Chapter 34: The Undead Part 1!

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Monster World!
Draculaura took her team back to the Monster Realm. Her team consists of Clawd, Clawdeen, Lagoona, Frankie, Cleo, Deuce, Ghoulia, Abbey, Raven, Dexter, Darling, Tammy, Dina, and Dracula. "Where is the biggest cemetery?" Raven asked as she held hands with her boyfriend. "This way. Not far from my house, actually." Draculaura replied. "You live near a cemetery?" Dina asked. "We're monsters. Cemetery's are kind of our thing." Cleo replied. "Ahhhh. Ahhhhh." Ghoulia added. "True." Cleo agreed. "What'd she say?" Tammy asked. "Her family lives in a Mausoleum." Frankie replied. "Seriously?" Darling asked. "It may be odd in your Realm, but not in our Realm. At least, not for monsters. It may still be weird for Normies." Lagoona replied. "May? More like it is." Clawdeen told her and she nodded. "Normie. What's a normie? Type of a monster?" Darling asked. "No. Normies are what us monsters call you humans." Clawd replied. "That's rather odd." Dexter commented. "To you. But it's normal to us." Dracula told him as he walked past them. Draculaura sighed and ignored her dad. She's still having some issues with him. Clawd walked up to her and took her hand in his as she smiled at him. "I missed you." Draculaura told her and he smiled. "I missed you too. I'm so glad you're alright." Clawd told her. He put his hand around her and she blushed. "I love you, Clawd." Draculaura told him. "I love you too, Draculaura." Clawd told her. They leaned in and kissed as they both grinned. "Are we almost there?" Dina asked. "We get there when we get there." Abbey replied. "What's her problem?" Darling asked. "I can hear you, and I don't have problem." Abbey replied. "She's honest and calls them how she see's them. Amazing quality, that is." Lagoona commented. "There's my mansion!" Draculaura exclaimed as she pointed up and broke out of Clawd's embrace. "On top of the hill?" Dexter asked as he widened his eyes. "That's home." Dracula replied. "It looks.... Scary." Tammy commented. "To a Normie perhaps. It looks normal to me." Deuce commented. Draculaura grabbed Clawd's hand and kept moving. "Let's go." Draculaura told them.

Ever After!
Lizzie took her team back to Wonderland. Her team consists of Daring, Maddie, Kitty, Alistair, Bunny, Cari, Marchness, Tony, Chase, Gil, Operetta, Twyla, Howleen, and Ms. Hearts. Ms. Hearts kept an eye on Naevok. Daring walked beside Lizzie. "Hey." Daring greeted and she tried to hide a smile. "Hi." Lizzie greeted. "What's the plan?" Daring asked. "To wing it." Lizzie replied. "Wing it? Seriously?" Daring asked. "I'm not one for plans, that would be Cari's department." Lizzie replied. "Could we talk for a moment? In private?" Daring asked. "This is important, Daring. Afterwards, I promise." Lizzie replied and he nodded. Kitty walked up to Lizzie and linked arms with her. "Hey, Liz." Kitty greeted. "Hey yourself." Lizzie greeted as Daring let himself fall a tad backwards from the group. "I saved you." Kitty told her. "Saved me? From what?" Lizzie asked. "Mr. Pretty boy over there." Kitty replied. Lizzie looked back and locked eyes with him. "Right." Lizzie agreed. "And I also noticed you're avoiding your mother." Kitty added. "She's lied to me. About my sister. The Necromancer.... Chase." Lizzie told her as she looked at her twin brother. Cari walked up to them. "Are you going to tell him? About his origin?" Cari asked. "Of course not." Lizzie replied. "Good. Better that way." Kitty agreed. "Kitty. I think Maddie was looking for you." Caei told her. Kitty walked over to her as they began talking. "What was that?" Lizzie asked. "I love Kitty, but she's not exactly sensitive about these things." Cari replied. "Neither am I." Lizzie agreed. "Chase has the right to know. He knows he's adopted, Lizzie. He may want to know his past." Cari told her. "How far to the cemetery?" Operetta asked. "Not too far." Alistair replied.

Monster World!
Dracula walked up to his daughter and her boyfriend. "You should let me handle Naevok's brother." Dracula told them. "You've done enough." Clawd told him. "This isn't about you, werewolf." Dracula commented and Draculaura sighed. "Would you both knock it off? I'm tired of being stuck in the middle. I'm always stuck in the middle. Between you two. My friends. I'm always the mediator between everyone because I'm the only one with a level head and I'm behind sick of it. It doesn't always have to be one way and there doesn't always have to be sides to divide everyone. Sometimes.... it's just about friendship. Love. Not sides or who's right and who's wrong. I'm done with feeling like I have to choose sides, because I won't. I choose.... Not to decide, which sometimes is the hardest decision one can make." Draculaura explained and than she walked ahead, leaving everyone speechless.

