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Jimin gathers his tooth brush, mouth wash, tooth paste, face mask, face cream, face scrub, and location. He puts it in a bag and labels it 'hygiene'. He puts it in his luggage on the outside pocket. Taehyung was in the living room with his suitcase and carry on bag. He puts his bag on top of his suitcase. He fixes his hair and adjusts his outfit.
"That's a new look."
Jimin smiles. Tae looks down.
"Yea, it's something that Gucci though I should wear sense I'm going out to the airport. I'm bound to get pictures taken."
"Must be exhausting having people follow you around everywhere."
"Yea, it does. But I can't help it, I'm just that good looking."
Tae strikes a pose and smiles.
Jimin let's out a chuckle.
"God, you're in love with yourself."
"Yea. That's the point. I love myself and if I love my self people will find ways to love themselves while they love me."
"That made, no logical sense, but go off I guess."
Tae sticks out his tongue then goes back to his last minute check.
"Wallet, check,
passport, check
keys, check,
phone, check,
smol bean."
Tae looks up at Jimin who is also putting away his things and double checking to make sure he had everything. Tae smiles then looks back down at his list.
"Alright I'm ready."
Jimin gets up and smiles.
"Alright let's get going."

The boys gather their things and make their way to the limo. They put their things in the back and get into the car.
Tae asked his good friend Mario to take them to the airport, hopefully to minimize the press. A lot of rumors have started again ever since the boys started hanging out again.
A bunch of which they talk about Jimin and Taehyung dating. Some with pure lie that Jimin is cheating on Dean with Tae. Tae is a bit nervous on how everyone is going to handle that Tae is leaving the country to go with his best friend to see his mom.
Tae is sitting in the car, not saying a word. Jimin goes over and grabs his arm.
"Hey Tae, you ok?"
Tae snaps back.
"Huh? Oh, yea. I'm fine, sorry. I was sidetracked."
The boys stare out the side windows.

"I miss flying."
Jimin continues to look out the window while Tae turns and faces him.
"What made you stop traveling?"
"Uh, well I guess I realized, I'm slowly coming to the age where I can't just up and leave anymore. I don't have any roots. I've been traveling since the age of 12. And I'm not saying that I didn't enjoy spending time with my family in different country's, but I've never had many friends or people to talk to. I've always been moving around. And so I decided to come back, here."
Tae stares at Jimin.
"Well it's ok to travel. You don't have to stop, but at least now you know that you finally have a place to call home."
Tae leans back and stares out his window. Jimin looks over at Tae.
He looks at Tae's hand and how, with every little bump in the road, they gently hit the side of Jimin's leg.
Jimin traces Tae's hand back to his face with his eyes. He looks at Tae.

The boys get out of the car and are greeted with flashing lights.
"Damn it, they're here already."
Tae takes out his sun glasses that he had in his pocket.
"Here, put this on."
He tosses them to Jimin.
"You'll see."
Jimin steps out and he can't see. There's so many flashes and blinding lights. He quickly puts on the sun glasses. While they didn't help much, he decided to keep them on. Mario makes a whistling sound and with that 10 men in black suits come rushing in to make way for Tae and Jimin. 2 of the men rush over to grab the boys suitcases.
The pictures are piling up left in right. Jimin doesn't know if he should smile or keep his head down. He actually doesn't even know where to go. He feels a slight tug.

"Stay close to me

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"Stay close to me."
Tae pulls Jimin closer.
"Tae, did you take off the jacket?"
Tae took off his black leather jacket, now exposing his floral shirt with his blue tie that matches his carry on. The boys make their way through the airport.
There's so many people there. Jimin panicked a bit so he grips Tae's hand harder. Tae turns a slight shade of peach. Jimin then realizes people are taking more photos. Jimin really doesn't want to let go of Tae's hand through fear of getting lost. But as the same time he doesn't want Tae to have a bad rep on his name. Jimin lets out a sigh and lets go of Tae's hand.

Tae turns around quickly.
"Hey, I said don't let go you might get lost, considering you're small and all."
Tae's smiles and goes to grab Jimin's hand again. Jimin pulls away.
"I don't think we should hold hands."
Jimin looks down.
"Because people are taking photos and I don't want to ruin your name. You're a really big person Tae, and I'd hate to be the one to ruin it for you."
Tae slightly smiles.
He wasn't going to start something with Jimin so he just nodes.
"Ok, but if you get lost, please yell my name." "Alright."
Jimin smiles and follows close behind Tae.

They get their tickets and make their way pass TSA. The press can't pass past that point. All the flashing lights stop. Tae smiles at his phone. Jimin walks over and notices it's a photo a him, taken just now.

 Jimin walks over and notices it's a photo a him, taken just now

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"I- damn I look great with those sunglasses." Jimin smiles.
"Damn right."
Tae chuckles.
They board the plane and get in their seats. They are riding first class, as expected from Tae.
"Do you need anything right now?"
Tae fixes his chair.
"Uh, no. I'm good, thank you."
The flight from Chicago to Madrid, Spain would take roughly 8 hours.
"Alright here."
Jimin pulls out this nice fluffy blanket. The blanket was a soft shade of pink mixed with peach.
"A blanket?"
Tae raises an eyebrow.
"Hey, it gets cold sometimes."
Jimin covers himself up. Tae chuckles lightly. "Save some for me."
Tae covers up his body. The pilot comes over the intercom and two ladies walk in. They explain safety precautions and ways to evacuate in case of any emergency. After that Jimin inhaled deeply. He didn't really get the best night sleep because he was packing and rearranging his suitcase. He pulls out his AirPods and gives one to Tae.
"Hey, my music is really depressing. Are you ok with that?" Tae nods in response.

[ 💌 ]

Jimin closes his eyes. I'm a few minutes he lays his head on Tae's shoulder. Tae, who's wide awake listens to every lyric in the song. It reminds him of Yoongi. 17 year old Yoongi. He realized he didn't tell Yoongi or Hoseok where he was going. The only people who were aware were Gucci, Jin, Namjoon, and his parents. He feels like a terrible friend. There is no way to contact them now sense they are up in the air already.
Tae softly whispers to himself.
He was in a rush to make sure everything was packet for the day, he totally forgot to tell the most important people in his life he was leaving.
Tae whispered again. He didn't want to wake Jimin, but he really wanted to beat himself up. He sighed deeply. He closed his eyes and eventually his cheek was pressed softly against Jimins head. The boys fell asleep hopefully waking up in beautiful Madrid.


Wow, I wrote all this in an hour and I don't hate it? Look at me go. Anyways the next chapter will be in someone's point of view from this day, who's it gonna be? Idknm but I'm working on it. Thank you for staying

- awful writer 💌

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