Chapter 4: Mother Issues!

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Ever After!
    Lizzie faced her mom. "What are you doing here?" Lizzie asked. "To talk to you, of course." Ms. Hearts replied and Lizzie sighed as she crossed her arms. "Alright." Lizzie agreed. "Aren't you going to invite me in?" Ms. Hearts asked. "Fine. Come in, if you must." Lizzie replied. Her mother shook her head as she walked in and Lizzie shut the door behind her. "Nice dorm room, I suppose." Ms. Hearts commented and Lizzie rolled her eyes. "Why are you here?" Lizzie asked. "We need to talk." Ms. Hearts replied. "Then talk." Lizzie told her mom. "You know Necromancer's, right?" Ms. Hearts asked. "Yes." Lizzie replied. "There was one that I encountered when you were just a baby." Ms. Hearts told her. "Why? Who would you want to bring back to the life of the living?" Lizzie asked and Ms. Hearts sighed. "Her name was Mary. My daughter." Ms. Hearts replied. "Daughter? But I'm your only daughter." Lizzie told her and she sighed. "No, I had a daughter long before you were born. She was 16 when you were born, and she died not long after." Ms. Hearts replied and Lizzie gasped. Then a knock appeared. "Um.... Come in!" Lizzie called and Daring walked in. "Hi." Daring greeted and Lizzie pushed her eyebrows together. "What do you want?" Lizzie asked. "I was passing by and I heard something. I wanted to see if you're okay." Daring replied and Lizzie rolled her eyes. "Why are you associating with a Charming?" Ms. Hearts asked. "I'm not." Lizzie replied. "He'a not your boyfriend, is he?" Ms. Hearts asked and Lizzie scoffed. "Of course not. I would never be seen with a goody to shoes who thinks he's perfect." Lizzie replied and Daring sighed. "Lizzie." Daring commented. "I'm not some Damsel in Distress for you to save, Daring. So you can find your good service for the day somewhere else." Lizzie told him. He slowly nodded. "Okay." Daring agreed and he walked away. Lizzie shook her head and turned back around and sighed to see her mom was gone.
      Lizzie had her hair in a braid as she walked across campus. She was making it outside to meet her friends. Daring walked in front of her and she stopped as she met his eyes. He smiled as his white teeth flashed and she rolled his eyes. "Not impressive." Lizzie told him and he frowned. "I saw you by yourself and thought I should offer you a seat at my table." Daring told her. The royals and rebels don't have separate tables anymore, but they do have a new systems. There's a table for the popular, the feared, losers, loners, and the Crazy Wonderlandians. Lizzie could sit there or with the feared. People hate that Raven and Maddie sit together because it's not apart of their system. So Daring's comment surprised her. "With the populars?" Lizzie asked and he nodded. "Yes." Daring replied. "What about the stupid system?" Lizzie asked. "You said it yourself, it's stupid. I think it's about time we change it." Daring replied. "Why do you keep acting nice to me when just a month ago you acted as if I didn't exist?" Lizzie asked. "To be honest, I can't stop thinking about you after our date." Daring replied and Lizzie couldn't help but smile. "Really? Me?" Lizzie asked and Daring smiled back. "Yeah, you're different. You don't care what people think and you go by your own rules. You're strong and fierce. Most girls I date are damsels in distress and want me to save them, but you can save yourself and I really like that." Daring replied and Lizzie was speechless. "I don't know what to say." Lizzie told him. "Look, my entire life I was taught a certain way. We all were. I was taught that I'm suppose to date some damsel in distress princess. But now, I don't want them. I want you." Daring told her and she grinned. "Daring." Lizzie commented. "I have something for you." Daring told her. He walked behind her and pulled out a necklace as he put it around her neck. She turned around and faced him. "I have never been speechless before." Lizzie told him and he smiled. Not a too cool for you smirk, but a genuine smile. "Think about what I said." Daring told her and walked away as Lizzie sighed and looked down at the new necklace he gave her. After he left, the necklace turned pink. She shrugged, figuring it was magic.
