Chapter 32: Powerful Part 1!

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Ever After!
      "Draculaura.... Draculaura!" Clawd exclaimed. Draculaura groaned as she opened her eyes. Clawd grabbed her hands and helped her up. "Are you okay?" Clawd asked. "I think so." Draculaura replied. "Did it work? How do you feel?" Lizzie asked and she smiled. "Powerful." Draculaura replied. "Did what work? What did you guys do?" Cari asked. "We did what he wanted to do. We reunited the gems and put the power from it inside Draculaura. We figured it would be more surprising if she did it instead of me. Now, Draculaura is the most powerful being in any universe." Lizzie replied. "All because she has the power of that gem?" Maddie asked. "Yes." Lizzie replied. "Is that the gem of the Triquetra?" Twyla asked. "I think so. That would explain why there's a Triquetra on the lid of the box." Draculaura replied. "You heard of it?" Abbey asked. "I've read about it. It's too much power for any one person to handle." Twyla told them and Operetta sighed. "Of course it is." Operetta agreed. "Um, guys. Naevok is getting away." Marchness told them. They all looked up to see him running. That shows how powerful the gem really is. "Draculaura, this one's on you." Lizzie told her. "No, it's on us." Draculaura told her. She split the now black gem back in half and used her new found power to give half of her magic into Lizzie. "Why'd you do that?" Lizzie asked. "Because this is about both of us. We have to finish together." Draculaura replied and Lizzie nodded. Then they both ran after the Necromancer.
Once they caught up to him, Draculaura threw pink magic at him and he dodged it. Lizzie waved her hand in the air and shot red magic at him. One again, he dodged it. He got faster and they were losing him. They stopped running and sighed as they tried to catch their breaths. "I thought we were supposed to be all powerful." Draculaura commented. That got Lizzie thinking. "We are, and so was the gem before we absorbed its magic. Separately, they were both powerful. Just like us. But they could only do so much. But together, the gem became the most powerful thing the Realms have ever seen." Lizzie explained. "And so are we." Draculaura agreed. They held hands and concentrated. The next thing they knew, they had disappeared and reappeared in front of the Necromancer. He screamed and jumped back. He glared at them. "You can't defeat me." Naevok told them. "We can, and we will." Lizzie told her. They made a portal on the ground and then Draculaura turned and kicked him in the face. He yelled as he fell into the portal. They kept holding hands and smiled as they jumped in themselves.

Monster World!
     Naevok fell on his back and groaned. Draculaura and Lizzie landed on their feet's.Naevok slowly stood up and glared at them. "Why bring me to the Monster Realm?" Naevok asked. "To catch you off guard, and it worked." Lizzie replied. "The two of you do not have what it takes to handle the power of the Gem of the Triquetra." Naevok told them. "You're wrong, Naevok. About the gem, and about us." Draculaura told him. "The princess may be able to hold the power of the gem, but the vampire cannot." Naevok told them. Draculaura had a bad feeling. If her heart could beat, surely it would beat out of her chest. "What do you mean?" Lizzie asked. "The princess has a darkness within her, and can withstand the dark power of the gem. But the vampire is pure of heart. The darkness will swallow her hole, and she shall not survive." Naevok replied. "Draculaura, give me the power." Lizzie told her. "What? Why?" Draculaura asked. "So that you don't die." Lizzie replied. Draculaura started thinking. "There's two parts of the gem, just like there's two of us. Light and dark. Yin and yang." Draculaura commented and Lizzie pushed her eyebrows together. "What are you saying?" Lizzie asked. "The gem needs us both to take on its power, or whomever has its power will die. Because for the gem to survive and to do what it was made for, it needs both light and dark. Both sides of the scale, united for a common goal.... To save the world." Draculaura replied. "The gem can destroy the world, and give a villain ultimate power." Naevok told them. "But it was designed for the opposite." Lizzie told him. "So, the gem won't kill you?" Naevok asked and Draculaura shook her head. "No, it'll give both of us extreme power. More then you've gotten." Lizzie replied. "Crap." Naevok commented.

Ever After!
     Clawdeen, Kitty, Dracula, and Queen of Hearts had chased after Draculaura, Lizzie, and Naevok. The others were waiting for them to come back, with Lizzie and Draculaura. 'They were getting tired of waiting and getting real worried. Dexter and Darling walked up to Daring. "Hey, man." Dexter greeted. Daring snapped out of his thoughts and looked at his younger siblings. "Hey." Daring greeted. "Are you alright?" Darling asked. "Um, yes. Of course." Daring replied. "You've been acting weird for quite a while now." Dexter commented. "I have not." Daring told him. "Yes, you have. What's going on with you? Darling asked. "Nothing." Daring replied. Howleen walked up to Twyla. "Hey." Twyla greeted. "I've seen you talking to Jackson a lot lately." Howleen commented and Twyla nodded. "Yeah, I guess I have." Twyla agreed. "You are both shy. Neither one of you are going to make the first move, and you're one of the smartest people I know, so I know that you know that as well." Howleen told her. "I don't know what you're talking about." Twyla told her. "I know you like him." Howleen told her. "How did you know?" Twyla asked. "You're my best friend, Twy. Of course I know." Howleen replied and Twyla smiled as they hugged. "I love you." Twyla told her. "I love you too." Howleen agreed. Then the group came back, without Draculaura or Lizzie.

Monster World!
     Naevok grabbed Draculaura, but she used telekinesis to throw him backwards. Lizzie shot some red magic at him, paralyzing him. Draculaura widened her eyes at that. "That's one way of going about it." Draculaura commented and Lizzie smiled. "I could get use to these powers." Lizzie commented and Draculaura couldn't help but laugh. They both starred at the Necromancer that caused all of this, and frowned. "What now?" Draculaura asked. "I don't know. Lock him up, I suppose." Lizzie replied and Draculaura nodded.

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