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Jimin turns such a dark red color before he pushes Tae away.
Jimin covers his face and Tae laughs at the fact that he made him blush.
"Tae you're no fun!"
Jimin says with a pout.
"You were the one teasing me!"
Tae rebuts.
"Well I didn't expect you to take it so seriously."
Jimin looked at Tae.

They kind of just stared at each other for a while before Tae added,
"Of course I'd take it seriously, I don't want you to view me as a kid. How do I know you don't think of me as a child?"
"Tae, I legitimately spilled my feelings out to you in one of my most vulnerable moments.."
Jimin raises an eyebrow, confused why Tae would think he doesn't like him.
"Yea, I know but, at the very moment you aren't in my arms and I'm not telling you how much I love you. And I think we both know why we aren't there yet."
Jimin stays quite.
The boys exchange looks and glances, neither knowing what to say.

"Tae, look I'm sorry I said I said you were a kid. I don't actually think of you as one. You're actually not a kid at all. But sometimes you act super cute and my heart does this thing.."
Jimin turns red again.
He quickly glances down at the water
"Basically what I'm trying to say,"
Jimin gets chocked up, he doesn't know how Tae would react, and that scares him the most.
"What I'm trying to say."
Jimin continue to look down and Tae slowly swims towards him.
"Jimin, I get it. You don't have to say anything. I was just teasing. I think it's cute that you view me as a kid."

Tae grabs Jimin and pulls him in by the waist.
"I'm babie."
Tae says as he intensionally pouts and makes a funny face.
Jimin giggles and pinches his cheeks.
"See, when you treat me like this I get to see you smile and hear you laugh. And that's the cutest. So you're my baby."
Tae smiles.
Jimin just cups Tae's face.
"Tae you're honestly the babiest baby."
Tae nods.
He then slowly leans towards Jimin's ear and says,
"But you should test that in bed."
Tae pulls away and slowly drifts away.
Jimin chokes.
Tae chuckles and the boys spend the rest of the night with laughter surrounding them and smiles plastered on their faces as they enjoy each other's company.


The boys get out the pool. Tae grabs a towel and gets close to Jimin. Tae uses the towel and starts drying off Jimin. He puts the towel on his head and rubs his scalp. Jimin closes his eyes and lets Tae dry him off. Tae slowly removes the towel from his face and smiles. Jimin grabs it and does the same to Tae.
"Thank you."
Tae mumbles.
Jimin nods his head and drys the rest of his body off.
"I think I should get going."
Jimin turns to take who is drying off his body.
Tae walks Jimin to the doorway. Tae opens the door and Jimin gets out. Jimin turns to Tae.

"I had a pleasant evening with you."
Jimin smiles.
"I enjoyed making you turn red."
Tae leans his head on the door and Jimin playfully hits him.
"Good night Tae."
Jimin says softy.
"Good night."
Tae leans forward and leaves a small peck on Jimin's forehead.
"Dream of me."
Jimin smiles and heads back to his room.
Tae closes the door behind him and chuckles.
"He's such a baby."

(End of Flashback)

"And that's it."
The boys shockingly said in unison.
"There's no way it ends like that."
Jin says in disbelief.
"Well. We went to bed. Got ready, took our flight that day, got back, and went our separate ways."
Tae said calmly
"So you saying.. y'all did all that.. and didn't fuck?"
Mark questions before getting hit in the face by a pillow Tom threw.

"No, Mark don't be weird."
"So, what now?"
Yoongi says.
"What do you mean?"
Tae questions.
"What happens to you guys now? Are you guys gonna ignore and forget what happened or are y'all actually going to get together."
The boys all look at Tae.
Tae, looks back at the boys, unsure on how to respond. Just then, there's a knock on the door.
The boys all look at each other.
"Is anyone missing?"
Jin questions as he looks at the group.
"No. We are all here. Did anyone order food?"
Jungkook says.
"No. Jin made some."
Hobi said.
"So who's at the door?"
Mark looks at the door.
The boys look at each other, as if waiting to see who's going to answer first.

"I'll get it."
Namjoon gets up from his seat and heads towards the door. He leans in and looks into the peephole, which is covered from the outside. Namjoon doesn't know if he should open the door. But he puts his hand on the doorknob, and twists. He opens the door to see a cute little blonde boy dressed in a white, flowy top, and dark denim jeans holding a gray hoodie.
"Oh, Jimin!"
Namjoon says with relief.
Tae sits up and leans forward, as if his ears are perked up too.
"Hi Namjoon! I didn't expect to see you here! I'm just here to return Tae's hoodie, I found it in my bag and I wanted to return it so he didn't think he lost it."
Jimin is about to hand over he hoodie, when he hears his name.

Jimin looks behind Namjoon to see a tall, red hair figure. Before Jimin could even react he is engulfed in a hug.
Tae softy says in the creek of his neck.
Jimin giggles.
"Hey Tae."
Tae pulls away and looks at Jimin. They stare at each other. What feels the eternity, Shiloh's voice echos from the apartment.
"Get a room."
Jimin leans over to see all the boys standing at the door. His eyes widen.
"Oh! Hey!"
Jimin says with a warm smile.
He assumes all the boys in the room are Tae's friend so he goes up to greet himself.

"Hello, I'm-."
"So you're Park Jimin."
Mark says sticking out his hand to shake Jimin's. Jimin takes Marks hand, a bit confused on how Mark already knew about him.
"Uh, yes. That's me."
Jimin shakes it off with a grin.
"Would you like to come inside and eat something?"
Jin pokes his head behind the group of boys swarming the door.
"Oh, I-."
Jimin looks back at Tae who has the biggest puppy eyes. Jimin caves in immediately.
"I would love to."
Jimin chuckles.
The boys all bring in Jimin.
"So, lets introduce ourselves."


The way today Jungkook is officially 22 and you won't se this till next month is MAKING ME MAD. Anyways. I wanted to say I miss Jungkoo and I love him with everything and I hope he smiles more cuz I love him today is jk lockdown. Thats it, that's all I have to say.

- awful writer 💌

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