Chapter 9: Unfulfilled Part 1!

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Monster World!
     Draculaura laid in her bed as she held her mother's pendant. The pendant part was round and pink with a golden L in the center and litrle red hearts circling the L. The L stood for Laura. Her mom loved to keep that pendent with her at all times, that way she could keep her daughter at heart at all times. Draculaura smiled as a few tears fell down her eyes. Her roommate, Clawdeen, walked in and saw her. "Hey, D." Clawdeen greeted. "Hey." Draculaura greeted. "Clawd told me about the pendant." Clawdeen told her. "I can't believe it was still there." Draculaura commented. "Are you okay?" Clawdeen asked and Draculaura sighed. "I guess." Draculaura replied. "What made you start missing your mom so much again?" Clawdeen asked. "Something my dad told me." Draculaura replied. "You know, I'm always here if you need to talk." Clawdeen told her. Draculaura smiled and looked up at her. "I know." Draculaura agreed. Clawdeen smiled and gave her a hug.
     Lagoona walked out of the school pool and Gil walked up to her. "How was the swim?" Gil asked. "Refreshing." Lagoona replied. Lagoona put her hair back into a ponytail. "Wanna grab a bite?" Gil asked and Lagoona smiled. "Sure." Lagoona replied. "Coffin Bean?" Gil asked with a smirk and Lagoona laughed. "Definitely." Lagoona replied. Gil took her hand and they walked in and saw Clawdeen and Frankie walking by. "Hey, ghouls." Lagoona greeted. "Where are you off to?" Frankie asked. "The Coffin Bean." Lagoona replied. "Sounds fun." Clawdeen commented. "Is this a date or could we join?" Frankie asked. "No, our date is tomorrow night when I take her somewhere nice." Gil replied and Lagoona grinned. "Really?" Lagoona asked. "Yeah." Gil replied. "Come on, Ghouls. Let's go to the Coffin Bean." Lagoona told them.
       Draculaura sat on her bed as she starred out the pendant. She sighed as she wiped her tears. She walked over to her full length mirror, even though she can't see herself, and put the pendant on. She looked at her non reflection and smiled as she held the pendant in her palm. She turned around and put her hair in a braid. There was a knock on her door and she opened it to find Operetta. "Hey." Draculaura greeted. "That pendant looks great on you." Operetta commented and Draculaura smiled. "Thanks, come in." Draculaura told her. "Thank you." Operetta commented. Operetta walked in and Draculaura closed the door behind her. "What brings you by?" Draculaura asked. "I just wanted to make sure you're okay, after our Catacombs adventure." Operetta replied. "I'm fine." Draculaura told her. "Do you have any pictures of your mom?" Operetta asked. "Yeah." Draculaura replied. She went into the top drawer in her nightstand and took out a really old and antique photo album. Draculaura sat on her bed and Operetta sat next to her. "You must have had this for centuries." Operetta commented. "Longer." Draculaura told her and she laughed. Draculaura opened it and there were several pictures of a young women with long black hair. She was thin and had a really nice and sweet style. In every picture she wore the pendant. "She's beautiful." Operetta commented. "Yeah." Draculaura agreed. "I see where you get your looks." Operetta commented. "I've been told." Draculaura told her. "You miss her?" Operetta asked. "Everyday." Draculaura replied. "You're usually the happiest vampire at Monster High, but lately you've been acting like she just died." Operetta commented and Draculaura sighed as she closed the photo album and put it on the nightstand. "I should go." Draculaura told her and left as Operetta sighed.
       Clawd and Deuce walked into their dorm room when Clawd's iCoffin started ringing. He answered it in surprise. "Operetta? What's up?" Clawd asked. "I was just with Draculaura and I think I said something wrong. She's upset and I don't know where she went." Operetta replied and Clawd sighed. "I know where she is." Clawd told her and hung up. "What's going on?" Deuce asked. "I have to find Draculaura." Clawd replied as he grabbed his coat and ran out. He immediately got into his car and drove to a lake with a dock. Draculaura was at the end of it, leaning against the railing. He walked up the dock and stood next to her as she watched the water. This was always Draculaura and Clawd's secret spot. "Did Operetta call you?" Draculaura asked. "Yeah, she didn't mean to hurt you." Clawd replied. "She didn't. She just said what I've been thinking the last week." Draculaura told him. "And what's that?" Clawd asked. "I remember what my mom looks like because of pictures. I have years of memories, but they're all vauge. I hardly remember, and it's making me sad." Draculaura replied. "That was 1600 years ago." Clawd told her. "But she's my mom. We were so close and she died much sooner then she should have." Draculaura told him and he nodded. "I know." Clawd agreed. "I don't know what to do about my dad." Draculaura told him. "And the Necromancer?" Clawd asked. "Yeah." Draculaura replied. Clawd grabbed Draculaura's hand and she smiled at him. "I'm with you. Forever." Clawd told her with a smile. "Forever." Draculaura agreed.
     Draculaura drove up to her dad's mansion. She turned to look at her boyfriend. "I love you." Draculaura told him and he smiled at her. "I love you too." Clawd told her. They leaned in and kissed. They got out of the car and walked up the steps as they walked inside. "Home sweet home." Draculaura commented. "This place gives me the creeps." Clawd commented and Draculaura laughed. "Try growing up in here." Draculaura told him. "Point taken." Clawd agreed. A bat flew past them, making Clawd jump, then the bat transformed into Dracula. "Hi, daddy." Draculaura greeted. "Hello, my sweet little bat." Dracula greeted. "You brought the mut?" Dracula asked. "Of course, and he's not a mut. He's my boyfriend." Draculaura replied. "What brings you by?" Dracula asked. "I need to talk about the Necromancer." Draculaura replied. "I haven't heard from him in over a week." Dracula told her. "Is that the truth?" Draculaura asked. "Yes, Draculaura. That is the truth." Dracula replied and Draculaura nodded. "Do you know what his plans are?" Draculaura asked. "Not yet, but I'm sure he'll drop by soon." Dracula replied. "Why do you say that?" Draculaura asked. "Because he told me." Dracula replied.

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