonde boy in his mind.


Ok then,
HIHIHI. I'm sorry I'm trash 👉🏼👈🏼 I didn't know how I was gonna make them meet each other. To me this is the best I could think of 🤠🤠 Anyways, your going to be seeing more of the blonde boy later on ☀️
- awful writer 💌

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