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[ A/N: hey, we're back in no one's point of view. And we're with Jimin and Tae in Spain. This is before they land. I know in the previous chapter they were at the hotel, but I wanted to show you how they got there. The song starts right now. I'll set the scene for y'all 🥴🥺]


Jimin wakes up. He slowly opens his eyes. The sun is slowly setting. It's currently golden hours and the boy sitting next to him, looks flawless. His skin, honey, his eyes, shining. Jimin is still half asleep but Tae is the only clear thing he can see. Tae is sitting on the window side of the plane ride. He has his left elbow planted on the arm rest, his body slightly leaning against the window. Taehyung has never dared leaving his little town or even his state. Yet he finds himself on a plane, thousands of miles away from home, with a boy he can't have.

The sun shine feels nice on his face. But it's getting a bit hot. He sighs deeply and slowly closes his eyes. He turns around quickly and lays his head on the side facing Jimin. Tae still believes Jimin is sleeping so he decides to close his eyes. Jimin, now wide awake, jolts back a bit form how fast Tae turned around. He then sees that Tae wants to sleep. He chuckles a bit and stares at Tae.
'He has a small mole on his nose. Cute.'
Jimin smiles, the more he stares at Tae, the more of a god he looks like.
'Could this be?'
Jimin looks away.
'No, I can't. I've developed a relationship with Dean. Dean was my first, everything. I, I wouldn't want to do that to him. That's so selfish of me. I can't be feeling this. Why am I feeling this?'
Jimin sits up. He's kind of disappointed in himself for allowing himself to look at anyone else like how he looks at Dean.
Jimin turns around slowly to face Tae again.
'It's him.'
Jimin lays back down.
He feels extremely tired again.
'It's his fault. Every time I look at him, he makes my heart go BOOM BOOM. It shouldn't be like this, why am I thinking like this.'
Jimin gets a bit sleepy again.
"Why do I always find a way back to you?"
Jimin whispers this softly out loud. He then closes his eyes, and his mind drifts away to a place where everything is, ok.

The boys get to sleep for 40 ish minutes before they hear the lady over the intercom saying, "Ladies and Gentleman, we've now landed in Madrid, Spain. Thank you for flying with westsouth. We hope you enjoy your stay and fly with us back."
Jimin and Tae slowly open their eyes. Their hands are barely touching. They look at each other for a few seconds, before Jimin gets up and stretches. He inhales and looks out the window.
"We've made it."
Jimin grins.
Tae yawns and slowly stretches, trying not to hit Jimin with his long arms.
"We made it."
Tae rubs his eyes and then pats his face.
Jimin is collecting his stuff and putting things away. He folds up hid peach blanket. Tae shortly follows what Jimin was doing.

The flight attendant came back.
"You guys slept for nearly the whole ride holding hands. Is this your honeymoon?"
Jimin and Tae look at each other. Tae turns a slight red. He looks down and acts like he's getting his stuff. Jimin quickly turned to the flight attendant.
"Oh no!"
He throws his hands up and shakes them.
"It's not like that."
He chuckles.
"We're here to visit my mom."
The flight attendant nods and jokingly comments, "Ah, you have to introduce him to your parents first."
Jimin looks up and his cheeks are pink. He wants to say something but the flight attendant winks and walks away. Jimin turns around and find Tae's face inches away form his. Tae pulls back away quickly.
"Sorry, I wanted to hear."
He puts down his head. Jimin smiles and gets up from his seat. He grabs his things and starts to leave with Tae following close behind.

They step off and they're greeted by the same flashing lights. Jimin grabs the sunglasses he has in his bag and Tae walks over to a man. Jimin kneels down to tie his shoelaces and then gets back up. He walks over to Tae and follows him and the guy to the main lobby to collect their suitcases.
Jimin looks up at Tae,
just to realize it's not him.
Jimin's eyes widen.
'Why does this always happen to me?'
Jimin starts wondering around looking for Tae. He looks around for a solid 10 minutes. He then hears his name.
Jimin looks around.
Jimin squints his eyes and looks around everywhere to try and locate where the sound is coming from.
"Jimin! Where are you?"
Jimin then spotted Tae. Jimin let out a sigh of relief. Jimin slowly walks over to the man and grabs his pinky.
"Found you."
Jimin looks up at Tae.
Tae turns around and smiles.
"Oh thank god, I though I lost you."
Tae sighs out and then smiles. Tae slowly grabs Jimin hand.
"Let's go."
Tae looks into Jimin's soft hazel eyes that are sparking like a kid who has ice cream with extra sprinkles.
They stare fondly into each other's eyes, no longer noticing the millions of flashing lights surrounding them. Right now the only thing they noticed, was each other.
"Alright, Let's go."

They make their way to the car. Jimin turns around and shoots a quick wave, slightly bows, and gets in the car.
Tae smiles, "What was that for?"
"It would be rude if I didn't say bye."
Jimin smiles and then looks down at his outfit.
"Aren't I a bit over dressed?"
Tae looks at Jimin. Jimin is wearing nice pants that are tight. His shirt is white and looks a bit see though. You could count his abs. Tae stares a bit, trying to collect his drooling before he says, "you look great, stop stressing."
Jimin turns and smiles.
He looks up and looks at the street.
"Let's go."
And with that, Tae nodded and the driver and they took off.


Hey, so, about the story, what am I doing at this point? Not sure. Am I trying? Somewhat. Is there effort? Mhm. Let's see how bad I can be 🥴🥴
- awful writer 💌

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