Chapter 20- Come Back Home

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"How long are you gonna be gone?" Jimin asked his roommate.

"At most, two days. I'll be back Sunday night" Taehyung said as he zipped up his small backpack. He was going to visit his mom for the weekend. It was Friday night, a week after the party. And he would be lying if he was still upset about the whole thing.

Jungkook suggested the idea, and turns out, he was coming with too. When Tae said something to his mom about coming home to visit, his mom immediately asked if Jungkook would like to visit too. After their little chat on the phone, she was eager to meet the boy interested in her son.

"It's gonna be lonely without you though" Jimin whined slightly.

"You can hang out with Yoongi most of the time. He told Jungkook he wasn't busy at all." Tae said with a small smile.

"I guess you're right." Jimin said with a chuckle.

"Of course I am Chim" Tae laughed slightly. He stood up and put his bag on his back and walked over to Jimin. "I'll see you Sunday Chiminie" he said and hugged Jimin.

"Have fun Tae" The pink haired boy said with a smile.

"I will. And I'll call you if you'd like" Tae said and let go from the hug.

"You don't have to. Just enjoy your time with your mom and Jungkook" Jimin said and smiled.

"Ok Jimin" he said with a smile. "But I should go now" Tae said and made his way towards the door.

"Bye Tae" Jimin said and waved.

"Bye Chim!" Tae said and waved back. He exited his dorm room and walked to Jungkook and Yoongi's dorm a couple rooms down. He knocked on the door softly and Jungkook opened the door.

"Ready to go Kooks?" Tae asked the younger.

"Yeah, I'm ready. Let me get my bag and we can get going" Jungkook said and turned around and went to his bed. He made sure he had everything, especially one of the hoodies Jungkook purchased Taehyung a small while ago. He had more things to give the elder, but he decided to hold off on it for a little while. He zipped up his bag and walked back over to Tae. "Let's get a move on Tae Tae" Jungkook said with a smile.

The two walked to the front of the building together. They made their way to Jungkook's motorcycle and slipped on their helmets after packing their bags into the side satchel.

Jungkook sat down first and Tae followed. The elder put his arms around Jungkook's torso and waited for him to start moving.

"Ready to go doll?" Jungkook asked.

"Yes" Tae said and tightened his grip on the younger as he started the motorcycle. Jungkook turned the engine on and gave it a small rev before pulling out of his parking space. He looked both ways before starting the drive to Tae's home.


"Tae, what flowers should I buy?" Jungkook asked the elder as he looked at the several bouquets of flowers in the store they stopped at.

"Why are you getting flowers?" Tae asked and looked at the younger. He readjusted the grocery basket he has in his hands.

"For you mom. First impressions are everything" Jungkook said with a chuckle.

"Aren't you cute" Tae said with a laugh. "She likes pink roses."

"Then that's what I will buy" Jungkook stated as he picked up the flowers. "Do you have everything you need?"the younger asked.

"Yup. At least I think I do" Tae said and looked around in the basket. It was filled with candy, mostly because he was planning on watching movies all night. "I have everything I want. Do you have everything?" Tae asked the younger.

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