Chapter 30: The Key Part 1!

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Monster World!
Everyone finally woke up, both Lagoona and Maddie felt relieved. "My head hurts." Bunny commented. "Well, obviously." Cleo commented sarcastically and Bunny sighed as she shook her head. Alistair helped her up. "Are you okay?" Alistair asked. "I think so." Bunny replied and he gave her a hug. Clawd helped Draculaura up and held her hand. "How are you feeling?" Clawd asked. "Not good. This is just too much, Clawd. It's just too much." Draculaura replied and Clawd nodded. He leaned down and gave her a kiss on the forehead and then she leaned her head against his chest as he wrapped his arms around her. Lizzie looked at Daring and sighed. "We all seem to be fine, so that much is good." Marchness commented. "There's a problem." Lagoona commented as she walked up to Gil and held his hand. "What do you mean?" Lizzie asked. "The pendant and spell book are gone, but I'm sure everything is not as bleak as it seems." Maddie replied and everyone gasped. Draculaura touched her chest, where the pendant should be, and Lizzie looked in her purse. Lizzie threw her purse in a fit of anger. Daring walked up to her and put his hand on her shoulder as they locked eyes. "Are you alright?" Daring asked. "No, I'm angry." Lizzie replied and she walked out of the room as Draculaura followed.
"Lizzie! Lizzie!" Draculaura called. Lizzie sighed and turned around to face her. "We have to find him." Draculaura told her. "How, Draculaura? How do you propose we do that?" Lizzie asked. "We are at my fathers mansion, he will have something. Or I can find him, he knows Naevok from the past." Draculaura replied. "So does my mom." Lizzie agreed. "For some reason, this is about the two of us. We have to end this, you and me." Draculaura told her and Lizzie nodded. "I know." Lizzie agreed. "But even though it has to end with us, we need our friends by our side. They makes us stronger." Draculaura told her and Lizzie couldn't help but smile. "I'm not arguing with you there." Lizzie agreed and Draculaura smiled. "You should smile more often." Draculaura told her. "I actually smile more then you think. It's just usually with my Wonderland friends only." Lizzie told her. "And Daring?" Draculaura asked. "I don't know what you're talking about." Lizzie replied. "I know what love looks like. I've been in love with Clawd for so long, and you look at Daring the same way I look at Clawd." Draculaura told her and Lizzie sighed. "I don't know what Daring and I are. I use to hate him, and he use to think I didn't exist. But it's like everything changed overnight. He's willing to risk so much to be with me." Lizzie explained. "And you're not?" Draculaura asked. "It's not that." Lizzie replied. "Then what is it?" Draculaura asked. "I don't know how to let him in, that's always been my problem. It took me longer then it should have to let my best friends in when we were kids. Because that's what my mom taught me to do, I just have to remember that she's wrong." Lizzie replied. "My dad taught me that, at least he tried to. But my mom taught me the opposite, and I wanted to hold onto that. To hold onto her." Draculaura told her and Lizzie nodded. "Let's get to work." Lizzie suggested.
The group were looking around the room. Draculaura stopped when she heard something. "What is it, D?" Clawd asked. "My dad's home." Draculaura replied and they all paused. Draculaura walked out of the room and down the stairs. "Hi, daddy." Draculaura greeted. "Hello, my little bat." Dracula greeted. "What are you doing here?" Draculaura asked. "I live here." Dracula replied and Draculaura nodded. "Right." Draculaura commented. "What's going on?" Dracula asked. "Nothing, thing's have just been.... stressful lately." Draculaura replied. I know." Dracula agreed. He stepped closer to her, but she stepped back. "I just need space, dad. After everything." Draculaura told him and he sighed. "Don't do this." Dracula told her. "I have to go finish what you started." Draculaura told him and she ran back upstairs. She walked back in the room, closing the door, and sighed. Clawdeen walked up to her. "Hey, D. Are you alright?" Clawdeen asked. "No, I'm not." Draculaura replied and she began searching again. Deuce picked up a metal box. "What's in this?" Deuce asked and Draculaura walked up to him as she looked at it. "I've seen this." Draculaura replied. She closed her eyes and remembered right after her parents got married. She was exploring the huge mansion and found that box. She opened it to find a crystal. But her dad got mad for her snooping, especially in that room, and said what was in that box was dangerous and potentially important. Then she remembered looking at it again shortly after her mom died, and shortly before she got sick and became a vampire. He said it was even more important now. Draculaura opened her eyes and slowly opened the box. "What is it?" Daring asked as they all walked around them. "It might be the key." Draculaura replied. "The key to what, exactly?" Tammy asked. "To all of this." Draculaura replied.
Frankie took out her phone and dialed Operetta's number as she put it up to her ear. "Hey, Franks." Operetta greeted. "We need your help. Bring the portable portal." Frankie told her. "I will." Operetta agreed. "One more thing." Frankie told her. "I'm listening." Operetta told her. "Could you bring Abbey and Twyla with you?" Frankie asked. "Sure." Operetta replied. "Thank you." Frankie commented and Operetta nodded. "Why do you want them involved?" Operetta asked and Frankie sighed. There was a moment of silence. "Because we think they can help us, with their special gifts." Frankie replied. "I'm on it." Operetta agreed. "I'll see you soon." Frankie told her as she hung up. Clawdeen walked up to her. "Is she coming?" Clawdeen asked and Frankie nodded. "Yeah, she's coming." Frankie replied. "Good." Clawdeen commented. "What do we do now?" Tony asked. "Wait until they get here, and then we'll go and find Raven and my siblings." Daring replied. "And then?" Tony asked. They all looked at one another, awkwardly. "We begin the final battle." Lizzie replied.
Operetta finally got there with Abbey, Twyla, and Howleen. "We
here and ready to help." Abbey told them. "Thanks, guys." Frankie commented and they nodded. "Of course. Anytime." Twyla agreed. "We should get going." Gil suggested. "Good idea, and fast. We don't know how much time we have." Tammy agreed. "Hold on, for a moment. What are you doing here, Howleen?" Clawdeen asked as she crossed her arms. "I want to help." Howleen replied. "You can't." Clawdeen told her and Howleen rolled her eyes. "You're not the boss of me, and you can't stop me." Howleen told her. "She's got a point." Clawd told her and Clawdeen sighed. "Fine." Clawdeen agreed. "No arguing, okay? Howleen is a big girl and can help." Twyla told them and Howleen smiled. "Thanks, Twy." Howleen commented. "Of course, you're my best friend." Twyla agreed. Operetta opened her portable portal as a blue orb appeared in the air. "Everyone ready?" Alistair asked. "Yep, let's get going." Dina replied. They all walked through. But what they didn't know was that Dracula was watching them from the doorway. He knew whatever they were planning couldn't be good. So he walked through as well.

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