Chapter 24: Gone!

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Ever After!
    Dina's eyes fluttered open. She sighed as she sat up and took a look around. Everyone was still asleep, but she didn't see Lizzie or Draculaura. She stood up and heard someone shifting. She turned around and saw Lagoona slowly getting up. "Is it morning already?" Lagoona asked. "Early in the morning." Dina replied. "I've always been a morning person." Lagoona commented as she stood up. "Me too." Dina agreed. Dina kept looking around, but Lizzie and Draculaura still wasn't there. Lagoona finally noticed it too and she frowned. "Where's Draculaura and Lizzie?" Lagoona asked and Dina sighed as she looked up, locking eyes with her. "I don't know." Dina replied. Lagoona walked out of the room and out of the kitchen. Dina followed Lagoona out and they walked outside. It was really early, still a bit dark out. But the sun was rising. The colors were getting brighter every minute. "Oh no." Lagoona commented. "Lizzie would leave to protect us, would Draculaura?" Dina asked and Lagoona shook her head. "No, not usually. She would feel safer if she was with us, to know for sure that we were okay." Lagoona replied. "Well, it looks like she left." Dina told her. "Because they knew that Naevok would hurt us to get to them." Lagoona commented and Dina nodded. "Yep." Dina agreed.
     Lizzie and Draculaura ran down the woods. Draculaura sighed as she stopped. Lizzie stopped and turned around to face her. "Why did you stop?" Lizzie asked and Draculaura breathed heavily, trying to catch her breathe, as she leaned against a tree. "I'm not as fast on my feet as I am on my wings." Draculaura replied. "Wings? What are you talking about?" Lizzie asked and Draculaura sighed as she stood straight up. "I'm a vampire." Draculaura replied. She transformed into a pink bat and flapped her wings in the air. Lizzie starred at her for a moment and nodded. "Okay, let's go." Lizzie commented. Lizzie kept running as Draculaura flew really fast. They were side by side. They stopped by the Well of Wonder. "And we're going back to.your realm? Wonderland?" Draculaura asked and Lizzie shrugged. "I don't know where else to go." Lizzie replied. Draculaura transformed back into herself and looked down the well. "But your friends will figure you go here." Draculaura commented and Lizzie sighed. "I know, but I don't know where else to go." Lizzie told her. Draculaura started thinking and her head went up. "I have an idea." Draculaura told her. "I'm listening." Lizzie agreed. "We go back to my realm." Draculaura suggested and Lizzie pushed her eyebrows together. "Won't your friends know that you'll go there?" Lizzie asked and Draculaura shook her head. "No, they'll think we'll stay in the realm Naevok's in. But he'll go where the two us go." Draculaura replied and Lizzie smiled. "That's brilliant. We need to go to Kitty's home, in Wonderland." Lizzie told her and Draculaura nodded. "Okay." Draculaura agreed. The two of them jumped down the well.
     Lagoona and Dina walked back into the Hatter's room. Dina turned on the lights and Lagoona made a bunch of water splash on everyone. They all woke up in a jolt, soaking wet. They all stood up and Dina sighed. "Was that really necessary?" Dina asked. "Yes, it's faster to wake them all up that way. We don't know how long they've been gone, we don't have any time to lose." Lagoona replied and Dina nodded. "Fair enough." Dina agreed. "Lagoona Blue, I swear." Cleo commented as Deuce put his hand on her shoulder. "Gone? What are you taking about?" Frankie asked. "Lizzie and Draculaura are both gone. Disappeared, vanished, or-or something." Dina replied. "Did Naevok get to them?" Alistair asked. "We don't think so, we think they left on their own. To protect us." Lagoona replied and they all sighed. "Where could they have gone?" Gil asked. "To Wonderland, maybe." Bunny replied. "Lizzie knows we'll check there first." Cari told her and they nodded. "Lizzie would go right for Naevok, in anger and revenge alone." Marchness told them. "But Draculaura wouldn't. She doesn't drive on anger, she drives on love. She would also make sure they had some sort of a plan, even if it does go wrong." Clawdeen told them. "Draculaura and Lizzie are complete opposites." Deuce commented. "With some similarities." Cari added. "So, my question is.... Which will they do? Go after him right away or make a plan?" Deuce asked. "Lizzie might be angry, but she's not stupid. I think they would find a place to be safe first, where they don't think sny of us would think of." Daring replied and Clawd nodded. "I think you're right." Clawd agreed. "So, where the hell could they have gone?" Tony asked. "That's anyone's guess, cuz. But we have to try and find out." Tammy replied. They all nodded in agreement.
     Draculaura and Lizzie made it to Kitty's home. "This seems cozy." Draculaura commented and Lizzie laughed. "Sure." Lizzie agreed. "Cozier then a coffin, at least." Draculaura told her. "Have you actually slept in a coffin before?" Lizzie asked and Draculaura laughed. "Yeah, a few hundred years ago. But I prefer a nice, comfortable bed." Draculaura replied. They made it to the Looking Glass and Lizzie looked at Draculaura. "Are you ready?" Lizzie asked and Draculaura smiled. "To go home? You bet." Draculaura replied. They both yook a step in and looked around. They were in Monster High. "Do you have a place we can crash?" Lizzie asked. "I don't think my dad's mansion is the best place." Draculaura replied and Lizzie nodded. "I don't think so either." Lizzie agreed. There was a moment of silence. "I have an idea. It's not the perfect hotel, but Naevok won't find us and neither will our friends." Draculaura told her and Lizzie nodded. "You know this place better then I do, so I'm in." Lizzie agreed. "We should probably go, before someone see's us." Draculaura suggested and they started walking. "Where exactly are we going?" Lizzie asked and Draculaura smiled. "The Catacombs." Draculaura replied and Lizzie looked at her confused.

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