Ever After!
"May I ask you a question?" Cari asked. "Sure." Lizzie replied. "What were you talking to Daring about?" Cari asked. "Nothing." Lizzie replied. "Liz. I know there's something going on. You two have been acting weird since before all this Necromancer stuff started." Cari told her and she shook her head. "Just leave it alone." Lizzie told her and walked ahead. Ms. Hearts gave Naevok to Marchness and walked up to her daughter. "Hello, Elizabeth." Ms. Hearts greeted. "Mother." Lizzie greeted. "I overheard your conversation with your Caterpillar friend." Ms. Hearts told. "I have lots of conversations with her, she's one of my best friends." Lizzie told her. "Have you been spending time with the prince?" Ms. Hearts asked. "So what if I have?" Lizzie asked. "Do you.... Have feelings for him?" Ms. Hearts asked. Lizzie didn't know how to respond to that, but her face gave her mother the answer she needed. "It's complicated." Lizzie replied, trying to shake it off. "Elizabeth!" Ms. Hearts exclaimed. "I don't care anymore, mother. I'm done. I don't want to be like you. I want to be Queen of Wonderland, but I do not want to follow my story and try and chop one of my best friends head off. I am chosing my own path, mother. I choose my friends, because they are my family. I push away people who actually try and get close to me, and hide my feelings. Wanna know why? Because that's how I was raised.... You wanba know what's going on between me and Daring? We went on one date and I've had feelings for him ever since. Because he was kind to me and excepted my little Wonderland spats or my yelling tendencies. I rather have that than what you've done to me my entire life, even though he is Prince Charming's son." Lizzie explained as she walked ahead. Everyone was left speechless and Daring ran to catch up with Lizzie.
Everyone was still shocked about Lizzie's news about her relationship with Daring. It's been silent ever since. "Lizzie." Daring commented. "Yes?" Lizzie asked. "Did you mean it?" Daring asked and Lizzie smiled at him. A sincere smile. "I actually did." Lizzie replied. "I was not expecting that." Daring told her and she laughed. "Neither was I." Lizzie agreed as she grabbed his hand and they both smiled when Alistair walked up to them. "Hey, Liz." Alistair greeted. "Hey." Lizzie greeted. "When were you going to tell us about this?" Alistair asked. "After I admitted it to myself." Lizzie replied and he nodded. "Are you at least happy?" Alistair asked. "I don't know what happiness feels like.... I didn't even know what love felt like before you guys." Lizzie told him and he smiled. "We love you too." Alistair told her. Lizzie looked up and stopped when she saw a man, causing everyone else to stop as well. "You must be Princess Elizabeth Hearts." The man commented. "And you must be Tinok." Lizzie commented as she crossed her arms. "We have an army now." Tinok told her as a dead army walked up behind him. One girl was in the front next to Tinok, and Lizzie recognized her from her picture. "Mary." Lizzie commented.

Monster World!
Clawdeen and Clawd stood on either side of Draculaura. "Are you okay, D?" Clawdeen asked and she sighed. "No." Draculaura replied. "It will be okay." Clawdeen told her and she nodded. "It's just been.... Hard. So much has changed. I don't even know who I am anymore." Draculaura told them. Clawd squeezed Draculaura's hand and she sighed as she forced back her tears. "It's okay that you don't know who you are right now, every monster goes through that at one point or another." Clawd told her and she shook her head. "Not me. Clawd, you don't understand. I've always known who I was and what I wanted, even when I was human." Draculaura told him. "Perhaps, but you can get through this. You know why? Because I believe in you.... And because even when you don't know who you are, I do. I always have and I always will." Clawd told her. "Same with me. Best friends forever." Clawdeen told her and Draculaura grinned. "Forever." Draculaura agreed. They stopped when they saw a man. "Draculaura, I suppose." The man greeted. "Somok?" Draculaura asked. "That's what they call me." Somok replied. A dead army began walking up to him. "The army. It's happening." Draculaura commented. "You bet it is." Somok agreed. One dead women was in front of the others, and Draculaura recognized her immediately as she felt tears in her eyes. "Mom." Draculaura commented.

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