Chapter 42: Monster High!

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Monster World!
      "You're gonna miss her, huh?" Howleen asked. "Yes, I am.... But I have you guys, and that's what counts." Draculaura replied. "For life." Clawdeen agreed as she pulled her in for a hug. "I could sleep for century." Twyla commented. "Same." Howleen agreed as she linked her best friends arm. "I'm hungry. How long has it been since we ate?" Frankie asked. "No idea, mate." Lagoona replied as she put her hand on Frankie's shoulder. "This has been an.... Interesting several days." Clawd commented and they laughed. "You can say that again." Abbey agreed. "Are you going to talk to your dad?" Howleen asked. Draculaura sighed and shook her head. "No. Not right now anyways. After everything, I need some time and space." Draculaura replied. "We understand that, and we will always support you, D." Clawdeen told her as she kept her arms around her. "I'm cold and tired and hungry and exhausted." Draculaura commented. Clawd took off his jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders, kissing her on her forehead. "What now?" Abbey asked. "Coffin Bean." Draculaura and Clawdeen replied in unison, causing them both to laughed. "I don't get why laugh, but I could go for iced mocha." Abbey commented as they all walked away. 
       They had found a big table at the Coffin Bean, which is inside the Maul. Howleen took a sip of her coffee. "You're fourteen, Howleen." Clawdeen told her and she shrugged. "So? You're fifteen and you've been drinking coffee for at least two years." Howleen retorted and their brother laughed as they both glared at him. "What? She's got a point! It's practically a right of passage to start drinking coffee at the ripe age of thirteen." Clawd told them. Ignore him." Clawdeen and Howleen commented in unison. "Hurtful." Clawd commented and the girls laughed. "Awe. It's okay, Clawd." Draculaura commented as she held onto his arm. "You Wolf siblings are brutal to each other." Twyla commented. "Well, T. You're a part of this family." Howleen told her as she wrapped her arms around her. "And so are you, D." Clawdeen agreed, nudging her best friend. Question! Are you ever going to tell us how you got into that spooktacular dress?" Cleo asked and Draculaura laughed and shook her head. "An incredible and weird situation. I'll give detail tomorrow, I promise." Draculaura replied. "Now, since that's been taken care of.... Who else needs need a power nap?" Cleo asked. They all rose their hands and then burst out laughing. Ghoulia took a bite from her cheeseburger. "Ghoulia laid her head on Cleo's shoulder, closing her eyes, and Cleo wrapped her arm around her. "We feel much better after much rest." Abbey commented. "Ahhhh." Ghoulia agreed. 
       Draculaura was in the Catacombs. She sat at Operetta's piano, but the phantom wasn't there at the moment. "Hey." Clawd greeted as he walked up to her. "Hey." Draculaura greeted "You okay, D?" Clawd asked and the vampire nodded. "Yes. I just.... Have a lot on my mind." Draculaura replied. Clawd rubbed her back and she laid her head on his chest. "I can imagine." Clawd told her. There was a moment of silence. "A lot has happened." Draculaura commented. "I know." Clawd replied. "I feel like I just watched my mom die all over again." Draculaura told him as she began crying. "I've got you, baby. I've got you." Clawd told her as he kept her close in his arms. "I loved her. She was such a good mom. Doing her best to make a good life for me, on her own." Draculaura told him. "She sounded wonderful." Clawd told her. Draculaura forced a smile through the tears. "She was. She was my whole world. I held her hand as she died, in the hospital. I saw her last moment. Her last breath. It was terrifying to find out that I had the same disease. But I took in the comfort knowing I will see my mom again. But my dad couldn't lose me too, which I was grateful for." Draculaura explained. Clawd pushed her away and locked eyes with her. "Your mother created the most beautiful and kind hearted woman I have ever met." Clawd told her and she nodded. He kissed her head and she laid her head back on his chest as he comforted her. 
        Draculaura walked into the cafeteria and over to her friend's table. Deuce's hand was around Cleo's and Lagoona and Gil were holding hands. "Hey, D." Clawdeen greeted as she sat in between of her boyfriend and best friend. "Hi." Draculaura greeted. "How are you feeling?" Clawd asked. "Good. Better." Draculaura replied and he smiled at her. "We are back at school. I wish we were gone longer." Howleen commented and Twyla laughed. "Ahhhh." Ghoulia commented. "Of course you're happy to be back." Cleo told her. "I'm glad to be back too. I love Monster High." Twyla added. "We all do. But school is school." Howleen told her. "I like school." Frankie told her. "Yeah. Well, you're you." Cleo commented and they all laughed. "Monster High is our home." Gil commented. "But we'll be graduating eventually." Deuce added. Draculaura pushed a lock of hair behind her ear. "That's the thing. Monster High isn't our home. Our home is each other." Draculaura told them. "I'm with you there." Twyla agreed. 
        Draculaura walked up to her friends. They were all on the steps of Monster High. "There you are." Frankie commented. Draculaura smiled as she sat down next to Lagoona. "That adventure was scary, but I must admit I had fun." Abbey told them. "It was fun, in a weird, life threatening way." Howleen agreed. "You all are insane." Twyla commented and her best friend laughed. Clawd walked over and sat next to his girlfriend, putting his arm around her. "Hey." Clawd greeted. "Hey." Draculaura greeted. He kissed the side of her head as she smiled and she laid her head on his shoulder. "Come on. We've had so many of these adventures. Don't tell me you don't love them, and hate them. It's a mixture. Frankie added. "You ghouls have. Draculaura, Clawdeen, Lagoona, Cleo, and Frankie. You five been on many insane and dangerous adventures." Abbey told them. "But they were fun." Frankie agreed and they all laughed. "Knowing us, this is not our last." Clawdeen agreed. "The only question is, when it's going to happen." Cleo added. "Until it does, I vote we relax and enjoy the calm." Deuce suggested. "Ahhhh." Ghoulia agreed. They all laughed. Draculaura and Clawd kissed on the lips before returning to the conversation. 

(Author's Note: I am thinking about making a sequel. Comment on the comments if you'd be interested in that. Keep your eye on my announcements. I will let everyone know what I Decide and when I post book two, if I do.)

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