Chapter 18: Different Set of Friends!

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Monster World!
     The group sat at the Coffin Bean at the Maul. "What are we doing here?" Lizzie asked. "We have to find a place where a Looking Glass might be, but we also must form a plan to stop the Necromancer." Clawdeen replied and Lizzie sighed. "Plans never work." Lizzie told them. "They can." Clawd told her. "No, they never do. You guys have stopped a lot of villains in your time, right?" Lizzie asked and they all nodded. "Yeah, just about." Lagoona replied. "Well, so have I. You form a plan, but then it fails and you have to improvise the rest of the way. You go on from instinct and do what you feel is right." Lizzie explained. "Sounds about right." Frankie agreed. "So, we don't plan. It won't help in the long shot, anyways." Lizzie told them. "What do you think we should do then?" Gil asked and Lizzie sighed. "We wait and battle him and his army, and we just do what we decide in the moment. It's always worked in the past." Lizzie replied and they nodded. "I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I think you're right." Cleo agreed. Lizzie took out her spellbook from her purse and looked at it. "What's that?" Deuce asked. "My spellbook. It was my sisters, she died 16 years ago." Lizzie replied. "I'm sorry." Frankie apologized and Lizzie sighed. "I didn't even know her. I just found out that I had a sister and a twin. I know who my twin is now, I've known him a lomg time, but I didn't know we were twins. I didn't get the chance to tell him the truth before I got here, I don't even know what to say. If you can't tell, I'm not good at feelings." Lizzie explained. "We noticed." Cleo commented. "You're the same." Lizzie told her and Cleo nodded. "Touche." Cleo agreed.

Ever After!
     The group sat in Mad Hatter's Tea Shop. "Kitty, you said you have a Looking Glass." Draculaura commented and she nodded. "I do." Kitty agreed. "Then what are we doing here?" Draculaura asked. "We need to get energy, this is the best place to do so." Maddie replied and Lizzie sighed. "You have a good point." Draculaura agreed. "What are we going to do about the Necromancer?" Bunny asked. "Wait until he attacks and go from there." Draculaura replied. "Really? That's your big plan?" Tony asked. "Me and my friends have formed many plans, and they usually don't end up going as we.... Well, planned. I learned it's just easier to go in the moment." Draculaura replied as she took a sip of her tea. "That makes a lot of since." Alistair agreed. Draculaura touched her pendant and sighed. Cari noticed her. "That's a beautiful pendant." Cari commented and Draculaura gave a small smile. "It was my mother's. I lost her 1600 years ago." Draculaura told her. "I'm so sorry." Cari apologized. "Thanks." Draculaura commented. "What happened?" Maddie asked. "A long story, which I will tell you another time. It's also the story about how I became a Vampire." Draculaura replied. "So, you're 1600 years old?" Tammy asked. "Exactly." Draculaura replied. "What was it like being alive in that time?" Tammy asked. "Different, a lot different. I like the world a lot better now." Draculaura replied.

Ever After!
     "You know, you guys are pretty good. I miss my friends, but I like you guys too." Draculaura told them. "You're pretty great too." Dina agreed and Draculaura smiled. "Thank you." Draculaura commented. Draculaura held onto her pendant as tears formed in her eyes. "What's wrong?" Maddie asked and Draculaura sighed. "Um, I'm not strong. Or powerful. I'm really weak and some monsters say naive. But the truth is I'm just naturally happy and too optimistic, and that says something because I've had a really bad and hard life." Draculaura replied. "You're not as weak as you think, Draculaura." Cari told her. "How do you know that?" Draculaura asked. "Because Cari has a sense of these things." Marchness replied. "You and Lizzie are more alike then we all thought." Cari told her. "How is that?" Kitty asked. "Neither one of them believe in themselves, but for different reasons." Cari replied. "How does Lizzie not believe in herself?" Draculaura asked. "She thinks she has evil in her, because of her mother." Daring replied. "I'm sure she has good in her." Draculaura commented. "Is that your optimism talking?" Tony asked and she shook her head. "No, I believe everyone has good in them." Draculaura replied.

Monster World!
    "We all miss Draculaura, but you're pretty cool yourself." Lagoona commented and Lizzie laughed. "Thank you." Lizzie commented. "Do you like us?" Frankie asked. "You could be a bit more mad, but you're not as bad as I suspected." Lizzie replied. "Close enough." Frankie agreed and they all laughed. Lizzie looked down at her spellbook. "Are you okay?" Clawdeen asked and Lizzie sighed. "I'm a huge pessimist. I've had a terrible life, because I have a lot of issues with my mom and my issues with her only get bigger. I don't trust people easily and I automatically see the worst in everyone I meet.... But I have this darkness inside me, and that's why I act the way I act most of the time." Lizzie explained. "You and Draculaura are a bit similar." Clawdeen commented. "How's that?" Lagoona asked. "They both don't believe in themselves, but for different reasons." Clawdeen replied. "Why doesn't Draculaura believe in herself?" Lizzie asked. "She believes she's not good enough or strong enough." Clawd replied and Lizzie nodded. "Well, in the end it's going to have to be you two, you said it yourself." Gil told her. "So?" Lizzie asked. "So.... you both have to start believing in yourselves or you guys won't be able to stop the Necromancer or his army." Deuce replied and Lizzie sighed. "I know you're right, but I don't know if I can. I just don't see much good in me, not like my friends see in me. Or even Daring." Lizzie replied. "Who's Daring?" Clawd asked. "It's complicated." Lizzie replied and they nodded.

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