Chapter 11: Fangtastic Pendant!

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Monster World!
    Draculaura walked back into her door with Clawd behind her. She grabbed her pendant from her necklace and put it back on. She didn't wear it when she went to visit her dad, because he didn't know how to react to seeing her wearing her mother's pendant. She saw her roommate and best friend, Clawdeen, along with her other friends, Frankie, Cleo, Lagoona. "Hey guys." Draculaura greeted. "Where have you been?" Frankie asked. "I had to talk to my dad, it was really important." Draculaura replied. "Are you ready to tell us what's been going on, mate?" Lagoona asked. Draculaura sighed as she sat on her bed. Clawd sat next to her and put his arm around her. Clawdeen, Lagoon, Cleo, and Frankie sat on the edge of Clawdeen's bed as they waited for their friend to speak. "I'll tell you, but to understand everything, I'll have to start from the beginning. It's a long story." Draculaura replied. "We're listening." Clawdeen told her. "My biological father wasn't a nice man, but my mom never could leave him. But when my mom had me, becoming a mother gave her the courage she needed. We spent a good portion of my human life, running from him. One day we were outside of my dad's mansion, he wasn't my dad at that time, but my father caught up to us and started hurting my mom. That's when Dracula intervened, and he saced us. I could tell he instantly liked my mom, but he wouldn't admit it. He insisted we stay with them. My mom fell in love with him, and he fell in love with her. My mom had a disease no one knew about, and she died. My dad was a mess, and then I almost died because I had the same disease. My dad couldn't lose me too, so he turned me into a vampire, but my dad was a mess when my mom died. I just found out that he had reached out to a Necromancer and almost had him bring her back to life." Draculaura explained and everyone gasped.
    "Necromancer's are very dangerous." Clawdeen told her and Draculaura nodded. "I know." Draculaura agreed. "Your mom would not have come out right." Cleo commented. "I know that too." Draculaura agreed. "What was he thinking?" Lagoona asked and Draculaura shrugged. "He was a mess." Draculaura replied. Clawd rubbed her arm. "Everyone makes mistakes, your father more then most." Clawd commented. "What's a Necromancer?" Frankie asked. "They bring back people from the dead, but they don't come back right, like zombies, only worst. Necromancer's don't bring back anyone for themselves, they can't. They need someone else to summon them and give them a picture of the dead and something important to them. They're not powerful at all." Lagoona replied. "But the Necromancer went to my father recently, and still wants to raise her from the dead." Draculaura told them. "But that was 1600 years ago." Cleo commented. "I know, but my dad thinks he's up to something evil." Draculaura told her.
    Dracula walked into his study and closed the door. He walked up to his desk and sat down. He had a picture of his daughter and a picture of his lost love on his desk. He looked up as a portal opened. But it wasn't just any normal portal, it was a realm jumping portal. He stood up as he starred at it. The Necromancer stepped out and Dracula pushed his eyebrows together. "Necromancer's don't have the power to create portals, let alone realm junping portals." Dracula told him. "I've upgraded." Naevok told him. "What do you want?" Dracula asked. The Necromancer walked up to his desk and grabbed the picture of Camille. "I need something important to your lost love." Naevok replied. "Why?" Dracula asked. "Because I'm going to raise her from the dead." Naevok replied. "No, I won't let you." Dracula told him and Naevok chuckled. He made a crystal ball appear on the desk and waved his hand over it. "Show me what is most important to Camille." Naevok ordered. It showed a pendant and Naevok smiled. "Until next time." Naevok told him. Naevok opened a portal to another realm and stepped through.
     Draculaura opened her eyes and gasped when she saw her dad sittimg on a chair in her dorm room. She look at the clock and saw that it was two in the morning. She sighed as she sat up. "What do you want, daddy?" Draculaura asked. "The Necromancer I told you about, Naevok, he came back." Dracula replied. "Why?" Draculaura asked as she stood up and Dracula sighed. "He's going to raise your mother." Dracula replied. "How? Necromancer's aren't that powerful." Draculaura told him and he nodded as he stood up. "He's been opening portals, including portals to other realms. Which means he has gotten more powerful." Dracula told her as he walked up to her. "What do we do?" Draculaura asked. "He's after your mothers old pendant, but lucky for us it got lost along time ago." Dracula told her and she sighed. "Yeah, lucky for us." Draculaura agreed. "It actually has magic." Dracula told him and she looked up at him. "It does?" Draculaura asked. "Yes, but only for people with pure hearts. Like you." Dracula replied. "You should go." Draculaura told him. "Be careful." Dracula told her and she nodded. "I will." Draculaura agreed. She walked over to her nightstand and opened the first drawer as she held up the pendant.
      Draculaura walked outside of Monster High as she wore her mother's pendant. She sat on the stairs, next to her boyfriend. "My dad visited last night." Draculaura told him. "That can't be good." Clawd commented. "It's not, Clawd. Naevok, the Necromancer, has become more powerful and is after this pendant in order to bring my mother back. I think it's more then just my mom, I think he wants to bring back a lot of people. But my dad told me that this pendant has magic for people with pure hearts." Draculaura explained. "Lile you." Clawd commented. "That's what my dad said." Draculaura told him. "What kind of magic?" Clawd asked. "He didn't say, he might not even know." Draculaura replied. Clawd took her hands in his. "I'm help you, no matter what." Clawd told her and she smiled. "Thank you, Clawd." Draculaura commented.

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