Chapter 31: The Key Part 2!

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Ever After!
     The group stepped out of the portal and appeared in Wonderland. "Home sweet home." Dina commented. "It isn't a reunion, Dina. Not yet, anyways." Alistair told her and Dina nodded. "Where do we find these friends of yours?" Gil asked. "At Ever After. Luckily, the portal landed us right next to the Well of Wonder." Tony replied. "We have to jump through there?" Cleo asked. "Ahhhhh." Ghoulia replied. "Yeah, yeah." Cleo agreed. Lizzie got up and jumped through the Well of Wonder. One by one, they all jumped through and screamed until they jumped out of the other end and landed on the ground. The Wonderlandians landed on their feet, everyone else fell on their backs or sides. They all groaned as they stood up. "Let's get going." Lizzie told them as they started walking off.
      They ran inside the school as everyone watched them. They were wll confused and tried to keep their distance. Maddie ran ahead and ran into the library. "Raven!" Maddie exclaimed. She was shhhhhed by a librarian. Raven and Dexter stood up and walked her out. "Hey, Dex." Daring greeted as he waved. "Daring?" Dexter asked. "What's going on, Mads?" Raven asked. "I'll explain later, but we need help from the both of you and Darling." Maddie replied. "I know where we can find her." Dexter told them. "Where?" Daring asked. "I last saw her in the Castleteria." Dexter replied and Daring nodded. "Lets go." Daring commented as they left.
      The group walked into the Castleteria. All eyes were on them. They just ignored it and kept walking. Monsters never cared about what people think of them, freaky flaws and all, and neither did Wonderlandians, with them being mad and all. Darling lookes up from her book she was reading as the group approached her. She pushed her eyebrows together as she closed her book, with the bookmark in place. "Yes?" Darling asked. "We need you. We need all the he help we can get, and your the obvious choice." Daring replied. "Um, okay.... Help with what, exactly?" Darling asked. "We'll explain later." Lizzie replied. "Guys, we have to go. Now." Draculaura told them. They all nodded a mb d quickly ran out of the Castleteria. They ran down the halls and out the front doors when an earthquake began. "An earthquake?" Bunny asked. "I don't think that's a normal earthquake." Frankie commented as she pointed at the Necromancer. He was olding some sort of rare jule in the air. "What do you think you're doing?" Clawdeen asked. "Combining both of your Realms." Naevok replied with a smirk. "But.... That will destroy both realms and everyone in them." Lagoona commented. "That's the point." Naevok told her and they gasped. "You can't!" Tony exclaimed. "I can, and I will. But don't worry, you'll have some time before the effects start." Naevok told them. "You're only power is raising the dead a ng d comtrolling them." Deuce told him. "I've upgraded." Naevok told him.
      A bat flew by and turned into Dracula. "Naevok! That's enough!" Dracula exclaimed. "How did you find us?" Draculaura asked. "I followed you." Dracula replied. "Naevok!" Queen of Hearts called. "Mom? Let me guess, you followed us too." Lizzie commented. "I sure did." Queen of Hearts agreed. "Well, isn't this a pleasant reunion." Naevok commented. "I cannot let this continue." Queen of Hearts told him and he chuckled. "You can't stop me. No one can stop me." Naevok told her. Draculaura was examining the gem that held, the one that was causing both Realms to collide within each other, ultimately destroying them both and everyone and thing in them. "Draculaura, what's on your mind?" Lizzie asked. Draculaura looked at the box she took from her mansion. She dusted off the lid and looked at the symbol. It was a triquetra, which resembles magic. "I have an idea, Lizzie." Draculaura replied and Lizzie nodded.
      Draculaura and Lizzie stepped in front of the group. "You have something of ours!" Lizzie exclaimed. "The pendant and spellbook are currently bring used to fulfill its purpose." Naevok told them and everyone gasped. "No!" Tammy yelled. "You have my mother's pendant. You have Lizzie's sisters spellbook. You almost have a dead army at your fingertips. There's only one thing missing that you need, to be completely powerful." Draculaura told him. "You know what it is?" Naevok asked. "I have it." Draculaura replied and he narrowed his eyes at her. "Give it to me." Naevok told her and she shook her head. "Never." Draculaura replied. Draculaura and Lizzie locked eyes. "Are you sure about this?" Lizzie asked. Draculaura took a moment to consider it. She could be risking everything. She looked at her friends and family and then to the Necromancy. Everything's already at risk. She looked back to Lizzie and nodded. "Yes." Draculaura replied. "Okay." Lizzie agreed. Lizzie thought of the sister she never knew she had. From what Lizzie knows, she was a lot different. Kind. Soft. Generous. Loving. Everything she's not. Yet, there are people that still love her. She thought about her friends, who are like her family, and Daring. She can't even express to him how she feels. She focused all her energy on the red gem, and used telekinesis to pull it to her, catching it in the air. They both grinned as Naevok screamed. "Give it back! You can't handle its power!" Naevok exclaimed. "That's the point." Draculaura told him. "I can still do it, if you don't want to." Lizzie told her and she shook her head. "No. We both know that it has to be me. Besides, you're the only one that has the power that can do this." Draculaura replied and she nodded. Draculaura opened the box and took out an identical red gem. They put them together and they became one. They both took a deep breathe as Lizzie used her magic to push the magic of the gem into Draculaura. Red dust formed and went into Draculaura's heart as the gem turned black. "No! You fools!" Naevok screamed. Draculaura's eyes turned red for a moment. Then she passed out.

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