Chapter 7: Loved!

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Monster World!
    Draculaura sat on the steps outside of Monster High. Lagoona walked up and sat next to her. "Hey." Lagoona greeted. "Hi." Draculaura greeted. Draculaura held an old diary. You could tell it was from centuries ago. "Is that an old diary of yours?" Lagoona asked and Draculaura nodded. "Yeah." Draculaura replied. "And you still have it?" Lagoona asked. "An old memory of mine." Draculaura replied and Lagoona nodded. "That makes since." Lagoona commented. "I guess." Draculaura agreed. "Are you okay?" Lagoona asked. "Fine." Draculaura replied. "You've just seemed, out of it lately." Lagoona told her. "There's just been a lot on my mind, Lagoona." Draculaura told her. "Like what, mate?" Lagoona asked and Draculaura sighed. "My past." Draculaura replied. She stood up and walked away.
     Lagoona walked into the Creepateria and found her friends. She walked over to them and they smiled at her. "Hey, Lagoona." Clawdeen greeted. "Has Draculaura told you guys anything?" Lagoona asked. "Told us what?" Frankie asked. "Just what's been going on with her." Lagoona replied. "Ahhh." Ghoulia commented. "I've noticed her acting weird too." Clawdeen agreed. "Maybe it's just temporary, perhaps it would go away." Cleo suggested. "But this isn't like Draculaura." Frankie commented. "Should we talk to her?" Clawdeen asked. "I already tried, it didn't work." Lagoona replied. "She probably needs space." Cleo suggested and Ghoulia nodded. "Ahhh." Ghoulia agreed and they all sighed.
     Draculaura walked down the hallway at school. "Hey, Draculaura." Operetta greeted. "Hi." Draculaura greeted. "Hey there, Draculaura." Spectra greeted. "Hey, Spectra." Draculaura greeted. "How are you today?" Bonita asked as she fly by. "I'm alright." Draculaura replied. "How are you?" Abbey asked. "Good." Draculaura replied. "What are your plans today after school?" Rochelle asked. "I don't really have any." Draculaura replied. "Do you want to go to the maul with Rebecca, Venus, Cy, and myself?" Rochelle asked. "Maybe another day." Draculaura replied and Rochelle nodded. "Okay." Rochelle agreed as she walked away. "Hey, Draculaura. It's a great day, huh?" Gigi asked. "Um, yeah." Draculaura replied. "Hi, Draculaura." Kiyomi greeted. "Hey." Draculaura greeted. "How are you doing?" Kiyomi asked. "Good." Draculaura replied. "We should make plans to meet up." Kiyomi suggested. "Yeah, I'll give you a text." Draculaura replied and Kiyomi nodded. "Hey." Catty greeted as she waved and Draculaura waved back. "Greetings." Cupid greeted. "Hi." Draculaura greeted. "Hey, Draculaura." Wydowna greeted. "Good to see you." Scarah commented. Draculaura waved at them as they walked away. Then Cleo and Deuce walked up to her. "Everyone loves you." Cleo commented and Deuce shrugged. "It's nothing." Draculaura told her as she walked away.
     Draculaura walked down to the catacombs and heard something behind her. She spun and gasped before realizing it was Clawd and she sighed. "Clawd! What are you doing here?" Draculaura asked. "I was going to ask you the same thing." Clawd replied. "I'm looking for something." Draculaura told her. "What?" Clawd asked. "Something from the past. You can go, I'll be fine." Draculaura replied and he shook his head. "I'm not going anywhere." Clawd told her and she nodded. "Okay, then help me find Operetta." Draculaura told him and he nodded. "Okay." Clawd agreed and they walked off. "What is this all about?" Clawd asked and Draculaura sighed. "My mom." Draculaura replied. "I haven't heard you mention her before." Clawd told her. "I don't talk about her much. I miss her, though." Draculaura told him. "That's only reasonable." Clawd told her. "She died 1600 years ago." Draculaura told him. "Isn't that when you were born? Did she die giving birth to you?" Clawd asked and Draculaura sighed. "I've never told anyone this, Clawd. But I wasn't born a vampire like Gory, I was a normie for the first 16 years of my life." Draculaura replied. "Really?" Clawd asked and Draculaura nodded. "Yeah. I mean, I met my dad when I was 12. He gave my mom and me a home, when we were on the run from my biological dad." Draculaura told him. "Wow. That's insane." Clawd commented. "Yeah, I know. But my mom and him fell in love. But my mom had a disease that she didn't tell anyone about. It killed her and not long after, I got into the hospital for that same disease. But I didn't know I had it, and my dad couldn't lose me too. I would have died if he hadn't turned me." Draculaura explained. Clawd looked at her as she looked at the ground as they kept walking. He put his hand around her shoulder as she sighed. "I am so sorry." Clawd apologized. "It was a long time ago. But my dad was going to do something really stupid to save her, and that person is back in his life." Draculaura told him. "What do you mean?" Clawd asked. "A Necromancer. He had a Necromancer and, the Necromancer has come back and it can't be good." Draculaura replied. "And the catacombs is your answer?" Clawd asked. "Not exactly. I'm going to deal with the Necromancer later. I'm looking for something underneath the Normie town. It's been 1600 years, so I doubt it's there. But I need to know." Draculaura told him and he nodded. "I can help with that." Operetta commented as they looked up to see her standing there.
      Draculaura was a little ahead as Clawd and Operetta were walking side by side. "She knows this is a long shot, right?" Operetta asked. "She knows, this is just something she needs to do." Clawd replied and Operetta nodded. "I'm all for helping." Operetta commented. Draculaura stopped as the others caught up to her. "What is it?" Clawd asked. "I think we're almost there." Draculaura replied. "The Normie town is just a block away." Operetta told her. "You really know the catacombs." Clawd commented as the three of them continued walking again. "Well, I do basically live here." Operetta agreed and Clawd laughed. "That much is true." Clawd agreed and Operetta smiled. "Is Draculaura okay?" Operetta asked and Clawd sighed. "She will be." Clawd replied.
     Draculaura stepped on something and looked down. It was a necklace. She looked at it and smiled. "What's that?" Operetta asked. Draculaura picked it up and examinex it. "It was my mom's." Draculaura replied. "You found it? It's actually here?" Operetta asked. "Yeah, it actually is." Draculaura replied. "That's great." Operetta commented. Clawd put his hands on her shoulders. "I'm happy for you." Clawd commented and Draculaura smiled. "Thanks for helping me. Both of you." Draculaura commented and they nodded. "You're welcome." Clawd commented. "Anything for you." Clawd told her. "I love you." Draculaura told him. "I love you too." Clawd told her and they started heading out of the Catacombs.

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