Chapter 35- Today's The Day

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Taehyung jumped slightly when Jungkook's alarm started going off. He tapped Jungkook's phone screen to turn off the alarm, and sat up slowly.

He got out of the younger's hold, making sure not to wake him up. He went over to his closet and picked out an outfit for the day, and went to the bathroom to take his shower.

Tae tried to take a shower as quick as possible. He didn't know how long it would take Jungkook to get ready, but he let the younger sleep while he showered.

When he was done, he dried off and got dressed. He only put on his shirt and underwear. He was going to put on his pants after he woke Jungkook up, so he walked back to his room and turned on one of the lights that wasn't super bright.

"Kookie, wake up" Tae whispered and poked Jungkook's cheek.

"What time is it?" the younger asked in a hoarse voice.

"It's 5:20" Taehyung answered.

"What time do you wanna leave?" Jungkook and asked and sat up.

"Twenty minutes if you'll be ready in time" Tae giggled and put his pants on.

"I'll be ready. I just have to get dressed and wash my face" the younger said and stood up. He went to his bag and pulled out clothing while Tae was drying his hair with a towel.

Jungkook got dressed and got all of his things together. Tae wrote a letter for his mom telling her where they were. They both walked downstairs to the kitchen, and Jungkook followed Tae to the garage.

"Mines the blue one" Tae said and pointed as he grabbed a pair of keys off of the small key rack that was hanging on the wall.

"You can drive?.... and you have a car?" Jungkook questioned.

"Yes I do" Tae laughed and walked towards his vehicle.

"Why don't you have it at campus?" The younger asked and went to the passenger side.

"Because I don't really need it. I walk around more at school, there's no point" the elder said and got into the the drivers side.

The two put their seatbelts on, and Tae pressed the button on the small remote sitting on his dashboard to open the garage door.

"How far away is the store?" Jungkook asked and looked at Tae.

"It's about twenty minutes away, and the store opens at nine, so we should be there by six o'clock" Taehyung said, but kept his eyes on the road.

"So we're going to be waiting in line for like three hours?" Jungkook asked.

"Yeah" Tae answered and nodded his head.

"But it's cold outside. I don't wanna stand in the cold for three hours" Jungkook pouted.

"Kooks, I have blankets we can use" Tae lugged. "And we're gonna stop for coffee before we get there."

Jungkook sighed at the thought of being outside in the chilly air for three hours straight. He wasn't really planning on buying anything, but he figured if the laptops were a reasonable price, he might as well treat himself to a new laptop.

Taehyung pulled into a parking lot, and pulled right into the drive through.

"What kind of coffee do you want?" Taehyung asked as he put his window down.

"Can I actually get a hot chocolate?" Jungkook asked.

"Yeah, of course you can" Tae giggled. "What size?"

"Medium please."

"Okay" Tae said and smiled. Someone from inside asked what they would like, and Tae ordered Jungkook's hot chocolate, and a banana coffee for himself.

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