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Hey guys! I gathers questions from my Instagram and Tellonym!
Some of these were anonymous and some weren't. I'll be asking each character a question that you guys asked!

A question for Tae was,
"When did you fall in love with Jimin?"
After cooking class. We were asking each other questions back and forth. He asked me what my favorite color was. I told him to guess because, at that time, I didn't have a favorite color. He turned to me and said "yellow" with such excitement. His eyes disappeared and a smile played on his lips. I just smiled and told him he was right and he beamed with happiness. And that changed my view in yellow. It's definitely my favorite color. It's everywhere. I could live in it.

The reason the color yellow played such an important part in the story is this part right here. There's so much symbolism of yellow in the book, did you catch on?

This question is for Yoongi.
"Why didn't you tell Tae how you felt?"
Because of our friendship. I valued it too much. Maybe it's just a facade for my cowardliness but I couldn't bring myself to tell him. Imagine if I told him? Would that have changed the ending? Would I have ever gotten with Hoseok? Would Tae even know Jimin? I try not to live life in the What ifs. They're in the past now. I think where I am now, the life I'm living, is great. I hope Tae and I continue to be friends and that our happiness lasts forever.

In the beginning of the book, I had a different plot for Yoongi. He was suppose to die. Something bad would have happened that would have caused him to be in an accident. At his death bed Yoongi would have confessed to Tae how he felt. Jimin would have supported him just like he did in the book. Hoseok would be a mess though and Hoseok would have probably held hatred against Tae. You would have never met Tae's mother, Jimin and Taehyung would have never gone to Europe, and Louisa would never have been introduced. I'm really happy I didn't pick that ending.

This next question is for Jimin.
"Do you miss Dean?"
No, not in a romantic way if that's what you're asking. I'm really happy he found Jungkook and it's nice to see them together. Dean and I had an amazing journey as lovers but that's all in the past now. I hope he's happy.

Jimin and Dean continue to be good friends. Jimin still supports his music, but there are some songs both of them can't really listen to anymore without feeling sad. But they really just want the best for the other

This question is for Shiloh
"Imagine being intelligent and having good character development."

Uhhh this is a question? Well thank you for thinking of me that way! I appreciate it

Shiloh isn't a man of many words. But he really means the things he said

This question is for Hoseok
"The sun called, he wants his job back."

I- Mrs. Kim? Is that you?

Hoseok misses Mrs. Kim just like the rest of the boys. But he smiles a bit more when he sees the sun, it has a whole new meaning now.

This question is for Mark
"Are you the only straight person in this book?"
No! I'm actually not straight at all! I'm Bi. Shiloh is an ace. Yoongi is also bi. Jimin and Tae are totally gay for one another. But no one in this book is actually straight. While I'm not completely sure what the other guys identify themselves as but I can assure you no one is straight.

I tried to include a wide variety of the LGBT community since I'm part of it! I feel like proper representation is only right for them!

This next question is for Jin
"What's the secret to making good food?"

Be gay! Do crimes! Respect the gays and mix.

Namjoon and I respectfully ask you to not follow the second piece of advice

This next question is for Namjoon
"Your sexy brain must do wonders for Jins work since you both work well together."

Well actually, Jin is a lot smarter than people believe him to be. Jin started a business all by himself with no major help from anyone. He was running the business way before I helped him. Sure I handle things now but Jin could totally manage without me, I sometimes feel like he doesn't need me but he reassures me everyday that I'm doing well by him.

Jin and I agree that Namjoon is a baby and we need to love him more


Hurray! You've reached the end of the Q&A! Thank you for this amazing journey! If you caught on, in all of my chapters I had a love letter 💌 and at the every last chapter you see  a mailbox! Signifying I've sent all my love letters out! Thank you for being a part of this wonderful story and I'll see you in my next one!!

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