Chapter 2- Who's He?

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Jimin showed Taehyung around the whole entire campus. It took about an hour to show him every single building. While they were walking around, Taehyung had spotted a couple cafés and other little places to eat.

"Did you see any places you liked or that interested you?" Jimin stopped waking and looked at Taehyung.

"I think there was one called Punk's? That one looked interesting" Taehyung shrugged.

"That place has the best burgers and fries, and it's cheap too. Do you wanna go there?" Jimin's face lit up when talking about the food.

"Sure, it seemed cool. Why not?" Taehyung shrugged and the two made their way towards the café that was near their dorm building.

Once the two arrived, they sat in a booth near the door that looked out a large window. Now, this wasn't a very traditional café. Usually café's would only sell coffee and little pastries. Punk's on the other hand was almost like a small diner. There was a huge amount of different foods to choose from. They even offered steak on Tuesday's.

After a little while, the two boys ordered their food and made small talk while they waited.

"So, do you have a boyfriend?" Jimin looked at Taehyung. Taehyung was surprised at the question, but answered it non the less.

"No, I don't actually" Taehyung laughed a little bit. "How about you? I'm sure you've got a guy that is ALL over you."

"Nah, I don't either." Jimin smiled and laughed a little too.

"A crush then?" Taehyung was interested to see what kind of person Jimin was. He seemed sweet and Taehyung wanted to really get to know his new roommate.

"Yeah, I do." Jimin blushed slightly.

"Bro, spill the tea. Is he cute? What does he look like?" Taehyung was really intrigued now. He wanted to know what type Jimin was looking for. Maybe they liked the same kind of guy and they could have lots of midnight boy talks like him and his mother had during his highschool years.

"Yeah he's cute. But not many people think he's very nice. I mean, he's not very talkative, but when he does, he's always yelling at people to stop being dumb fucks. I personally see the other side of him, and the people I used to hang out with thought I was crazy." Jimin chuckled a little. "But his smile is the absolute most adorable thing I've ever seen in my entire 23 years of living on this planet. I don't see it much because he doesn't smile much. But the times I do see it, my heart melts and I wanna squish his cheeks." Jimin was blushing really hard talking about his crush.

"What's this guy's name? Sounds like you're whipped for this dude." Taehyung laughed a little and Jimin puffed his cheeks.

"Yoongi. Min Yoongi. He's a music major." Jimin blushed even harder, if it was even possible. He hid his hands in his face and Taehyung chuckled at how embarrassed Jimin was.

A couple minutes later, their food arrived. While they ate, they created more small talk.

"Jimin, do you know why this café is so different? I've never seen a café like this before. They've all been cute and simple, not giving off a 'fuck the world' kinda vibe, ya know?" Taehyung took a sip of his vanilla milkshake and listened to what Jimin had to say.

"Well, I'm actually friends with one of the guys who works here, but he's not working today" Jimin shoved a couple French fries into his mouth and continued talking after he chewed and swallowed the food in his mouth. "Hoseok, my friend who works here, told me that they made this place as a safe haven for kids that didn't fit in. You know, they made it look scary so it would scare off all the stupid popular thots that pick on people for being who they are. Not many people come here because they think it's like this satanic ritual place where the kids in the school do sacrifices. It's quite funny to be honest. But the plus is I come here a lot, and the regular customers are super nice. They don't fight with people and they're respectful to everyone." Jimin paused and took a sip of his Coke "it's really nice to be gay and not hide it" Jimin giggled cutely and kept eating.

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