Chapter 18- Drunken

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Jungkook changed into a pair of pajamas, which was really just a black shirt and sweatpants, but it really wouldn't change anything. He grabbed his pain meds and a couple bottles of water. He knew at some point, Taehyung would start getting a severe headache because of all the alcohol he put into his body.

As he walked over to Taehyung's room, he made sure to be quiet, not wanting to wake up the other people near by.

Jungkook opened the door, and immediately heard a thud. When he opened the door farther, Taehyung was laying on the floor. Jungkook quickly shut the door and made his way to the elder.

"Tae are you alright?" He asked and looked at Tae. "How many fingers?" He asked and held up two fingers, seeing if the elder could see properly.

"Two is good, maybe three, but I'll need lube or it'll hurt" he said with a loud giggle. Jungkook's face flushed a crimson red at Tae's answer.

"Tae, that's not what I meant!" Jungkook said with an embarrassed tone of voice.

"I-I'm still *hick* hot!" Tae whined, completely forgetting what just happened.

"Let's get you back into bed" Jungkook said and stood up. He picked Tae up carefully and put him back in his bed.

"Kookieeeeeeee" Tae whined as Jungkook walked away from him.

"Yes, doll?" Jungkook asked as he walked over to the window.

"Come cuddle meeeeee" Tae whined again.

"I will, just let me open the window first" he said as he unlocked the window. He opened it just enough for air to flow through comfortably. He walked back over to the bed and sat down next to Taehyung, who was sprawled out on his bed, not caring he only had a shirt and panties on. Almost all of him was on display, and Jungkook had to keep control of his mind and gaze.

"Kookieee~"Tae said cutley.

"Yes doll?" Jungkook asked and turned to Tae. He was still sitting upright.

"Do you like me?" Tae asked.

"Of course I like you, Tae" Jungkook said and looked at the elder.

"No I mean, like like me. Like you get little butterflies in your tummy when you think of me, or you get all warm and mushy when I touch you" Tae asked without even realizing what he was really saying. "Cause I get butterflies in my tummy all the time with you. It tickles sometimes" Tae said with a giggle.

Jungkook wanted to say yes. He wanted to say yes so bad, hold Taehyung and kiss him for all he's worth. He wanted to be able to call Tae his and he wanted Tae to be clingy and loving towards him. But sadly, Jungkook couldn't. He couldn't tell him anything. Jungkook knew that by tomorrow morning, Tae wouldn't remember anything that happened that night. He had to spare himself his own heartache.

"Tae, let's just lay down now. We can cuddle all you want" Jungkook said with a smile.

"YAY CUDDLES" Tae yelled loudly in excitement.

"Shhhhhh, we don't wanna wake anyone up"Jungkook said and laid down next to Taehyung. The elder nodded and made himself comfortable at Jungkook's side.

"Bun, can we hold hands?" Tae asked and looked up at Jungkook with puppy eyes.

"Of course we can" Jungkook said with a smile. Tae happily grabbed Jungkook's larger hands and laced their fingers together. It was almost like their hands were meant to be together. The way Taehyung's small and fragile hands fit into Jungkook's large and masculine hands, was like a perfect match.

Just as they were finally comfortable, Jungkook's phone buzzed. Sadly, he had to let go of Tae's hand to answer the text message, which he received a pout from Taehyung for.

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