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I woke up to yet again to a million of texts and tweets about Jimin and I. I know that Jimin won't cheat on me. It's not Jimin I'm worried about, it's him.

I sit up and I grab my phone. I want to call Jimin but from the looks of it he's either on the plane, or in Spain. Who knows what time it is over there and he's probably tired. I fall back onto my bed and look at the ceiling. I rub my face, grunt, and get into the shower.

Once I'm done I get dressed and head out. I get into my fancy car and drive to Tony, my friends house, to hang like he said we would. I walk in and he smiles and gives me a hug.
"Hey Dean."
"I missed ya dude. You've been at the recording studio a lot lately."
"Yea, sorry. I've been working on some new songs."
"Can I hear it?"
"Yea sure."
I pull out a demo version of my song up on Tony's speaker.
"The lyrics are all their but I'm not sure if I want to publish it."

[ 💌 ]

I sit down on the sofa and close my eyes.
Tony sits next to me and listens to the song.
Half way through Tony says something, but I can't really hear so I respond with a 'hm?'
"I said is everything ok with you and Jimin?"
My eyes open at the mentioning of his name. "Huh?"
"Dude. The lyrics are legit about you loving someone, like a friends with benefits, but you actually love them and they don't feel the same. They are caught up in someone else and you don't wanna accept it. Is it Jimin? Are you getting bored of him?"
I shoot up.
"But it wasn't just the sex Tony.
I mean yea sure, it started off that way, but I know Jimin loves me. There's no reason for me to think other wise. The past 9 years have been amazing. Even though we weren't dating for that long, I've known him for that long. Loving Jimin really brought out the best part of me. Jimin literally showed me how to be good, no, better. He showed me how to be perfect, while being myself. And I love him for that. But I think Jimin finally realized he deserves someone who isn't gone all the time, and who's willing to give him all the attention. And-."
At his point my eyes are swelling up with tears.
"I think I'm losing him."
My voice cracks and I bring my hands up to my face, covering my eyes that are minutes away from pouring.

I suddenly feel Tony sit next to me, and get really close.
"It's ok. Cry."
I tried, so much, so hard. He's he only person I've ever cried in front of other than Jimin. Not gonna lie, it felt great. It was refreshing to know that I had someone to go to. I hope Jimin has one. I wonder if this is what it feels like? To have someone who is always there for you, literally behind you every step, constantly holding your hand.
Why did I do this to Jimin?
He must feel lonely. I don't feel right staying with Jimin, but I love him so much.
I don't know what I want anymore.
I shortly fall asleep. My brain fried and gave out on me.

After a while I wake up from my nap I wake up to the smell of pancakes. I walk over to see that Tony had made me my favorite.
"Is that Korean pancakes?"
I mumble in my half asleep voice.
Tony places down the food as I take a seat. Tony sits right across from me and watches me eat the pancakes.
"Korean pancakes have always been your favorite since we met."
Tony smiles. He gets up and gets me a glass a milk then comes back.
"Yea. I missed them. I rarely have time to cook for myself, and they don't just sell Korean pancakes where ever."
Tony gets up and walks to a room. He then walks over and brings an inflatable mattress and adds a few more things.

I finish eating and go and wash my plates. I then slowly walk over to Tony and peak into the room.
"Who is this for?"
I rub my eyes, this time sounding more awake.
"For you, dummy."
"Well you're staying with me because I say so."
"I-. You can't make me."
I lean against the door.
"Ok, I guess I'll just tell Jimin how you've been recently."
He gets up and is about to walk out before I grab his hand.
"Please don't tell Jimin."
"Then please stay here."
I huff and nod my head in agreement. Tony grins.
"Alright. So right now you have the basics. If you need anything else feel free to ask or get it your self. Mi casa es tu casa."

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