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The boys walk into a cafe.
Tae knows what he wants, since he's a regular. This is the same cafe where he does his "job". Hoseok and Tae wall up to the counter side by side, and Jimin is behind them, looking at the interior of the cafe.

"Hey Jin." Hoseok and Tae say in unison. "Hey-." Jin stopped to realize Hoseok was there too.
Tae and Hoseok shoot a look at each other. "You know Kim Seokjin?" They say in unison.

"Don't tell me you all know each other." Jimin said, politely as possible.
"Wait, wait, wait. How do you know Seokjin?" Said Tae.
"I meet Seokjin when I was at Seoul, studying. I saw Jin there and we became close friends in our junior year of college. After college, Jin went back to the states, but I stayed in Seoul for a few years. We tried to keep in touch, but Jin's schedule never aligned with mine, so we kind of faded."
Hoseok looked at Jin with a warm face.
"Nice to see you again, Hobi." Jin said with with a smirk.
"It's always nice to see you Jin. How's the husband?" Hoseok said with a smile that blinded the whole room.
"Yah! Turn it down a bit sunshine." They all laugh, including Jimin, who was just happy to see Hobi get along with everyone so well.

Namjoon walks up to the counter next to Jin. "Jhopeeeee." Said Namjoon, with the biggest smile across his face.
"Ah Joonie!! It's nice to see you bro."
Hoseok smiled fondly. He missed his friends. "Uh I think we should order."
Jimin said, "the line's getting a bit long." "Right, right."
"I'll have some blossom tea." Said Tae.
"I'll take a pink drink." Said Hobi.
"I'll have a caramel macchiato." Chimed in Jimin. Jin entered the orders in, and Namjoon had already started on the drinks.
"Is that all?"
"Yea." Tae pulled out his card.
Hoseok quickly yanked his card and offered his card to Jin.
"Wha-." Tae said.
Out of no where Jimin took both of their cards and gave Jin his.

"Thank you so much Jin, I'm sorry we held back the line." Jimin smiled and bowed slightly.
Hoseok and Tae just stood there shocked.
Once Jimin got his card back, he took the boys by the hand and lead them to a table.
They all sat down.
"So how do you know Jin?" Said Hoseok.
"Oh, well. It's ironic, I met Jin a few days after he came from Seoul. He opened this cafe, and I was dying for something to drink. I became a regular. And I kinda work here."

Tae said the last part in a mumble.
"What?" Said Jimin and Hoseok.
"Well I-." In what felt like seconds, The boys at the table were surrounded by people.

Jimin and Hoseok were shocked.
They looked at each other.
"Tae!" Said someone. "Taehyung!" Said someone else.
"Tae are you free?"
Tae saw how uncomfortable his friends felt. Tae stood up.
"Hey guys. I'm sorry. I'm not working right now. I'm a bit tired today, and just want to have a drink with my friends. I'm sorry to disappoint."
Tae wanted to be as polite as possible.
He cracked a smile.
"Oh it's fine. We respect your personal time." The huge crowd that was once surrounding Tae all moved back and continued with their lives.

Hoseok and Jimin were practically holding onto each other.
"Yo- What the fuc-." Hoseok said slowly letting go of Jimin.
"I'm sorry guys." Tae sat down again.

Namjoon walked over with their drinks. "Enjoy." Namjoon said as he flashed a smile, then returned to work.
"I- are you some kind of celebrity?" Jimin said leaning onto the table, still processing what just happened.
"Yea. We were fine, then out of no where a crowd of people take over." Said Hoseok, a bit confused on what was going on.
"I- a celebrity? No, no." Tae said shyly grabbing his drink, and taking small sips.

"You said you work here? What does that mean?" Jimin said looking at Tae.
Tae took a big sip of his tea.
He saw how Hoseok and Jimin were looking at him.
"Well. Um. I have the possibility to read people's red string."
Tae said slowly rubbing the back of his head. Jimin and Hoseok's eyes widen.
"You can read people's red string!?" Said Hoseok, fascinated by this new discovery.

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