Chapter 38: Light Versus Darkness!

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Monster High! 
        Draculaura kept running. She was tired. Exhausted. But she knew she had to keep running. From her own mother. She has to remember that it's her mom's body, not her soul. That's the only thing that will keep her insanity. This may not even work, but it's the only option they have at this point. It started with Draculaura and Lizzie, and they both know it has to end with them too. She ran up the hill and into her mansion, locking the door behind her. She took a moment to let out a breath. Then she jumped when she heard a pounding on the door, and she put her hand over her heart. She ran upstairs and to her attic, locking the door behind her again. She sighed as she leaned back against a wall. Dried tears stained her cheeks. Her heart pounded in her chest. "Draculaura! Are you there?" Lizzie asked telepathically. Draculaura sighed in relief. It was good to hear from her again. "Yes." Draculaura replied. "I'm at Kitty's home. Are you at your house?" Lizzie asked. "Yeah, I just got here." Draculaura replied. "Good, I'm coming through." Lizzie told her. "Okay." Draculaura agreed. 
          Draculaura took the blanket off of the Looking Glass and waited for a moment. Then Lizzie stepped through and Draculaura smiled. "Good to see you." Draculaura commented and Lizzie gave a small smile. "You too." Lizzie agreed. "Were you followed?" Draculaura asked. "Tinok sent Mary after me, but I think I lost her." Lizzie replied. "Let's hope." Draculaura commented. "How about you?" Lizzie asked. "My mom is outside the mansion. I locked her out, but it may not hold." Draculaura replied and Lizzie nodded. "So, what exactly is your plan here?" Lizzie asked. "I'm still figuring that part out." Draculaura replied as she left the attic. "What do you mean?" Lizzie asked as she followed her. "It's not full proof. I'm not even sure it'll work." Draculaura replied as they walked down a flight of stairs. "At least it's something." Lizzie commented. Lizzie followed Draculaura into a rather large room. Lizzie looked around in amazement. "What we need is in here." Draculaura told her. There were amazing artifacts in the room. "What is this?" Lizzie asked. "My dad has collected a lot of things over his many centuries of living." Draculaura replied and Lizzie nodded. Lizzie found a huge portrait of a beautiful young woman. She had long black hair and a radiant smile. She wore a red dress and had big brown eyes. She looked absolutely breathtaking. "Is this your mom?" Lizzie asked. Draculaura looked over and sighed. "Yeah." Draculaura replied. "She's beautiful." Lizzie commented and Draculaura gave a sad smile. "I know." Draculaura agreed as she looked away. "How'd she die?" Lizzie asked. "She had a disease. No one even knew she had it. She kept it to herself, and it cost her her life. I was only twelve." Draculaura replied. "How'd did you become a vampire? Were you born one?" Lizzie asked as Draculaura kept looking for something. "Some are, but I wasn't. About 1600 years ago. I had the same disease my mom had, and died a few years after her. But before I did, my dad turned me. Didn't want to lose me too." Draculaura replied. "Oh." Lizzie commented. "How about your sister?" Draculaura asked. "She died when I was a baby. I didn't even know she existed until recently.... Or that I have a twin." Lizzie replied. "You have a twin?" Draculaura asked. "Yes, Chase Redford." Lizzie replied. "Isn't he currently in your Realm, fighting off the undead?" Draculaura asked. "Yes, but he doesn't know his origins yet. I don't know what to do. My entire life was a lie." Lizzie replied. "We both have a complicated past." Draculaura commented. "Apparently." Lizzie agreed. 
          Draculaura and Lizzie were still looking in that room. "What are we even looking for, Draculaura?" Lizzie asked. "Something that belonged to my mom." Draculaura replied. "I thought we need your dad's artifacts." Lizzie commented as she flipped through a book. "No, my dad owns evil things." Draculaura told her. "Isn't that what we need? Since the Necromancer's are evil?" Lizzie asked. "That's why we need to balance it out. We can't defeat evil with evil, it will only cause more evil. To fight dark, we need light." Draculaura replied and Lizzie nodded. "That makes since. That's why they want us. Dark and light. Two sides. We balance one another out." Lizzie agreed. "Let's just hope I'm right." Draculaura commented. "I think you are." Lizzie commented as a thought crossed her mind. "Really?" Draculaura asked. "Yes, but you're missing one thing." Lizzie replied. "Which is?" Draculaura asked. "Your mother's pendant and my sister's spell book. They got us into this and I think they can help us get out of it." Lizzie replied and Draculaura nodded. "You may be right." Draculaura agreed. Draculaura looked over as Lizzie examined a locked box. "That's it!" Draculaura exclaimed as she ran over and took it. "Do you have the key for it?" Lizzie asked. "I don't need a key, it is locked by blood magic. I am the only person alive, or dead, to be more accurate, who can open it." Draculaura replied. "What's inside it?" Lizzie asked. "Light. Given to me from my mom, for an emergency." Draculaura replied. "Light? I don't understand." Lizzie told her. "This box contains light, to defeat a great darkness. I think three Necromancer's qualify as such." Draculaura replied. "How will a ball of light defeat them?" Lizzie asked. Draculaura looked at the portrait of her mom. "My dad actually taught me a few things. Necromancer's are made out of darkness." Draculaura replied. "My mom taught me that. They don't have any humanity at all, because of that reason." Lizzie added and Draculaura nodded. "Exactly." Draculaura agreed. "So, if we blast them with this light, they shouldn't be able to handle it and they'll be defeated." Lizzie commented. "How do you think my pendant and your spell book will come in handy?" Draculaura asked. "It's apart of this. I believe if we use both of our magics to summon them, then the Necromancer will follow. We can use our magic and the magic engulfed in those items to lay a trap for them, enough time to destroy them with the light." Lizzie replied. "I think this might just work." Draculaura agreed. 
          Draculaura sat down as she held the box close to her heart. She sat there for a moment and then looked at the bottom of the box and and smiled as her eyes watered. Lizzie noticed and sat down next to her. "What is it?" What's wrong?" Lizzie asked and Draculaura shook her head. "No, nothing. I.... My mom. She engraved something in the bottom of this box. A message, to me." Draculaura replied and Lizzie smiled. "What does it say?" Lizzie asked. "Use the light in your heart and soul to guide you in the dark. I love you, my darling." Draculaura replied. "That's sweet." Lizzie commented. "That's mom." Draculaura commented. The door swung open and they stood up to see Camille and Mary standing there. "Looks like we'll have to take care of them before we fight Naevok and his brother's." Lizzie told her. "Oh no." Draculaura commented. Lizzie checked her Mirror Phone and sighed before setting it down. "And we'll have to hurry." Lizzie added. "Why?" Draculaura asked. "Because they lost Naevok." Lizzie replied and Draculaura gasped. 

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