Chapter 12: Wonderlandiful Spellbook!

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Ever After!
     Lizzie walked into her palace and straight into the Throne room. Her mom sat on her Throne. "Hello, dear." Ms. Hearts greeted. "Why do you keep lying to me?" Lizzie asked. "Whatever do you mean, dear?" Ms. Hearts asked and Lizzie sighed. "Just stop it, mother. I'm tired of all of it. First, my sister, and now I have a twin." Lizzie replied. "How do you know about that?" Ms. Hearts asked. "I saw the picture of my sister olding me and my brother, and I read the letter." Lizzie replied and Ms. Hearts sighed. "I didn't realize that was in the spellbook. It belonged to your sister, it was her most prized possession." Ms. Hearts told her. "Who is my twin?" Lizzie asked. "I can't tell her that." Ms. Hearts replied and Lizzie glared at her. "I have the right to know, mother." Lizzie told her. "I just can't, Elizabeth." Ms. Hearts told her. "Fine. I'm- I'm done." Lizzie told her. She turned her back and walked away as Ms. Hearts sighed.
      Lizzie walked down the halls of Ever After High when she bumped into Daring. "Sorry." Lizzie apologized and Daring shrugged. "Whatever." Daring commented and walked away as Lizzie sighed. She really screwed things up with him. She didn't mean to hurt him, but she just has a lot going on with her right now. She looked up and saw Cari and Alistair walking up to her. "Are you okay?" Alistair asked. "No." Lizzie replied. "What did you find out at your mothers?" Cari asked and Lizzie sighed. "She won't tell me who my twin is." Lizzie replied. "Is there a way to find out?" Cari asked. "I don't know." Lizzie replied and she walked away as they watched her leave. "I'm worried about her." Alistair commented and Cari nodded. "Me too." Cari agreed and they walked away.
     Lizzie walked back into her dorm room and picked up the spellbook. She flipped through the pages and examined some of the spells. She wants to practice her magic, and this could be the perfect way to go about it. The picture fell off her nightstand and she put the spellbook down. The picture had landed face down, and Lizzie noticed there were writing on the back of the picture. She picked it up and examined it. Mary, Elizabeth, and Chase. She gasped at what she read. She knows Chase. Her and her friends hung out with him a few times in the past. He was her twin the entire time? The door opened and she turned around to see Bunny. "Hey, I wanted to make sure you're okay." Bunny told her. "I know who my twin is." Lizzie told her. "Who?" Bunny asked. "Chase Redford." Lizzie replied and Bunny gasped at the news.
      Lizzie and Bunny had met the group at the Hatter's Tea Shop. They were all stunned by Lizzie's news. "You're saying that Chase Redford, daughter of the Red Queen?" Tony asked and Lizzie nodded. "Yes." Lizzie replied. "That makes since." Maddie commented. "And how's that?" Kitty asked. "Because Chase is adopted." Maddie replied. "That's right, he is." Tony commented. "That makes so much since." Dina agreed and Maddie laughed. "What else is going on?" Cari asked. "Nothing." Lizzie replied. "Something else is wrong." Cari replied and Lizzie sighed. "I'm not ready to tell anyone, it's a secret." Lizzie told them. "Come on, Liz. There are no secrets in the group." Dina told her. Daring walked in as Lizzie watched him. He didn't even look at her as he walked up to the counter. Lizzie sighed as she looked back at her friends. "I have to go." Lizzie told them and she left.
    Lizzie stood outside of Daring's dorm, and was still wearing the mood necklace. He sighed when he saw her. "What are you doing here?" Daring asked. "I wanted to talk." Lizzie replied. "You made your feelings pretty clear." Daring told her. "Daring.... I'm sorry, and I don't ever say that. I just.... I just have a habit of pushing people away. I tried pushing my friends away at first too, but I'm pushing you away more then I have ever pushed anyone else away. That's because I'm scared. I've never been scared before, and it doesn't help that I just found out my mom has been lying to me my entire life. Everything I thought I knew.... Was just one big lie. But my feelings for you aren't." Lizzie explained. "I have feelings for you too, but I can't keep doing this." Daring told her. He walked into his dorm room and she sighed as she walked away.
      Ms. Hearts walked into her room in the palace when a portal from another realm opened and Naevok stepped out. "You can't just drop in on a Queen." Ms. Hearts told him and he rolled his eyes. "This is important, your majesty." Naevok told her and she sighed. "What is it, Naevok?" Ms. Hearts asked. Naevok found a picture on the wall of Mary and grabbed it. "I need something that was important to Mary." Naevok replied. "Whatever for?" Ms. Hearts asked. "To bring her back to the life of the living." Naevok replied. "You can do no such thing, I will not let you." Ms. Hearts told her and he chuckled. He made a crystal ball appeared on her nightstand and waved his hand over it. "Show me what is most important to Mary." Naevok ordered. A picture of a spellbook appeared. He smirked as he opened another portal. "How did you gst that power?" Ms. Hearts asked. "I have more tricks up my sleeve then you realize." Naevok replied before he stepped through the portal.
    It was late and Lizzie walked into her dorm room to find her mom sitting on her bed. Ms. Hearts stood up when her daughter walked in. "There seems to be a problem." Ms. Hearts told her as Lizzie glared at her. "I have no desire to speak with you." Lizzie told her. "It is an emergency, Elizabeth." Ms. Hearts told her and Lizzie sighed. "Fine, I'll listen to you." Lizzie agreed and her mom walked closer to her. "The Necromancer I mentioned, Naevok, he wants to raise your sister from the dead." Ms. Hearts told her and she gasped. "What? Why?" Lizzie asked. "He didn't say, but it can't be good. He has gotten more powerful, somehow he has opened realm jumping portals." Ms. Hearts replied. "What do we do?" Lizzie asked. "He needs the spellbook to do it. But we need to stop him at any cost." Ms. Hearts replied.
     Lizzie walked outside of Ever After and sat on the steps next to Cari. "Hey, feeling better?" Cari asked. "No, my mom visited me last night." Lizzie replied. "Why? What's going on?" Cari asked and Lizzie sighed. "The Necromancer is trying to raise my sister, but I just know it's more then that. He's gotten more powerful, and I think he wants to raise more then just my sister." Lizzie replied. "We'll stop him. All of us, together. No one can stop us when we work as one. Tell that to the Jubjub Bird, Bandersnatch, and Jabborwocky." Cari told her and she smiled. "Thank you, Cari." Lizzie commented.

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