     Lizzie walked outside as she saw a tree just a little bit away from the school. She walked up to it to find her friends sitting around it or hanging from it. They have a tree in Wonderland that they considered their spot, it's where they always hung out. Now this is going to be a replacement sort of thing. "Hey guys." Lizzie greeted. "Hey, Liz." Kitty greeted as she hung upside down on a branch. Alistair was next to her as Bunny was in rabbit form and Dina was in mouse form. They can change form, but only to that. Bunny jumped down and transformed back into herself in mid air and landed on her feet. "Where have you been?" Bunny asked. "Busy." Lizzie replied. Lizzie sat down and sighed as she leaned back. "Where'd you get that?" Kitty asked as she looked at Lizzie. "Um, I found it." Lizzie replied. "How did it just change to black? Is it magic?" Tammy asked. "I'm guessing." "It's a mood necklace." Maddie told them. "It is?" Lizzie asked and Maddie nodded with a smile. "Yeah, and that is so Wonderlandiful." Maddie replied. Lizzie sighed as she looked down and looked at it.
     Lizzie knocked on Daring's dorm room and he answered with a smile. "Hi." Daring greeted, shocked to see her there. "Are you alone?" Lizzie asked. "Yes." Daring replied. "Good." Lizzie commented and walked inside. Daring closed the door and turned to face her. "What's going on?" Daring asked. "Why did you give me a mood necklace?" Lizzie asked as she faced him and he shrugged. "I thought it was pretty." Daring replied and she stepped closer to him. "The real reason." Lizzie told him and he sighed. "You don't tell anyone how you feel, you don't even tell yourself how you feel. I'm not saying you have feelings for me, but this could help you come in touch with your inner self." Daring replied. "Why do you care so much?" Lizzie asked. "I don't know." Daring replied. "Do you really have feelings for me?" Lizzie asked and Daring nodded. "I do." Daring replied. "I have to get out of here." Lizzie told him and walked off. "Lizzie!" Daring called and she just kept walking.
      Lizzie walked across Wonderland as her braided hair flew in the wind. She walked into the Queen's castle. The home she grew up in. "Mom!" Lizzie called. She walked into the throne room and saw her mom sitting on the Queen's throne. "Yes, princess?" Ms. Hearts asked. "Why didn't you tell me that I had a sister?" Lizzie asked. "It hurt, and I didn't want anyone to know my pain. Love is weakness." Ms. Hearts replied. "Is this why you never acted like you loved me? Because of this Mary?" Lizzie asked. "Part of it. I always knew love was weakness, that's what my mom taught me. But what happened with Mary just proved it." Ms. Hearts replied. "So you thought becoming even more cruel and hateful was the answer?" Lizzie asked. "Yes. It's who I am, it's who I've always been." Ms. Hearts replied. She looked down at her necklace and held the pendant part in her palm. It turned from black to blue to pink. She looked back up with shock. "I have to go." Lizzie told her ran off.
     Lizzie knocked on Daring's dorm and he answered. "Lizzie. I don't have time for this." Daring told her. He was about to close it, but she stopped it as she walked in. "You're right. I don't tell anyone how I feel, because I was taught that it was weakness. That love was weakness, but it's not. I love my friends, they're everything to me. They're my entire life. The only people who have been able to see past my surface and into my heart, but somehow you did too. I love that you did. This necklace was amazing, and you didn't think of yourself as you did it. You thought of me. You did it to help me find myself, and I'm still not sure who I am, but I think I am getting there. You got me closer. I never use to think of you much, until our date. Maybe I don't know exactly what I feel for you, but I think that I really like you." Lizzie explained and Daring smiled. "I really like you too." Daring told her and Lizzie grinned. She leaned in and kissed him passionately. They pulled away and they both smiled. "I don't wait for guys to make the first move." Lizzie told him and he laughed. "And I like that about you." Daring told her.

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