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Hey! So you could watch the video now, but the song goes with the car ride later on in the story. If you wish to listen to it now go ahead! When you see a 💌 That's then you can play it, if you haven't already.


Tae looked at the Ratatouille. It looked delicious. Jimin stared at the plate too.
He wanted to to dive right in,
but that would be rude.
Jimin grabbed a fork, and took off a piece. The smell brought some kind of nostalgic feeling. Jimin brought the fork up to his mouth and took a bite.
Tae looked at Jimin. He wanted to see his reaction the the food he chose.
Tae studied Jimin's face.

He noticed how, when Jimin was happy, his eyes had this sparkle to it. And how he'd shake his hands from side to side, very small and very brief. Tae wanted to take a picture of him.
"God this food is delicious. It reminds me of something, but I quite can't put my finger on it."
Tae looked at the food, at took a bite.
It was marvelous. Tae had had this dish before, probably hundreds of times. But for some reason, it tasted better today. They continued with their meal. Talked, a lot. And drank wine. It was a nice evening. Once the bill came, Tae paid for the meal, sent his compliments to the chef, and walked out with Jimin.

"Oh the food was so good. I've tasted food all around the world. But for some reason this was the best dish I've had in a while."
He said with a smile.
Tae looked at Jimin.
Jimin always expresses himself.
You could tell what was making him happy. Jimin and Tae were walking on their way to Jimin's house. Or so Jimin thought. It was 3:00.
"Ready for the next plan on my list?" Jimin looked at Tae with his eyebrows furrowed.
"I thought we were done?" Tae looked at Jimin and laughed.
"Have you not been on a proper date?" Jimin looked at Tae.
"I've been on plenty of dates." Jimin said crossing his arms.
"Well you clearly haven't been on a date with me." Tae smirked and grabbed Jimin's hand. He slowly jogged to the park.
"We're gonna take a walk. Because you said you were ok with a walk in the park. Then I'm gonna buy you ice cream because you said you liked ice cream. Then we're going to do all that cliché nonsense all those other couples do." Jimin laughed.
"You actually listened to what I said?"
Tae looked in confusion.
"Who wouldn't listen to you?"
Jimin smiled and put his hands in his pocket. Tae did the same, and they took a stroll to the park.
"This is where we met."

Tae said as he took a seat on the bench. He rubbed his hands together, since it was a bit cold.
Jimin sat down and looked up.
The sun was shining, but it was still cold. "Well. I don't think you've told me about your self?" Jimin said also rubbing his hands together.
"What do you wanna know?"
Tae fixed his hair and looked at Jimin. "Anything you wanna tell me. Oh! Tell me about your childhood."

Call him a kid, but Jimin loved anything with childhood memories. Years of innocence really warmed his heart.
"Well, I don't remember much, but I'll tell you what I know. My mom and my dad both loved me very much. They were always there for me. Always supporting me. My dad was good at what he did. We never worried about money. I also made a really good childhood friend, Yoongi, who I wouldn't trade for the world. He wasn't always the best role model. But I loved him. We are still good friends. I do talk to my mom a lot though. I love her dearly."
Tae sighs.
"It's sad to see things change. But it guess that's how we work, we grow, and adapt, and move on."
Jimin looks over at Tae.
"You're childhood sounded nice."
Jimin said with a smile.
"I'm really grateful for my mom and my dad. They are such amazing people. And they were so proud of me in what ever I did. I really rely on my parents. I had such a good bond with dad. While he wasn't always around he'd make sure I knew he loved me. He did the smallest things and they really warmed my heart. He was such a good dad, I almost felt like I didn't deserve him."
Jimin smiled and breathed in deeply.
Tae smiles faintly.
"I actually lost my dad."

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