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Tae and Jimin look both ways before sneaking out the back door. They pop their heads out for a quick check.
"Is it clear?"
Jimin gets on his tipy toes but he can't see because Taehyung is blocking the view. Tae has his head sticking out from the door while the rest of his body is hidden.
"I think so."

Jimin gets in front of Tae in a sort of squat position. He too peeps his head out the door.
"Looks pretty clear to me."
Jimin assumes as he too looks both ways down the alley. The alley is bright, but kind of smells due to the fact that the trash is right next to them.

Jimin slowly opens the door and creeps out.
Tae slowly follows. Once they get out the boys smile at each other.
"Why does this feel weird?"
Tae said slowly letting his guard down.
"Maybe because we are hiding from the press?"
Jimin responded in a sort of chuckle.
Tae put both his hands in his pocket and looked down.

It was pretty nice in Madrid.
A nice 87 degrees. Warmer than they are used to because of Chicago.
They start walking down the alley to the main streets before Jimin hears,
"There they are! I told you they'd exit from the back."
Tae and Jimin's head suddenly jolted the other direction and began running as quick as they could. They heard the yelling of the reporters asking questions but they paid no attention to them and continued running. Tae didn't know where to go so he just followed Jimin.

Eventually they reach a Main Street crowded by a plethora of people walking in all directions. Tae panics and bit and grabs onto Jimin's shirt tightly. They have no choice but to go into the crowd of people. They spend their time bumping and running into people. The press also gets lost and have no choice but to stop following the boys.

Jimin keeps moving, he's going in all kinds of directions. Tae is afraid they're going to get lost. He doesn't know his way around Spain, hell he doesn't even know his way around the outskirts of his own city. Let alone know Spain.

After a good 10 minutes of going right, left, right again, right once more, left, left, they finally reach a stopping point.
The boys are a bit out of breath. Tae takes a seat and Jimin, being a few steps away from him, looks up at a house.
Tae lifts up his hair to reveal his bear forehead. He pulls out a handkerchief he has and dabs his forehead and his face. Jimin on the other hand still has his eyes on the house. A smile starts to form on the right side of his face.

Tae sees Jimin stare at the house. He stands up and walks toward Jimin. He stands right next to him. Without losing eye contact with the house, Tae hands out his handkerchief to Jimin. Jimin continues to look at the house and takes the handkerchief from Tae and drys off his face.
"Where are we exactly?"
Tae looks at the house and tilts his head.
"We're, here."
Jimin smiles softly.
"Well I know that, but where is here?"
Tae looks around and try's to look for a street sign. From where he's standing he sees one, but can't make out the name.

Jimin walks down the small path, looking at both sides of the very tiny front yard. The flowers that were planted there were dead. Jimin showed no expression towards the flowers. Unfazed by the fact that they were the first thing he noticed about the house.
Jimin steps up the three concrete steps and touches the white worn out railing on his way up. He looks down at the dirty welcome mat. The screen door had a little hole in the right corner. The white door with the three triangular windows at the top looked intact. The "golden" door knob was slowly warring away into a sort of brownish silver.
Jimin stepped over to the right.
The brown bricks on the outside felt cold and Jimin brushed his hands over. With every touch of the house Jimin's smile grew. Tae turned to see that Jimin was now at the door. Tae slowly approached Jimin.

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