Chapter 23: Nightmares!

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Ever After!
      Draculaura looked around Monster High. She walked down the hall durroundex by pink coffin shapped lockers. It was just another beautiful day for Monsters. She smiled and waved at Cleo ans Ghoulia. She passed by Heath, Deuce, Gil, and Clawd. She saw Clawdeen and Frankie talking on the staircase. She walked up the stairs and waved at them, and made it to the top. She looked over the ledge and leaned against it. She was having a weird feeling, like this wasn't normal. Something was pulling at her, like she wasn't suppose to be here. She didn't even stop to talk to any of her friends or boyfriend, which isn't like her. But something wasn't letting her stop, she just kept moving until now. Somethings off. Everyone's smiling and talking. Having a good time. Even Toralie stopped and had a pleasent conversation with Cleo and Ghoulia, which is wrong on so many levels. Draculaura looked down at everyone and everything. Then they disappeared. Her heart sped up as she looked around confused. Her feet wasn't letting her leave to see what's going on. Then the lights turned off. A breeze brushed past her. She slowly turned around and jumped. Naevok was standing there. That's when it all came coming back to her. Her dad's secret. Her mom. The Necromancer. His army. Being in Ever After. "What is this?" Draculaura asked and Naevok smirked. "I'm controlling your dream." Naevok replied and Draculaura pushed her eyebrows together. "How?" Draculaura asked. "I have a lot more powers then I use to." Naevok replied. "You're planning an undead army. I know that my mom is apart of it, but what do you want with me?" Draculaura asked. "You're special, Draculaura." Naevok replied. "No, I'm not." Draculaura told her and Naevok chuckled. "One day you'll see your worth, and then it'll be time." Naevok told her. There was a moment of silence as tears formed in her eyes. "Time for w-what?" Draculaura asked. "That's for me to know, and you to find out." Naevok replied. "You want me for my mother's pendant, right? That's why I'm so special?" Draculaura asked. "Actually, no. Yes, I want your pendant. But I want you." Naevok replied. Draculaura took a deep breathe and looked him in the eyes. "No." Draculaura told him. "No?" Naevok asked. "You can't have me. I'm tired of being afraid, and I refuse to be scared of someone like you. This is my dream, and I'm in control." Draculaura replied. Naevok glared at her and vanished. Monster High began crumbling as Draculaura screamed. Her eyes shot open and and she was back with her friends and the people from Ever After. She sighed as she stood up and walked out of the secret room and stepped out of the Tea Shop.
     Lizzie walked down the halls of Ever After High. She walked past Ashlynn and Hunter. She saw Cerise and Ramona talking, or arguing. She saw Maddie and Raven talking and laughing. Then she saw her other Wonderland friends. She walked over to them, but it kept on walking. It's like something wasn't letting her stop. But something felt wrong. It was too peaceful. Too quiet. But life wasn't like that. Not right now, anyways. Walking in Ever After High freely felt strange for some reason. She looked aroun, wondering why she felt so foreign in this moment. This wasn't right. She didn't know what, but she knew something wasn't right. She turned a corner and walked up the stone stairs. She looked over the railing and put her hands against it. She looked at how happy everyone seemed, but that's not like Ever After High. The kids who want to be evil like their parents, usually cause trouble. Then the goody two shoes, would run around scared, even though they don't really have anything to be scared of. The supposedly good kids will bully the supposedly bad kids, and on and on and on. Ever After High was never this peaceful. Ever. Wind brushed against her and Lizzie sighed. "Hello, Elizabeth." Naevok greeted. Lizzie groaned and turned around to face him, locking eyes with him. "Naevok, I should have known." Lizzie commented. "Good to see you too." Naevok commented. "Hijacking dreams now?" Lizzie asked. "Just yours and Draculaura's." Naevok replied and Lizzie nodded. "Why?" Lizzie asked. "Because you're both.... Special." Naevok replied. "And my spellbook?" Lizzie asked. "I want that too, all in due time." Naevok replied. "I have a question for you." Lizzie told him. "I may have an answer." Naevok told her with a smirk and Lizzie rolled her eyes. "Humor me." Lizzie told him and he nodded. "Okay." Naevok agreed. "You're a low life Necromancer, how did you get all these extra powers?" Lizzie asked and he laughed. "Fair question, but you can't know that. Yet. You'll get all your answers, when I feel good and ready." Naevok replied. Lizzie glared at him and walked closer to him, they were inches apart. "I'm taking back my dream, Naevok." Lizzie told him. He glared at her and disappeared. Ever After High started crumbling down and Lizzie screamed. She opened her eyes and was back in the Hatter's Tea Shop and she sighed. She walked out there and saw Draculaura standing outside. Lizzie walked out the door, and joined her.
     Draculaura looked over at Lizzie and gave her a small smile. "Couldn't sleep either?" Draculaura asked and Lizzie shook her head as she looked straight forward. "Nope." Lizzie replied and Draculaura sighed as she looked down and pushed a lock of hair behind her ear. "Naevok wants us, Lizzie. But he will hurt our friends to get to us." Draculaura told her and Lizzie nodded. "I know. That's why I was thinking about it." Lizzie told her. "Thinking about what?" Draculaura asked. "The two of leaving. Go and fight this off ourselves." Lizzie replied. "We can't do this on our own." Draculaura told her. "We might have to, unless we want to endanger them." Lizzie told her. "We stick together, me and my friends. We're like a family, we are a family." Draculaura told her. "My friends and I are a family too. That's why I want to protect them." Lizzie told her and Draculaura sighed. "Maybe you're right." Draculaura agreed.

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