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The boys walk into the cafe and are greeted by Namjoon this time.
"Hey Joon. Where's Jin?"
Tae smiled as he approached the counter.
"Oh, well I told Jin to take a break. He's been working awfully hard. Like some people I know."
Namjoon eyed at Tae.
Tae pretended like he didn't know what he was talking about.
"Well tell Jin I said hi."
"Now what can I get you?"
Yoongi approaches the desk.

"Give me something as dark as my soul." "Alright so a pink drink with extra strawberries because we know how fruity you are."
Yoongi blushes madly.
Joon smiles.
"And for you small bean?"
Jimin waddles up.
"Hi! Can I get a lemonade?"
"Something to compliment that yellow sweatshirt?"
"How'd you guess?"
Jimin said with a smile.
"Alright, and for you Gucci?"
Tae rolled his eyes.
"I'll have what he's having."

Jimin pulled out his card.
Tae quickly snatched it from his hands.
"Not this time."
"Oh come on Tae! You paid for dinner! It's just a few drinks!"
"That's why you should let me pay for it. It's just a few drinks."
Jimin pouted.
"Tae, please it's my turn to make it up to you." Jimin put his head down.
Tae didnt want to upset Jimin.
"Fine, fine."
Jimin looked up and smiled brightly.
"Thank you."
Jimin took back his card at paid.
"Your drinks will be out in a few."

The cafe is usually empty, except when Tae was there. It suddenly became crowded. Bodies swarmed the boys. They came to a halt.
Yoongi was there.
He glared at the crowed.
The last time people were invading Tae's space Yoongi would snap at everyone and give a whole speech. He also looked really intimidating.
He glared at the group.
They all hushed, whispered, and then disbanded.

"That's oddly weird."
Namjoon walks over to the table and places down their drinks. Jimin quietly said thank you while the other boys took their drink.
"They usually swarm you. I wonder why they don't come over."
Namjoon looks at Yoongi.
Namjoon knows Yoongi likes Tae.
Everyone knows that Yoongi likes Tae, but Tae.
Yoongi smiles for he knows that Tae won't understand.

"Yea I wonder why they don't approach me? Maybe it's because I don't look to great. Or maybe it's because I'm with Jimin."
Namjoon was taken back by the fact that Tae was utterly oblivious to what, (who) was the reason they left them alone.
Namjoon looks at a Yoongi who had a smile plastered on his face. Namjoon takes the defeat and walks away.
Yoongi, who's satisfied, take a sip of his drink.

"So what do you do Min Yoongi?"
Jimin leans in and takes a sip of his drink.
"Oh, well, I work for this little building down the street—."
Before Yoongi could finish his sentence, Jimin chuckled.
"Min Yoongi I don't wanna know what you do to pay the bills. I wanna know what your mind does when your alone. Where do you wonder too? How far and deep does your imagination grow in the moon light?"
Tae is sitting there, falling in love with Jimin all over again.
It's these kinds of questions that Tae loves to hear.
Every personal aspect.
It gives Tae this sense of security when someone opens up.

Yoongi's eyes were wide.
He hasn't really thought of it that way. No one has really asked him this. It almost made Yoongi blush.
"Oh, I make music. It's nothin much. It's mostly a way to vent everything I've been hiding inside. Much like how Tae uses books to escape, I use music to travel."
Jimin and Tae look at Yoongi with sparkles in their eyes. Yoongi looks around at them.
"You guys are weird."
He takes a sip of his drink. Jimin smiles.
"So, is it enjoyable? Do you only make music for yourself?"
"Well for now I think my music is more for me. I do have some I want to publish, but I don't want to open up anything just yet."
Jimin nods.

"Well if you need help in starting something." Jimin reaches into his pocket and pulls out this card.
"This is where my good friend works. All you have to do is fill out the application online, and say that I sent you there, and we'll be able to get you an interview."
"Oh but I can't ask you to."
"But I'm offering."
Yoongi hesitated.
"Ok, thank you."
Yoongi took the card.
Jimin smiles.

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