Chapter 22: Reunited Part 2!

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     Draculaura grinned. She broke the spell. She can go through and see her friends again. She was about to take a step through when someone else walking through and bumped into Dracula, causing her to fall backwards, but Clawd caught her and helped her back up. It was Lizzie Hearts. Lizzie grinned at her friends and they all went into a group hug. Daring stepped out next and Lizzie smiled at him. Then one by one, each of the monsters stepped through. The Wonderlandians starred, surprised at all the different kinds of monsters there were in the world, that they didn't know about. But they weren't ones to judge, considering they're from Wonderland. Draculaura hugged her friends. "We were so worried about you, mate." Lagoona commented and Draculaura smiled. "I'm fine, Lagoona. Or, I will be. Once we stop Naevok before he brings about the apocalypse." Draculaura told her. "How are you doing, Liz?" Dina asked. "I'm good, but Draculaura's right." Lizzie replied. "About Naevok?" Abbey asked and Lizzie shook her head. "No, about the apocalypse." Lizzie replied. "You really think that's what this is?" Bunny asked. "Yes, I do." Lizzie replied. "It makes since." Cari commented. "I agree with Caterpillar, bringing about hundreds of dead people in an army. That's apocalyptic." Abbey agreed. "We have to take the fight to him." Deuce commented. "I like the way you think." Lizzie agreed and Cleo glared at her. "Ahhhh?" Ghoulia asked. "We don't know, not yet anyways." Draculaura replied. "What did she say?" Marchness asked. "She asked where he was." Gil replied. "Let's begin searching." Clawdeen suggested.
      The group left Kitty's house. "I doubt he's in Wonderland. Not everyone can handle the madness." Maddie commented and Kitty laughed. "That's an understatement." Kitty told her and Maddie laughed too. "I know." Maddie agreed. The monsters watched talking plants and dancing mushrooms. Hats and tea cups floating in the air. Weird looking houses. A colorful lake. "This is certainly odd." Gil commented. "Yeah, but they probably think the same thing about us." Lagoona told him and he nodded. "True." Gil agreed. They made it to the Well of Wonder. "This is how we're leaving this place?" Frankie asked. "Yep." Alistair replied. He stepped onto the well amd held his out to Bunny. She smiled as she took it and he helped her up, pulling her close, and they both jumped down. Abbey smiled as she watched closely. "That looks fun." Abbey commented. She made her way to the front and jumped down. One by one, they all jumped down the well and made it to Ever After.

Ever After!
      They all stayed at the well for a moment. "Where could his hideout be?" Cleo asked. "We don't know enough about him to figure that out yet." Cari replied. "But we do. We're both thinking the same thing." Lizzie told Draculaura as they looked eyes and the vampire sighed. "I think I am. A mausoleum." Draculaura agreed and Lizzie nodded. "Ahhhh ahhhh?" Ghoulia asked. "Yes, it's the only reasonable explanation." Draculaura replied. "They are right, he wants to make a dead army. That's where his hideout must be." Cari agreed. "Are we really talking about going to a cemetery where a Necromancer will be? How smart is that, really?" Cleo asked. "Cleo has a point. He's a Necromancer, cemeteries are their homeland." Deuce replied. "Not if we get there before he starts raising the dead." Kitty told them and Alistair nodded. "We might be able to stop him before he begins." Alistair agreed. "We have to make a plan." Clawd told them. "Plans never work, we need to just go in and fight." Lizzie told him. "I don't know about that." Daring told her. "Lizzie has a point, plans never go as we hope. What we need are battle strategies." Draculaura told them and they nodded.
      The group walked across Ever After. Everyone just stopped and starred at them. The monsters scared them, and they didn't understand why the Wonderlandians were walking side by side with them. "Where will we stay while we get ready?" Gil asked. "My fathers tea shop." Maddie replied. "But don't we need someplace hidden, somewhere to even rest?" Cleo asked and Ghoulia lightly nudged her as she sighed and rolled her eyes. "My dad lives here in Ever After. There's a hidden room in the back, only me, my friends, and my dad know about it." Maddie replied. "Know one else?" Clawdeen asked and Maddie shook her head. "No one." Maddie replied. "That might be our best hideout, no one will know we're there." Clawdeen commented. They walked into the tea shop and everyone starred as they walked up to the counter. "Hi, daddy." Maddie greeted. "Pumpkin!" Hatter exclaimed. He walled around the counter and gave his dad a big hug. "Hey, Hatter. Do you mind if we stay here?" Bunny asked. "Of course not." Hatter replied and Maddie grinned. Maddie took the lead as they walked into the kitchen. Maddie walked up to a blank wall. "There's nothing there." Cleo commented. "Not everything is as it seems." Alistair told her. Maddie grabbed the teacup on the counter next to it, and placed it next to the saucer that it was previously on. The wall slid open and they walked in. Tammy turned on the light and they all looked around the hidden room. "Cozy." Lagoona commented.
       Maddie had taken out all of their weapons and handed it to each of them. Daring had his sword handy. Lizzie had the Hobby Horse and Razor Cards. Alistair has the Vorpal Sword. Maddie has the Vorpal Blade and Razor Hat. Cari has the elemenal Hookah. "Marchness has the Tea Pot Cannon and Jack Spikes. Kitty has the Claw Gloves. Bunny has the Wrecking Watch. Dina has the Pepper Grinder and a tiny sword, for when she's in her mouse form. Tammy and Tony have Flamingo Mallets and Exploding Croquet Balls. "Maddie might be able to find some weapons for you guys." Chase told them. "No, we have powers. Help to be magical monsters." Abbey told them and Frankie laughed. Draculaura has normal vampire powers, including energy waves when she's in her bat form. Clawd and Clawdeen have brutal strength. Lagoona and Gil has water powers. Abbey has ice and snow powers. Cleo has mummy powers, invluding their wraps. Deuce can turn people to stone. Ghoulia is extremely wise, like Cari. Frankie has electricity. Cari walked away from the group. "What are all of your powers?"  She placed her hookah in her pocket and looked out the window. Abbey walked over to her. "You alright?" Abbey asked. "Yeah, just mentally preparing for this." Cari replied. "It feels like we are going to war." Abbey told her. "Because we basically are." Cari told her. "You are smart, aren't you?" Abbey asked. "I'm considered wise." Cari replied and Abbey started thinking. "So is Ghoulia, I think we can use both as advantage." Abbey told her and Cari nodded. They both smiled at one and walked back to the others.

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