Chapter 10- Pillow Talk

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Yoongi had woken up to the sound of Jimin's light snores about fifteen minutes before he had to leave for work. Now you may be wondering why Yoongi is leaving for work ‪at 11:15‬ at night. Yoongi works at a club that's located about two blocks outside of the campus. And no, he doesn't dance, but he isn't a bartender either.

Min Yoongi, also known as Suga, works as a DJ at one of his friends clubs. He's known the owner for a couple years, and managed to get a gig there every ‪Friday night‬. It pays extremely well, only because of the crowds he draws in. Kim Seokjin, the owner, told Yoongi that when he came, his sales went up and made 5 times the profit of a whole week in just one night. Yoongi left the club every ‪Friday night‬ with nothing less that one grand. And he was very thankful. He could do the things he loved, AND get paid an incredible amount for doing it.

Yoongi got up from his desk and stretched. He was glad to get thirty minutes of sleep before heading out. He grabbed his outfit and quietly changed, not wanting Jimin to wake up. Yoongi usually wore close to the same outfit every time he DJ'd. His clothing choices consisted of of leather pants, and a ripped black shirt that showed off his tattoos. His signature look was a bright red mask to keep his identity a secret. He could get thrown out of college for working at a bar, but this was something he really wanted to do.

Yoongi slipped on his black leather boots and put on a beanie. He was about to go, but figured he should leave Jimin a note. He scratched up a little note really quick and set it down on the younger boy's shoes. Yoongi figured if Jimin would leave, he would take his shoes with him. Yoongi grabbed Jimin's phone and plugged it into the charger on his desk. And without a word, Yoongi grabbed his bag and keys, and left the building.


Jimin woke up the next morning ‪around 7 o'clock‬. It was unusually early for him to wake up, but he did fall asleep around 9 the night earlier. He was a bit startled when he realized he wasn't in his own bed, completely forgetting the events of the day before. With a small stretch, Jimin yawned and sat up from the thick blankets covering him. The pink haired male swung his legs over the bed, and then realized Yoongi wasn't back yet. And neither was Jungkook. He simply just stood up and gathered his things, figuring he stayed long enough. Jimin then noticed a little note that Yoongi had left.

I probably won't be here when you wake up. If Jungkook isn't back yet, I don't know what to tell you, the kid is fucking wild, no one can control him. I plugged in your phone on my desk so it wouldn't be dead when you woke up. Don't bother making the bed, I'm just going to come home and sleep myself. If anyone asks where I am, say I'm with Jin, and they'll understand.

If I don't see you at all ‪before Sunday‬, have a great day today!

~Yoongi :)'

Jimin smiled at the note. He tucked it in his pocket and collected his things. Against Yoongi's wishes, he made the bed. And with that, Jimin grabbed all of his things and left the dorm room, to go to his own.

When Jimin entered his dorm room, he was surprised to see that the lights were on. Not thinking much of anything, he figured that Taehyung had woken up earlier than usual. But when he turned to look at his roommates bed, he was met with a sleeping Jungkook and Taehyung. He was surprised to see the two attached to each other, as if personal space didn't exist. Jimin cooed quietly at the two boys sleeping. He set his things down quietly, and took a few (probably like 50) pictures of the sleeping cutely in each other's embrace.

Jimin figured he should leave the two alone, so he grabbed all of his items to take a long, hot shower. Once he found everything, he took his towel off of his chair and headed out of the room, hoping he hadn't woken them up.

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