Chapter 36: The Battle Part 1!

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Monster World! 
        A zombie hit Clawdeen in the face and she fell backwards. She jumped back up and round kicked him in the face as it popped off. The body started walking around, not sure where to go without its head. Clawdeen showed her claws and dug them into the body as it collapsed. Another zombie grabbed her from behind as she yelped in surprise. Clawd came from behind and used his claws to stab him in the back. The zombie let go of Clawdeen as she fell to the ground. The zombie turned around to face Clawd. Clawdeen quickly stood up and grabbed an athame from her boot and stabbed it in the head. It collapsed as Clawdeen kept the athame close to her, just in case. "You okay?" Clawd asked and Clawdeen nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine." Clawdeen replied. 
      Lagoona ran toward a tree as a zombie followed her. She stepped on the tree trunk and ran up. Then she did a flip and landed behind it. She kicked its head off and than stepped on it rather harshly, crushing it. Then the body fell limply to the ground. Raven shot ten zombies with her magic, paralyzing them as they fell to the ground. Abbey shot two of them with her ice powers, turning them into icicles. Then she kicked them both, causing them to shatter. Darling raised her sword and chopped off a zombies head. She did that to another and than another. A zombie pushed Dexter into a tree and punched him in his gut as he groaned. His glasses fell off and the zombie accidentally stepped on them. Raven shot it with magic and it exploded. She ran over to Dexter. She picked up his glasses and used her magic to fix them before putting them back on him. 

Ever After! 
         Daring stabbed a zombie in its head as it collapsed. Alistair kicked on in its face, as its head popped off. Then Kitty used her claws to stab its head and the body collapsed. Kitty stood back up and they high fived. "This is fun!" Maddie exclaimed. "How can you think this is fun?" Gil asked as he was struggling from a zombie. "It's a Wonderland thing." Tony replied as he punched a zombie and than jump kicked another one. Maddie climbed a tree and looked around. There weren't as many zombies as it had looked like from down there. She looked around. Wonderlandians tend to think differently. Most people think they're mad, and perhaps they are. But for the most part, they just think uniquely. The branch broke and Maddie fell on top a zombie. The same zombie was currently choking Bunny. "Thanks, Mads." Bunny commented and Maddie grinned as she jumped up. "No problem." Maddie agreed. 
         Chase swung his sword and chopped off two different zombies heads as they both collapsed. Chase looked around, and noticed Lizzie was gone. He felt hands on his back and elbowed someone's face. He spun around and saw a zombie on the ground. He raised his sword and chopped of its head. Chase then saw a zombie was on top of Twyla. Four zombies circled around Howleen. "Twyla!" Howleen called. Chase used his sword to chop off the head of the zombie that was on Twyla. Then he stabbed one of the zombies heading toward Howleen. Howleen lifted her leg and spun around, kicking each one of them. Chase took the chance to stab each in the head. Operetta saw a group of zombies heading toward Marchness, and he had his back turned from them as he fought another zombie. She took a deep breathe and let out a high pitched scream, shattering some glass at a nearby abandoned house. The zombies shook before shattering. Marchness killed the zombies he was fighting and then turned around to see a bunch of zombie guts at his feet. "Don't ask." Operetta told him and he nodded. A zombie attacked Twyla and she hid in a shadow. Shadows are found everywhere in a cemetery. Then reappeared from a different shadow behind it and kicked it. Howleen ran over and dug her claws into its head, before it collapsed. 

Monster World! 
          A zombie grabbed Cleo by her shirt and threw her several yards away as she groaned. "Hey!" Deuce exclaimed. The zombie turned around and Deuce took his sunglasses off. The zombie turned to stone and he put his sunglasses back on. He ran over to Cleo and helped her up. Ghoulia stabbed a zombie in its head with her athame when another one grabbed her from behind. "Ghoulia!" Cleo exclaimed. She ran over and freed Ghoulia from him. Then she grabbed his arm and flipped him over when Ghoulia used her athame to stab it in its head. "Ahhh. Ahhh." Ghoulia commented and Cleo smirked. "You're right, Ghoulia. We do make a great team." Cleo agreed and they high fived. Tammy punched a zombie in the face and looked around. More and more keep coming. This is a never ending battle. A zombie broke off a tree branch and hit her in the back of her head. She blacked out as she fell to the ground. "Tammy!" Dina exclaimed. She ran over and kicked the zombie in its shin and then punched it in its face. She winced as she held her wrist. Dina bent down to her friend as she moved a lock of hair behind her ear. "How is she?" Darling asked. Dina felt her pulse and sighed in relief. "Alive." Dina replied. 

Ever After! 
      Cari used her magic to make a cloud appear. She turned the cloud to dust and blew at it as it flew to the zombie and made it fall asleep. Alistair swung his sword at a zombies and chopped its head off. "A zombie kicked Maddie a couple of times as she dropped her knife. Then the zombie punched her as she fell backwards. "That's not nice!"  Maddie exclaimed. She was bleeding and she groaned. Kitty disappeared from several yards away and reappeared on top of a tree that over the zombie that was leaning over Maddie, who laid flat on her back. Kitty jumped on the back of it and used her claws to stab it in its face. It began to fall to the ground when Maddie rolled over, so that it wouldn't fall on top of her. Kitty sighed as she stood up. Maddie jumped up and hugged her friend. Another zombie grabbed Maddie's knife that had fallen and threw it. Cari made the zombie Alistair was struggling with, to fall asleep. Alistair sighed in exhaustion. Then he screamed when the knife pierced his soldier and Cari gasped. He fell to his knees as Cari knelt down beside him. "Alistair!" Bunny called. She tried to run to him when a zombie grabbed her from behind and she struggled to get free. 

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