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Tae is able to catch up to Jimin's cab.
Jimin turns around.
"Oh, Tae. Here get in."
Jimin gets into the car and Tae follows. Tae closes the door and Jimin tells the cab rider where to go.
"What do you need to get?"
Jimin sits there, trying to think of a good excuse on why he left so abruptly.

"We left the house unlocked and unattended. I didn't feel right knowing anyone could walk in."
Tae smiles.
He moves his hand and grabs Jimin's hand. Tae looks at Jimin.
"Thank you."
"What for?"
Jimin tilts his head.
"For always thinking of me. You always want what is best for me. You take care of me constantly and put my needs before yours. You're so selfless and I honestly adore you. Thank you."
Guilt builds up in Jimin's chest and he squeezes Tae's hand and smiles.


The cab driver pulls up to the house. Tae and Jimin say thank you and Jimin pays. The cab driver pulls away.
"Oh, babe."
Tae stops and turns to look and Jimin and grabs his hand.
"Once we finish closing up the house we could go head back to the airport. But on the way we should stop by and get some lunch since the trip is long. And I brought your favorite blanket for the ride so you stay comfortable."
Tae pats Jimin's head and walks to the house.

Jimin grabs Tae's shirt and pulls him closer.
Tae turns around to face his boyfriend who's face is looking at the ground.
"What is it?"
Tae looks concerned.
Jimin looks up at him.
"Tae.. there's no easy way to say this..."
Jimin starts.
Tae starts getting nervous by the second.
"The thing is.."
"Are you breaking up with me?"
Tae cuts off Jimin, mid sentence.
"Huh? What no! Tae."
Jimin places his hand on his boyfriends face and uses his thumb to rub his cheek.
"Tae, baby. I'm not breaking up with you."
There's silence.
"But I feel like you might break up with me after you find out what I'm about to tell you."
Jimin looks down.
"Jimin, I'm pretty sure we could talk it out. I doubt there's anything you could—."
"Your mom has cancer."
Tae pauses.
"She has a very aggressive cancer. If they do try and remove it, the chances of her survival are slim to none."
Jimin states with tears in his eyes.
"I— what? Jimin this isn't something you joke about.."
Tae starts to become upset.
"I'm not Tae.. this is the truth."
"Tell me you're lying!"
Tae raises his voice a bit.
"Tae, she didn't want to tell you because she was scared of the way—."
"How long."
Jimin was confused by the sudden interruption.
"How long have you known?"
Tae turns to face Jimin and has the stone cold expression that Jimin has never seen before.
"I- uh."
Jimin stampers with his words.
"How long, Jimin?"
Tae's demeanor completely changes.
"When I asked you to come to Spain."
Tae's eyes widen.
"Jimin that was almost a year ago!"
Tae is clearly frustrating. Jimin stays silent.
"How did you find out?"
Jimin told a white lie, not wanting to drag anyone else into this.
"Jimin, you went almost a whole year KNOWING my mother had cancer yet you kept it all from me and chose to tell me now!"
They stay silent.
"I just can't."
Tae scoffs.
"I don't understand. You claim you love me and want the best for me yet you do this? Jimin.. I never thought.."
Tae's eyes start to water.
Jimin wants to hold Tae and tell him all these things, but he doesn't. He just stands there with a blank expression.
"Jimin please."
Tae looks down.
"Tell me you're lying."
Tears start to fall and Jimin can't handle seeing him like that anymore.
Jimin goes to hug him but Tae pushes him away.
"Jimin. We are done. What you did isn't acceptable and I just.."
Jimins chest hurt so much and he also started crying. Seeing each other cry made the other want to hug each other. Alas, they didn't even say another word. They stood there in silence.
Jimin whispered.
Tae wipes his tears.
"Good bye Jimin."
Tae walks away with his hands in his pocket.
Tears start to form again and Tae walks into the house and closes the door.
Anger full his body before waves of guilt come in and he leans against the door before letting his body drop down.
Tae cries aggressively.
Jimin stood out side for a few minutes.
He gripped onto Tae's hoodie that he was wearing. Not wanting to let go. He knew Tae was upset at him right now. And that was ok. Tae knew the truth now. It cost Jimin his relationship but he hopes Tae uses his time to talk to his mom.
Jimin sighs and he looks at the house.
"Goodbye Tae."
He lets out with a sigh.
Then he walks away from the house.


Tragic luv, lit rally sadness.

- awful writer 💌

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