Chapter 10: Unfulfilled Part 2!

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Ever After!
     Bunny and Alistair sat on the steps outside of Ever After High as they held hands. "You should make girls night today. You, Cari, Maddie, Kitty, Tammy, and Lizzie. Maybe go to the mall." Alistair suggested. "Why?" Bunny asked. "Because tomorrow I'm taking you on a date, and I figured you would want to shop." Alistair replied and Bunny laughed. "Shut up." Bunny commented. "Come on." Alistair told her. "We could use a girls night, without all you guys." Bunny agreed and Alistair laughed. Cari ran up to them. "Bunny, I need to talk to you." Cari told her. "Okay." Bunny agreed. "Hi, Alistair. Bye, Alistair." Cari commented. Cari grabbed her hand and dragged her inside the school and over to her locker. "What is this all about?" Bunny asked. "Marchness and I were at Hatter's Tea Shop when our hands touched. It was awkward and I don't know what it means." Cari replied. "Are you getting a crush on Marchness?" Bunny asked and Cari sighed. "I don't know. When our hands met, we starred into each others eyes for a moment and then quickly removed our hands and changed the subject." Cari replied. "Are you going to ask him out?" Bunny asked. "No, I don't even know what this means." Cari replied. "Aren't you always the one who says you need to just say how you feel upright and don't hold anything in?" Bunny asked. "Yes, in most cases. But I don't even know how I feel right now." Cari replied.
      Marchness walked up to the school and sat next to Alistair on the steps. "What's wrong with you?" Alistair asked. "There's nothing wrong, persay." Marchness replied. "What is it, Marchness?" Alistair asked and Marchness sighed. "Cari and I sort of had a moment." Marchness replied. "What do you mean?" Alistair asked. "Our hands met and our eyes gazed." Marchness replied and Alistair smiled. "What do you think it means? Alistair asked and Marchness shrugged. "I don't know." Marchness replied. "Do you have feelings for her now?" Alistair asked. "I don't know. I mean, I love how smart she is and how confident. She's really nice but she's also blunt, but in a good way. She's a great friend and is always there for you. She doesn't take any crap from anyone and doesn't care what anyone else thinks." Marchness replied. "So, is that a yes?" Alistair asked and he smiled. "Maybe." Marchness replied.
     Daring walked into Hatter's Tea Shop and up to the counter. Lizzie was sitting there with a cup of tea. "Coffee, please." Daring told him. "You sure you don't want tea?" Hatter asked. "Just coffee." Daring replied. "Okie dokie." Hatter agreed as he walked into the back. Daring looked over at Lizzie, who couldn't stop smiling. "Hi." Daring greeted. "What do you want?" Lizzie asked and Daring laughed. "Just grabbing some coffee." Daring replied. "Well, I'm going to the Forbidden Forest soon." Lizzie told him. "Really?" Daring asked. "Well, you know what everyone says about us Wonderlandians. We're mad and love to explore." Lizzie replied. "Maybe you won't have to be in that place alone." Daring suggested. "Maybe." Lizzie agreed. She grabbed her tea and walked out. Mad Hatter gave Daring his coffee and he waited a couple minutes before he followed her out.
     Lizzie walked into her dorm room and saw Maddie and Kitty on her bed and Duchess was on her own bed. "Good, you're here. Now get rid of your insane friends." Duchess told her. "They're not insane." Lizzie told her. "Tea time!" Maddie exclaimed as she started taking a bunch of things out of her hat to make a tea party. "Do you have earl grey?" Kitty asked. "Of course." Maddie replied and they both laughed. "Okay, maybe they are insane. But no more insane then me." Lizzie told her and Duchess sighed. "Whatever." Duchess commented as she walked out. "Where we you?" Kitty asked and Lizzie shrugged. "Just out walking." Lizzie replied. The door flew open and they all jumped as the Queen of Hearts walked in. "Mom? What are you doing here?" Lizzie asked. "You've been ignoring my calls ever since I told you about your sister." Ms. Hearts replied and Lizzie sighed. "I didn't have anything else to say." Lizzie told her. "I do." Ms. Hearts told her. "Maybe we should leave." Kitty suggested. "We don't want to miss the good part." Maddie told her. "Mads." Kitty commented. "It's alright, stay." Lizzie told them. "Okay." Kitty agreed. "Talk." Lizzie told her. "You're going to be the next Queen of Hearts, and you need to be just like me to be just as great of a Queen." Ms. Heart explained. "No, I'm going to be a nicer Queen. A better Queen." Lizzie told her. Ms. Hearts bit her tongue and took a deep breathe. "We'll see." Ms. Heart commented. She handed Lizzie an old Wonderland spellbook and left.
      Lizzie looked at the cover of the spellbook. "Are you going to open it?" Kitty asked as her and Maddie walked over to her. "I don't want to be like my mom." Lizzie replied. "You're nothing like her, opening one spellbook won't change that." Maddie told her and she nodded. She opened it up and a picture and letter fell out. She put the spellbook down and picked them up. She looked at the picture and saw a teenage girl with short red hair holding a baby girl in a red blanket and a baby boy in a blue blanket. "Ooh, they look happy. Who are they?" Maddie asked. "I don't know." Lizzie replied. "Read the letter." Kitty told her. "Dear, son. I am so sorry that I had to give you up at birth. But Elizabeth is older by a few minutes, and will be the future Queen. I love you, and I want to secure your future and give you to a mother who can give you a title. I already know the perfect women, she can't have kids and she will keep you on the right track and will love you forever. I hope you're not mad at me, I do love you. I'm doing this for you and your future. Love, your mother." Lizzie read. "You have a twin?" Kitty asked. "Apparently." Lizzie replied.
      The group, except Lizzie, were at the Hatter's Tea Shop. "Wait, Lizzie has a twin brother?" Tony asked. "Yep." Maddie replied. "It was pretty awkward." Maddie added. "Who is he?" Tammy asked. "The letter didn't say." Kitty replied. "Where is she now?" Alistair asked. "She just left, without another word." Kitty replied. "She probably needed to talk to her mom." Dina suggested. "Or wanted to be alone to think things through." Marchness suggested. "With Lizzie, it's hard to tell." Tammy commented. "What do we do?" Dina asked. "I think she needs space." Maddie replied. "But we're her friends, her best friends. We should do something." Cari commented. "After she has time to cool off, of course." Tony commented. "She could be anywhere." Bunny commented. "We'll talk to her tomorrow morning, when she's in her dorm room." Alistair suggested. "Good idea." Tammy agreed.
      Lizzie walked as she held the map to the Well of Wonder, and was off of school grounds. She finally found it when she heard footsteps and turned around to find Daring. "Hey." Daring greeted. "What are you doing here?" Lizzie asked. "I watched you leave, and you seemed upset." Daring replied and she sighed. "I'm not upset." Lizzie told him. "Right, because you can never be upset." Daring commented sarcastically. "Shut up." Lizzie told him. "I just care about you, and I want to protect you." Daring told her. "I don't need you to protect me, I protect myself. I'm so tired of everyone lying to me or acting weird around me because I'm some ditzy, fragile princess. I may be a princess, but not like any you see around Ever After. I am strong and I am fierce. I am anything but ditzy or fragile. I don't need protection, others need protection from my wrath. So you can just leave me alone, Daring Charming. Because I don't need you or anybody else." Lizzie explained. She turned her back on him and jumped in the Well of Wonder as he sighed.

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